Chapter 173
"Ah!" A scream pierced the sky, and he quickly stretched out his long arms to hug her body that almost fell to the ground.

Bai Xiaoyou looked at him panting, her small face showing complicated emotions at the moment, because she was too nervous just now, she didn't notice the steps behind her, and she stepped on the air, if he hadn't made a timely move, she would have already fell to the ground.Why does she act so embarrassed every time she sees her?All of this is not thanks to him, so it's fine to talk, why force her to retreat?

"Let go of me!" Bai Xiaoyou roared angrily, trying to break free from his arms.

Mu Changxuan saw that she was so disgusted with him, a coldness flashed in his deep eyes, he slightly curled his lips, and his voice was lazy and charming, which aroused people's imagination, "Do you dare to say that you didn't provoke me first? Huh? "He dragged on the last word, and the deep and hoarse voice made the woman in his arms tremble slightly.

Bai Xiaoyou was in his arms, with the familiar smell, she could clearly feel his strong heartbeat, maybe she wanted to follow his rhythm, her heart also followed him, beating wildly, and the words she said were full of emotion. With a slight tremor, "What do you want, let me go."

"I said you would thank me tonight." Mu Changxuan squeezed her slender waist with one hand, and supported her chin with the other. The light, the longing in those eyes is so deep, the desire to get her is even stronger.

Bai Xiaoyou looked at him timidly, her heart was already beating wildly uncontrollably, she wanted to resist but couldn't exert any strength, "I'm recovering from a serious illness and I can't serve you, besides you already have a fiancee, you can Find her to solve it." She lowered her head and spoke boldly, hoping that these words would awaken his confused consciousness.

Hearing this, Mu Changxuan's hot body immediately cooled down, his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and he gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence, "Bai Xiaoyou, you are quite courageous!" !"

This woman is truly a sight!

"President, please respect yourself!" Bai Xiaoyou took the opportunity to break free from his embrace, and reminded the two of their identities in a strange tone.

A face that was already dark, after she said these words, her complexion turned cold like an iceberg that would not melt for thousands of years, those dark eyes stared fiercely at the woman in front of her, and then, the corners of her mouth A bloodthirsty smile floated up, "Okay, you thought I was really interested in you?"

"Thank you today, I'm going back." After Bai Xiaoyou finished speaking, she ran towards the community, fearing that he would pull her back.

"I'll wait for you at the airport the day after tomorrow!" Behind him came an order in a cold voice. Although it was just an ordinary statement, it completely drew the line between the two of them.

Cheng Peige got news from Lin Yifei two hours after calling Bai Xiaoyou. She didn't expect Bai Xiaoyou to be so capable, and she really helped her find Lin Yifei.

She is really stupid, why didn't she think that he would be in her private apartment?He usually seldom stays here, unless he is in a bad mood and wants to be quiet alone.

"Boss, so you are here, which caused me to search all the entertainment clubs in city A." Cheng Peige rang the doorbell for a long time before the drunk Lin Yifei became conscious. If he didn't open the door again, she doubted that she would Call Mrs. Lin.

Lin Yifei swayed his body, looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him, narrowed his long and narrow peach eyes slightly, his blurry face became clearer and clearer in his heart, and whispered, "Xiaoyou, are you here?"

Cheng Peige closed the door conveniently, supported his swaying body on the sofa and reclined. The coffee table and the ground were full of alcoholic wreckage, and the whole room was filled with a strong smell of alcohol. She frowned slightly, her clear pair of Eyes full of distress, squatting beside him, coaxing softly, "Boss, stop drinking, you'll get drunk!"

(End of this chapter)

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