Chapter 174
Lin Yifei's vision had long been blurred, and he could only see one person in his mind. He uncontrollably hugged Cheng Peige who was squatting on the ground, like a spoiled child, "Okay, I won't drink anymore, You are with me, in fact, I feel really sad."

Cheng Peige was overwhelmed by his movements, and could only let him hold her body, but why did she feel a little throbbing in her heart, and she didn't seem to be disgusted with his hug.

In order to keep him from thinking wildly, she leaned on his shoulder, patted his back lightly with her hand, and said softly, "Well, I'll make you some hangover soup for you, and you lie down."

"Don't, don't go, don't go!" Hearing that she was leaving, he hugged her body even tighter. Cheng Peige's body stiffened for a moment, and his face turned red.

It can be said that this is the first time she is hugged by a man like this?She had never been in a relationship before, so she didn't know that the physical contact between two people would feel like this.Even through the front of her clothes, she could still feel an electric current passing through her body, which was numb and inexplicable.

There is no way, reasoning with a drunk person is like playing the piano with a cow. Cheng Peige helped him to lie down on the sofa, and she sat beside him, persuading him patiently, "Okay, I won't go."

"You're so kind!" Lin Yifei tightly grabbed her delicate little hand, fearing that the woman in front of him would disappear if he let go, so he acted so cautiously.

Cheng Peige found that he was staring at her motionlessly, feeling a little uncomfortable being stared at by him, his clean face was stained with a blush, and whispered to him, "Well, go to bed quickly."

Unexpectedly, the man who was lying quietly on the sofa suddenly pulled her body, and her body fell on his strong chest. He wrapped his hands around her waist, and his voice was a little lazy, "You hug her?" sleep with me!"

Cheng Peige's heart was going up and down non-stop, his face was flushed with shame because of his action, "cough cough, boss, you?"

"You don't agree?" Lin Yifei's charming face looked even more beautiful and delicate because of drinking, and there seemed to be an electric current in her eyes, sweeping her into a trance.

How could Cheng Peige stand his temptation? Her heart was already in a mess. She lay quietly beside him, with her small head on his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat, "Okay, Alright, go to sleep, I'll hold you in my arms!"

After a long time, she didn't hear his answer. She thought he was asleep, and a murmur came to her ears, "Xiaoyou, let's get married!"

"Okay!" Cheng Peige replied bitterly, not knowing what he was doing right now.

The two huddled together on the small sofa and slept together. After an unknown amount of time, Cheng Peige heard his even breathing, and his tense heart gradually eased.But she still remained the same, not daring to move.Slowly raised his eyelids, his evil face was exposed in front of her without a trace of concealment, Lin Yifei closed his eyes lightly, unable to see those evil eyes, Cheng Peige was a little disappointed, he was sleeping peacefully , the perfect jaw draws a beautiful arc...

How can there be such a good-looking man?

When Bai Xiaoyou returned to the room, her heart was still in the ambiguous atmosphere with him just now. The feeling of blushing and heartbeat was too familiar. She was afraid that if it was only the two of them on a business trip with him this time, he would induce herself again, and she would Will it get out of hand?

I thought it would be awkward to go on a business trip with him, but I didn't expect to see him and Ye Min embracing each other as soon as I arrived at the airport.She stood at the entrance of the airport and watched his tall figure gradually approaching the beautiful woman. The scene was so harmonious that she even forgot that she was a rival in love.

(End of this chapter)

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