Chapter 172
When Mu Changxuan came, he saw such a scene.The feeling she gives him is always so pure that he can't take his eyes off her. Even if it's just a very ordinary dress, he is deeply fascinated. The night wind occasionally sweeps her ponytail, which makes his heart burst rippling.

She lowered her head and kicked the pebbles on the spot. In Mu Changxuan's eyes, she was so naive. How old is she, why is her thinking so immature?Even though he thought so in his heart, he looked at it very comfortably. His pair of deep eyes seemed to want to suck her into his body. That desire was so urgent and strong.

They had only been separated for a few hours, and he couldn't help but want to see her. Could it be that he really fell in love with her?He had never experienced that kind of desire. Even Du Yujin, after such a long separation, never made him feel this way. He felt that he might be crazy!
He stood in the same place, separated by a distance, without any sign of stepping forward, because he didn't want to destroy the beauty of this moment, if he could look at her like this, that would be great!

Bai Xiaoyou seemed to feel something, stopped the movement of his feet, raised his face, just in time to see his stalwart body standing not far away, he was startled, he didn't know how long he had been here.

His aura is always so strong, even if there is some distance between him, she seems to be able to feel the domineeringness exuded from him, a look, a word, or a subtle movement are irresistible .Against the backdrop of the street lamps, his handsome facial features look more profound and three-dimensional. Are you thin because you work too hard with your fiancee these days?

The two looked at each other silently for a while, and a strange feeling spread in their hearts.

"When did you come, why..." His tall figure gradually approached her petite body, Bai Xiaoyou raised her eyes, looking at his enlarged handsome face and asked.

He didn't allow her to speak, and curled his lips coldly, "Bai Xiaoyou, you owe me another favor."

It was too easy for him to find someone. The reason why he made it so complicated was not because he couldn't bear the throbbing in his heart. He wanted to find a suitable reason to see her.

When will she understand?If she is not so stubborn and obedient, he will love her well, but after all, she is a little beast that is difficult to tame, and sometimes, he has nothing to do with her stubborn temper.

When Bai Xiaoyou heard him say that he owed favors, she knew that he had already settled the matter. After realizing what he said, she immediately replied aggrievedly to the furry kitten, "It shouldn't be considered a debt, I am for you. After being hurt so much, I can't even be a mother in the future, so it shouldn't be a big deal for you to help me."

What does she owe him? Isn't it enough for him to do a small favor after suffering so much? He didn't say it. Is there anything I can ask him to solve?

Mu Changxuan stared at her stubborn little face, the slightly pouty red lips looked very cute, and a wave of uncontrollable heat surged in his heart.Damn it, why can't he control it when he sees her?

"Heh, do you know how to bargain?" His dark eyes flickered slightly, looking at her with incomparably hot eyes.

Sensing that something was wrong with his emotions, Bai Xiaoyou instinctively took a few steps on his hind legs, his face was as red as the clouds in the sky, and he looked even more charming under the dim light, "In the first place, don't think I'm easy to bully, you always feel that I owe you money." What happened to you, now we owe each other nothing."

Is he going to turn into a wolf again? Could it be that Ye Min still can't satisfy him?

Seeing her retreating with a panicked expression, his face gradually darkened, and the sense of conquest in his heart became stronger. She retreated step by step, and he pressed forward step by step, until...

(End of this chapter)

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