The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 195 Why Can't You Bear Me

Chapter 195 Why Can't You Bear Me (3)
Even if he pretends to be Du Yujin in his heart now, she still has the confidence to occupy that position in his heart!
She didn't believe that that man would remember Du Yujin for the rest of his life. After all, it was a thing of the past. He couldn't just stop loving Du Yujin in the future!

Mu Changxuan, just wait, I will make you surrender step by step, from now on you can only be my man!


As night fell, Mu Changxuan gazed affectionately at the woman in his arms, carefully laid her body flat, reluctantly got up from the bed, and watched her sleeping posture while getting dressed.After everything was ready, he kissed her lightly on the forehead, rubbing his big hand back and forth on her lips.If it hadn't been interrupted by the voice outside the door, Mu Changxuan wouldn't have known that he had gone mad at this time.Originally, he made an appointment to meet the local magistrate at six o'clock. Seeing that she was sleeping so soundly, he couldn't bear to wake her up, and planned to leave a note for her to socialize alone, but he didn't expect that this little woman would make him miss her so much. , if it wasn't for the reminder from his subordinates, he probably forgot the time and continued to indulge in the world of the two of them.

"Master Liu!" The subordinate outside the door politely reminded him that he had been wandering outside for a long time. If he disturbed Mr. Liu's good deeds, he would inevitably be punished. After much deliberation, he would die anyway, so it would be better to be more straightforward.

Liu Ye was always punctual, but today was strange, it was already [-]:[-], if he didn't leave, he might be late.Their sixth master was physically strong, and they had already seen it before. That time when they were asked to guard the door of the women's bathroom, he and Secretary Bai's groans came from inside, which made them all blush.

Cough cough, it won't be an afternoon, things haven't finished yet, right?

Suddenly, Mu Changxuan's cold order came from the room, "Wait outside for 5 minutes."

Although the voice was cold, there was no reprimand, which relieved the subordinates waiting outside the door. Perhaps it was because the exercise in the afternoon was too intense and Liu Ye overslept.

Mu Changxuan was dressed in a well-fitting pure black suit, and his tall figure stepped out of the room, blocking the entire room, and then reached out to close the door, preventing anyone from peeping.From the outsiders' point of view, this kind of behavior seems to him to be hiding something that shouldn't be hidden. He is afraid of being discovered by others. He can sum up his movement this time in four words - Jinwu Zangjiao.

The subordinates noticed that Mu Liuye's face was not very good, it was so cold that it made people tremble, if they hadn't been used to being around him all year round, they might have been frightened by his aura at this moment.

Could it be that I disturbed Liu Ye and made Liu Ye unhappy?

In the past, as long as Liu Ye and Secretary Bai took it for one night, they would be in a surprisingly good mood the next day, but today's behavior is really unpredictable.Master Liu and Secretary Bai had a fight?No, they didn't hear the quarrel at all, and when they came out, they saw Master Liu protecting Secretary Bai like that, so it couldn't be because of the quarrel.

Why?Maybe it's because our mighty sixth master hasn't enjoyed himself enough in that kind of thing?

This idea is on the edge of the edge. If you want to say why Liu Ye's face is gloomy, it's not because Xiao Youyou tortured him to the point of madness. In that kind of thing, he never knew that he would not be able to control it.Can physical forbearance make him happy?But he wanted to hug her to sleep again, so that his heart was almost burned to death by the fire of desire.

The two subordinates followed behind him, not daring to show their air, and the two men winked at each other, not wanting to bump into the gun.Coming out of the hotel, Mu Changxuan got into the off-road vehicle that had been waiting outside, and the subordinate who opened the door for him reported to him.

(End of this chapter)

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