The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 185 Do you want to wash with me

Chapter 185 Do you want to wash with me (3)
The man sitting next to her had a gloomy face and exuded a cold aura that made it impossible for people to get close, and the words he spit out were like ice sculptures in winter, so cold that it made people tremble, "It's not your business, drive! "

Bai Xiaoyou put the briefcase in between the two of them, peeking at his expression.I saw him sitting like a sculpture, his unparalleled handsome face appeared even more dazzling under the occasional sunlight, his eyes were slightly squinted, not as sharp as before, his beautiful brows were slightly frowned, perhaps Think about something annoying!Tightly pursing his thin lips, it showed that he was not in a good mood at the moment.

It's no wonder that some women like him. Apart from his weird personality, he is indeed an unparalleled handsome man. If it is not too cold, there will be many wild flowers around him every day!
lady?This little girl really knows how to stab a knife in the heart of a person's heart. If she is called Ye Min like this, won't she feel a little unhappy?

Although they were sitting together, there was a briefcase between them, just like the distance between them, maybe they didn't break the distance, otherwise why would it be so painful?
In the end, Mu Changxuan placed the briefcase on his right hand, and the bodies of the two gradually approached, like two unsteady hearts, comforting and warming each other.

"We're going into the mountains ahead, and the road conditions are not very good. Sit down." He suddenly said, with concern in his tone.

No matter what she did to him, he still couldn't help caring about her and feeling sorry for her, as if it had become a part of his life and was indispensable.

Hearing his instructions, Bai Xiaoyou slightly turned her head looking out of the window, just in time to meet his plump and handsome face, her face blushed naturally, and she replied in a low voice, "Oh!" Hands folded together, at a loss.

Mu Changxuan, it's okay, why do you show such a provocative expression, it's easy to be misunderstood, okay?
Seeing her shyness, my heart moved, and I couldn't help hooking her petite body into my arms. The two hearts, at this moment, couldn't stop beating wildly.

"You?" Bai Xiaoyou looked up at him with disbelief.

What is he doing? If Ye Min sees it, won't he be finished?
"Shut up!" As if he didn't want to explain to her, he said two words coldly, and then stopped talking, just wanting to enjoy the moment of peace between the two of them.

Along the way, the mountain road was rugged and bumpy, and occasionally physical contact between them was unavoidable.Even if two people can only touch each other in this way and feel the familiar taste exuded from each other, at least it can give two people a short-term comfort in their hearts.

This tranquility makes the two look like lovers who have been in love for many years, so harmonious and so tacit, people can't help but envy.

But this beautiful picture was finally destroyed by the sudden emergency brake.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Mu Changxuan grabbed her body that was leaning forward, and his heart was so nervous that it almost jumped out of his chest.

"How did you drive?" After such a fright, he hugged the woman in his arms even tighter, fearing that something bad would happen to her if he let go.

Hearing his cold scolding, the driver in front wanted to explain, "Master Liu..." There was a big rock in front of him just now, and he almost ran into it before he could react in time.

It's all because of their Sixth Master's convulsions, which made him unable to drive properly.I don't know why I went crazy last night, I had to send Miss Ye back to City A, and I was so tender to Secretary Bai again early this morning, I don't understand, I really don't understand!

(End of this chapter)

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