The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 193 Why Can't You Bear Me

Chapter 193 Why Can't You Bear Me (1)
Ever since Bai Lingxuan came, Mu Ziqing hadn't been in the mood to work all afternoon.He had doubts before, but he didn't dare to think about it. Although he didn't believe it when he said it today, he still felt uncomfortable. Of course, the most important thing is that he saw Mu Chang in the hospital earlier. Xuan's concern for Bai Xiaoyou, as well as the hurt eyes, are really hard to understand.His sixth uncle has always been indifferent, and has always been a person who doesn't care about other people's business. Bai Xiaoyou is just his secretary, how could he show such emotions?

Uncle Six is ​​really strange to Xiaoyou. They say they are lovers, but they don't look like each other, but it doesn't matter, and they seem to be different from other people.What was the difference, he couldn't say.

Thinking about this, he hurriedly dialed Bai Xiaoyou's phone, and listened to the ringtone from the other end of the phone with an uneasy heart.

At this time, Bai Xiaoyou fell asleep in Mu Changxuan's arms, but the man holding her body did not feel sleepy at all, staring at the sleeping face of the woman in his arms in deep thought.

Mu Changxuan felt that ever since he met her, his brain was sometimes out of his control. How could he, who was always calm, spend so much time on a woman? It was inconceivable for him to think of it occasionally.

He clearly agreed that it would be the last time, but he couldn't help but provoke her.He never turned his back on anything or anyone, but such a principle didn't work in the slightest in front of her.Just like back then, he liked Du Yujin so much, but she challenged his patience several times, so that he finally lost confidence and chose to let go.

When Du Yujin left, he was indeed sad for a while, but after a long time, he also walked out of the pain.But after breaking up with Bai Xiaoyou, he couldn't bear the pain of longing for her. The crazy miss made him almost lose his mind, and then made him do such childish things, all just to get closer to her , keep her by his side.

Is he really in love with her, or is he nostalgic for her body?In the dimly lit room, the two hearts of the two people were tightly attached to each other at this moment. If the mobile phone on the bedside table hadn't suddenly rang, this harmonious scene might have lasted for a long time.

Mu Changxuan reached out to pick up the white mobile phone on the bedside table. When he saw the name on the screen, the hand holding the mobile phone gradually tightened. Crumble it.Mu Ziqing?Oh, should he make a move?In the past, he wanted to fulfill the two of them, but afterwards he found that he couldn't do it at all.

No matter what will happen to him and Bai Xiaoyou in the future, but at this moment he doesn't want to let go of her hand, and he doesn't want any man to covet her.The phone rang tiredly, and the woman next to her seemed to feel it. The brows that were originally soothing were slightly frowned at this time, and with a muffled grunt, she turned over and continued to sleep.

Mu Changxuan hung up the phone and turned off Bai Xiaoyou's cell phone directly, so he wouldn't let anyone bother him!
As for Mu Ziqing over here, she made dozens of phone calls but no one answered, but the phone was turned off when she finally dialed, and the anxiety and fear in her heart became more and more intense.No, no, Xiaoyou won't be with Sixth Uncle...

Like crazy, he kept dialing the familiar number, but no matter how many times he dialed, the same female voice came from the phone, sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off.

This kind of repeated words caused a thousand waves in his heart, he was turned upside down, and he lost his original calmness.

"Help me book a ticket to City C, within two hours!" He ordered the secretary, ready to find out.

(End of this chapter)

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