The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 196 Why Can't You Bear Me

Chapter 196 Why Can't You Bear Me (4)
"Sixth Master, news came from City A that Secretary Bai's mother had a heart attack and is currently being treated in the hospital."

After hearing this, Mu Changxuan got out of the car before he could sit still. His face was even more ugly at this time. With a cold face, his dark eyes swept everyone present sharply, and the words he spit out were icy cold. Like the soul bell in hell, "When did it happen?"

"Two hours ago!" Seeing him coming out of the car, the subordinate lowered his head, not daring to look at his face.

Mu Changxuan yelled at the subordinates behind him, and walked towards the hotel with vigorous steps, "Why did you report it now?" What happened two hours ago, why didn't these people tell him until now? I really don't know what these people can usually do !

Hearing Mu Changxuan's cold questioning, several subordinates followed behind him speechlessly. They couldn't help but wonder, didn't you tell Liu Ye not to disturb him before 05:30?
"Prepare the car, go back!" Suddenly, he stopped his forward steps, turned around and gave a stern order to his subordinates behind him.

"Don't let Secretary Bai know about this for the time being." He thought to himself, it's impossible to keep things secret, and every minute that can save her pain is one point.


After giving these orders, he continued to walk in the direction of the elevator, not knowing how to speak to the sleeping woman in the room, as if thinking of something, he continued to order the subordinates behind him, "Wait, get the best doctor for her mother, The people over there told me that they must be rescued at all costs."


He has tried his best, and whether he can be rescued depends on God's will.He also knew that Bai Xiaoyou had been oppressed by Bai Yuchen since she was a child, her mother was everything to her, if Chen Hui died, she might be immersed in pain for a long time and unable to get out.This is what he doesn't want to see. Now, as long as she is unhappy, he will be unhappy. If her heart hurts, he will suffer more than her.

Back in the room, seeing the sleeping woman, Mu Changxuan took off his suit jacket, revealing his white shirt, walked to the bed, and softly called the woman on the bed.

"Xiaoyou, Xiaoyou..."

Bai Xiaoyou's consciousness was fuzzy. He heard someone calling him in a haze, frowned slightly, and said a word from his red lips, "Mmm..." Then he turned over and continued to sleep with his back facing Mu Changxuan.

It may be that she was just recovering from a serious illness and her body was weak. The long journey made her body overwhelmed, so she couldn't wake up no matter how she slept.Thinking of this reason, Mu Changxuan felt an unspeakable pain in his heart. He would never allow such a thing to happen in the future. Before her body recovered, he could not allow her to become pregnant again.

When he saw the blood in the tea room that day, he couldn't believe it could be hers, and thinking about it now made him terrified for a long time.

Seeing that she didn't show signs of waking up, he patiently turned her body with her back to him to face him, coaxing softly, "Get up, we're going back."

Hearing his voice, Bai Xiaoyou frowned even tighter, and muttered to herself, "Well, I'm so sleepy and tired..."

Hearing her slight groan, Mu Changxuan's heart tightened, and he slowly covered her forehead with his big hand, only to realize that she had a fever again. No wonder she was so lethargic, but he didn't notice anything wrong with her, really...

If the incident with her mother hadn't happened, he would have gone out to socialize now, and he might not come back until very late. I really don't know if she would be so stupid by then?No, no, he wouldn't let her have anything, absolutely not.

(End of this chapter)

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