The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 233 Don't Say Thank You To Me

Chapter 233 Don't Say Thank You To Me (6)
"Since this is the case, it is better to obey orders than respect."

Mu Ziqing held his breath in his heart, but he had no reason to refute his decision, so he could only swallow his anger and leave.

It's good to rest for a while, he really needs time to digest all this.However, for Bai Xiaoyou, he never thought of giving up.She and Mu Changxuan will not be happy together, only he can give it!
"Six-Master!" As soon as Mu Ziqing left, his subordinates called out in panic, making Mu Changxuan restless for a moment. These days, everything came together, and he was busy until three or four o'clock in the morning every night. Sleep, really tired.

"What's the panic?" Mu Changxuan rubbed the center of his brows wearily, sitting on the executive chair, his handsome face was full of tiredness.

"It's Mr. Milder. Flight Z677 from Paris to City A this afternoon was hit by a major attack, causing the plane to crash. According to current intelligence, no one is spared."

"What?" Hearing the news, the man in the executive chair stood up from the chair with a whoosh, his face full of surprise and panic.

What to do, he and Bai Xiaoyou agreed that he would perform an operation for Chen Hui the day after tomorrow, but now... Of course, he also feels sorry for Mild, unexpectedly, he innocently killed a person because of Bai Xiaoyou.

This man, who had never been afraid of anything, felt a trace of panic in his heart at this moment.If Mild hadn't operated on Chen Hui, her chances of surviving would have been very slim.He didn't dare to imagine what Bai Xiaoyou would be like after losing Chen Hui. In short, he just didn't want her to feel sad at all.

"In this way, immediately contact other cardiologists abroad. Remember, the most authoritative one must be performed within these two days." After a pause for a few seconds, he regained his usual composure calm.


"Also, don't let Ms. Bai know about Mild's death for the time being." Mu Changxuan seemed to have thought of something, and before his subordinate left, he gave another worried instruction.

In order not to make her anxious, he couldn't disclose this news, and let him solve everything. If he let her know, it would only increase his burden at this time.

"Don't worry, Liu Ye, I'll do it right away." The subordinates had never seen such a panicked look on their own Liu Ye, so how could they dare to be negligent in the slightest.

After everything was ready, Mu Changxuan closed his eyes and thought of Bai Xiaoyou's panicked expression, which made him very sad.After thinking for a few seconds, he pressed the call button and gave a cold command to the other end of the phone.

"The meeting in the afternoon will be postponed until [-] o'clock tomorrow morning, and all departments will be notified to go to work an hour and a half earlier tomorrow. In the evening, you will help me deliver your presents to Mr. Chen's birthday party. I report."

"Yes, President!"

After Mu Changxuan explained everything, he came to the hospital. Through the glass window, he watched her quietly talking to the woman on the hospital bed. Her full lips opened and closed, and occasionally she would smile, showing a smile in her gestures. The demeanor is a bit naive, but it is very natural, and it makes him fascinated and obsessed.

His tall figure stood in front of the ward, and the nurses who occasionally passed by saw his handsome and charming profile, and couldn't help but marvel in their hearts that this man was too good.

Bai Xiaoyou seemed to feel something, she turned her head slightly, and met his deep eyes through the glass window, the blazing heat from the bottom of the eyes moved her heart.She smiled at him, and one look said it all.

"You're here, why is it so early today?" She explained to her mother, and when she came out of the ward, she caught sight of him standing in the corridor.

(End of this chapter)

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