The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 184 Do you want to wash with me

Chapter 184 Do you want to wash with me (2)
This action undoubtedly ignited a certain man's unbearable anger. He took her hand away, turned around, and looked at her coldly. His eyes were so sharp that he seemed to kill the woman in front of him.Are you getting bolder?After getting along for a few days, do you really think of yourself as the sixth lady?

Ah!Madam Six, originally he really wanted to give this woman such a dazzling halo, but now, he suddenly regretted it!

"Who told you so much?" Mu Changxuan's complexion was gloomy, and his tone was frighteningly light.

Ye Min tried her best not to look at his face. After being rejected for the second time, she felt somewhat lost and wronged, but she was unwilling to let go of such a great opportunity, and her body slowly approached like an iceberg again. He, whispering softly in his ear, that charming voice is captivating, "Let me serve you, anyway, we are getting married soon."

Mu Changxuan didn't expect her to be so courageous, and repeatedly gave her warning eyes to no avail.This time, he pointed at the door impatiently and yelled, "Get out!" The three words were sonorous and forceful, which made Ye Min's body tremble, and his heart went cold to the bone.

Where has she ever been insulted like this? Others are vying to get her, but he, his own blatant seduction can't arouse his interest, which undoubtedly hurt her self-esteem.

She has learned the ruthlessness of this man, but she just doesn't understand why the man who has taken good care of her all day long has become so indifferent and ruthless at this moment, the words pity and pity will never appear in his dictionary Let's go!No matter how thick-skinned she was, at this moment his ruthless words made her feel ashamed, and she left his room in embarrassment with her tired body.

"Sixth Master?" After Ye Min left, Mu Changxuan became even more irritable. Shouldn't he teach such a difficult woman a lesson?

"Who let Ye Min in, go and receive the punishment yourself!" Mu Changxuan coldly ordered to his subordinates.

It's all upside down, do you really think of Ye Min as the future Mrs. Mu?Oh, ridiculous!
After Bai Xiaoyou left Mu Changxuan, he kept in mind what he said just before leaving.He said, Bai Xiaoyou, so you really don't have me in your heart!
The hurt eyes were so real, although she still couldn't believe that Mu Changxuan, who was always indifferent, would show such emotion, but it really existed!

That night, both of them fell asleep with a heavy heart.

Early the next morning, Bai Xiaoyou's spirits were still not very good. They were about to set off to an undeveloped town, and they heard that it would take more than three hours to reach the destination. She was already ready to sleep along the way.

I hope I don't ride in the same car with Mu Changxuan!She prayed in her heart.

Bai Xiaoyou stood on the steps of the hotel, watching three black off-road vehicles waiting neatly at the entrance of the hotel, worrying about which car to take, a cold voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Why are you standing there, come up!" Suddenly, Mu Changxuan's stern face was exposed to the air through the car, and she was in a daze for a moment, as if nothing happened to them last night.

Bai Xiaoyou stepped forward, about to open the co-pilot's door, but was stopped by him again.

"Sit back!" There was an irresistible command in his voice.

Bai Xiaoyou was taken aback when he heard his order, did he want the three of them to sit together?Too lazy to think about it, she obediently got into the back seat of the car, only to find out that Ye Min was not in the car.

"Ma'am, she..." Bai Xiaoyou couldn't help being curious, her eyes involuntarily swept around, but she still couldn't find Ye Min.

(End of this chapter)

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