The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 194 Why Can't You Bear Me

Chapter 194 Why Can't You Bear Me (2)
The secretary's sweet reminder sounded from the other end of the phone, "Mr. Mu, we have an appointment for a video conference with the French branch at four o'clock." The president is not here, and many things need to be handled by the general manager. If you leave at this time, the company may...

"Cancel, everything is cancelled, we'll talk about it when I come back." Mu Ziqing became even more agitated when he heard the secretary question his decision, and yelled at the other end of the phone.

Is it because he usually behaves too easy to talk, which makes them all turn upside down, when he should be like Uncle Six, and make them afraid of himself!
"But, general manager..." You still need to take care of everything in the company, so it's really inappropriate for you to leave at this time.The secretary just started talking, but was forcibly suppressed by Mu Ziqing.

"If I tell you to order it, you can order it. Where did you come from so much nonsense." Mu Ziqing ordered patiently, and the secretary on the other end of the phone was taken aback by his cold tone.

General Manager Mu is gentle and gentle. Although she hasn't been with him for long, she still has some understanding of his character. He never speaks to his subordinates in a fierce tone, which makes people feel like a ray of sunshine in winter , It makes people feel like a spring breeze.It was the first time that it was as abnormal as today.

After Mu Ziqing ordered everything, she still felt uneasy, and continued to call Bai Xiaoyou, but the answer on the other end was still the same, which made him feel disheartened.

Xiaoyou, you can't do it, can you?He recited these words silently in his heart like crazy, and strong fear and uneasiness welled up in his heart, making it impossible for him to say anything.


After Ye Min was forcibly sent back to City A by Mu Changxuan, he was depressed all the time.She didn't understand, why did the man who cared so much for her change his face as soon as he said it? Could it be that there was something wrong with her charm, and that naked seduction couldn't arouse his interest?
She really doubted that he couldn't do it?In order to prove her dazzling charm, Ye Min came to the bar wearing a sexy black lace tight dress. Her enchanting and sexy figure and bewitching face became the most dazzling light in the bar.In particular, her crazy dancing on the dance floor caused enthusiastic screams and shouts from the men around her, and even a few drunk men surrounded her and danced with her, taking the opportunity to attack the beauty's body a certain part.

Heh, she is still that dazzling woman, no man can resist her temptation no matter where she is.Mu Changxuan, what kind of person are you?If a man is really not good, how could he have such a huge aura, she would rather believe that her charm has diminished than believe that such a stern man would be - no way!
Ye Min's self-esteem was hurt by Mu Changxuan, she was inevitably upset, she decided that as long as there was a man she liked tonight, she would fight it out. At the age of 25, after experiencing the passion of love between men and women, she could no longer bear the loneliness of the long night.

Since Mu Changxuan refused to have her, she should learn more about the relationship between men and women.She wants to see how long that indifferent man can support, no matter how strong Bai Lian Gang is, he will be crushed at some point.When he comes back, she will definitely not give up her attack on Mu Changxuan. Men, especially successful men like Mu Changxuan, can save face occasionally.

Before that, she also investigated Mu Changxuan, and learned that apart from his past with Du Yujin, there had never been any women in his life. Now Du Yujin turned around to chase him, but he refused. It is enough to show that this man doesn't like to turn back, and this is a good opportunity.

He is really a decisive and ruthless man. If she is convinced that Mu Changxuan has no affection for Du Yujin, she really does not believe it, but in her eyes, Mu Changxuan is a principled man. No matter how good he was, no matter how much he loved in the past, it was all in the past. On the surface, he would not miss anything, but in his heart, he still couldn't let go.It's just that she likes such a man, no matter what it is, he will make a decision without delay.

(End of this chapter)

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