The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 232 Don't Say Thank You To Me

Chapter 232 Don't Say Thank You To Me (5)
"Didn't you do it on purpose, you still come to ask me what's going on now, Mu Changxuan, you are really cruel!" Mu Ziqing seemed to be crazy, and didn't care about Mu Changxuan's questioning at all.

It must be that Mu Changxuan deliberately asked someone to give him a difficult problem. The contract was fine when he read it yesterday. Why did he write an extra zero in today's data?From the original 500 million to 5000 million, the company almost suffered injustice.

"Mu Ziqing, don't you understand the reason why people who wish to admit defeat?" Mu Changxuan knew that Mu Ziqing suspected that he was avenging him publicly, so he didn't bother to explain, so he glanced at him coldly, slightly pursed his lips, and his tone was very soft, but let People were shocked when they heard it.

Those who wish to admit defeat?Ah!Mu Ziqing couldn't help sneering in his heart, did he think he had won? As long as he and Bai Xiaoyou didn't get married for a day, he would have a chance!He never believed that Mu Changxuan could give Xiaoyou happiness, and one day Bai Xiaoyou would see his true face clearly.

"Mu Changxuan, what on earth do you want? Do you want Xiaoyou to be your lover forever?" A faint look of anger gradually appeared on Mu Ziqing's jade-like face, apologizing for Bai Xiaoyou.

It would be fine if Mu Changxuan could give Bai Xiaoyou happiness, but he did nothing but admit that she was his woman, how could he watch Bai Xiaoyou suffer such grievances.

Hearing him mention Bai Xiaoyou, a certain man's face froze instantly, his deep eyes looked straight into his eyes, wanting to see everything in his heart thoroughly.Why does Mu Ziqing love Bai Xiaoyou so much? Don't you think it's futile?Ah!If you want to fight with him, he will accompany you to the end!

"You have no right to intervene in her affairs!" Mu Changxuan's face was gloomy and his tone was cold.

He was particularly annoyed that other men called Bai Xiaoyou so intimately. Once, he also saw the text message this man sent to Bai Xiaoyou. Those ambiguous words really made him jealous.

"Mu Changxuan..."

These three words undoubtedly made a certain man's anger even more intense. He sneered and scolded, "President Mu, this is a company. Have you forgotten even the most basic manners?"

"You don't have to be too complacent, I will definitely not let you succeed, as long as I don't die, I will pursue Xiaoyou to the end." Mu Ziqing ignored his scolding, the hatred in his eyes was so obvious, what else did he care about?
Hearing his firm determination, Mu Changxuan's face became a little colder, his knuckles were crackling, and the coldness emanating from his body was enough to make people's hands and feet feel cold.

There was silence, their eyes met, and the air was filled with thick anger. Neither of them had the slightest intention to back down.

"Don't talk about personal affairs during working hours. General Manager Mu has repeatedly made mistakes. You should go back to cultivate your health and rest for a while." Mu Changxuan ordered coldly, with a dangerous smile on his cold face.

very good!It seemed that he didn't take the warning that day to heart, and since that was the case, there was no need for him to show mercy.As long as there are men who provoke Bai Xiaoyou, he will eradicate them one by one!

"You?" Mu Ziqing didn't expect that he would use this trick to deal with him. As soon as Mu Changxuan's words came out, his aura weakened obviously.

During this period of time, he did make a lot of mistakes in his work. At this moment, Mu Changxuan used this reason to make him irrefutable, so ruthless!
"Why, do you need me to tell the old man about your work attitude these days?" Mu Changxuan's voice had a victorious tone.

Dare to fight him, this is just the beginning!Mu Ziqing repeatedly made mistakes at work, enough to pull him down from the position of general manager, but he still didn't want to go too far, and wanted to give him a chance to reflect on himself first. If he still doesn't change his mind, Hugh! Blame him for disregarding the feelings of uncle and nephew.

(End of this chapter)

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