The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 410 If She Doesn't Leave Him, She Will Never Abandon Him

Chapter 410 If She Doesn't Leave Him, She Will Never Abandon Him (1)
Lin Yifei and Cheng Peige returned to the company from the wedding scene and spent the whole day busy. In the evening, their queen mother called and said that there was a distinguished guest at home, and asked him to go home for dinner at night.

Needless to say, of course he knew who the honored guest his queen mother was talking about. Besides Mu Yunchu, who else could make his queen mother so caring?I saw him at the wedding tomorrow morning, which is good, I haven't seen him all afternoon, and I went to his house to find someone in the evening!

In the morning, the wedding ended in chaos. Before leaving, he clearly saw Mu Yunchu frantically looking for him in the banquet hall, but he dragged Cheng Peige to escape from Mu Yunchu like a plague god.

"Cheng Peige, how about we make a deal?" In the office, the monstrous man was lazily leaning on the office chair, the charm exuding from his body made people want to drool.

No matter when, or any action, it will not affect his beauty, just like at this moment, it is obviously a very unsightly action, but this kind of him is still full of temptation in the eyes of outsiders.

The wickedness and smile on that face are his capital to confuse women the most.

Cheng Peige swallowed very spinelessly, lowered his head, his face gradually turned red, and said in a very soft voice, "Boss, if you have anything to do, just tell me!"

She was originally a subordinate invited by their family, and she should obey the orders of her superiors. She is not qualified to discuss the conditions yet.

Hearing this, Lin Yifei got up from the seat, regained his energy in an instant, and walked in front of her, that already beautiful face looked even more irresistible at this moment, and the evil voice filled the human brain, "Hmm , I just like you like you—cough cough, don’t get me wrong, I mean I like a straightforward subordinate like you, who is considerate of your boss.”

At the end, he felt something was wrong with what he said, so he explained it again.

Cheng Peige was really excited for a while because of his first half sentence, and with his explanation, his ecstatic heart instantly fell into an abyss, and all hopes were shattered in one fell swoop.

She is too self-righteous, how could he like her!
Seeing her biting her lips and remaining silent, Lin Yifei narrowed her long and narrow peach eyes slightly, making her feel dazed, "Well, when you reported to my queen mother today, can you say that we went on a business trip suddenly?"

"But, President Lin knows your itinerary." Cheng Peige considered his proposal, but subconsciously, her brain was out of control.

Just because this man was so attractive, one look made her feel like she had inhaled drugs, and all her thoughts had long been on his side.

Lin Yifei didn't take it seriously, folded his arms around his chest, and said as if after careful consideration, "This, it's simple, why don't we find a chance to go on a business trip now?"

"Did something happen?" She asked, always feeling that it was too sudden and she was completely unprepared, but in her heart she had already agreed to his request.

Love is poison!

"Just say whether you agree or not!" Obviously he didn't want to waste his words, his handsome sword eyebrows were slightly frowned, and a look of impatience appeared on his beautiful face.

The situation is urgent, how can he have so much time to explain!
In the end, Cheng Peige gritted his teeth and agreed to his request, "As long as Mrs. Lin doesn't know the truth, of course I'm fine."

"Okay, don't worry, I'll pay you back." Upon receiving the response, the man's already monstrous face smiled even more alluringly, especially those charming peach blossom eyes, which seemed to seduce people's hearts and souls.

That night, the two of them took the latest flight to the coastal city...

(End of this chapter)

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