The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 411 If She Doesn't Leave Him, She Will Never Abandon Him

Chapter 411 If She Doesn't Leave Him, She Will Never Abandon Him (4)
In fact, Mu Changxuan quite liked her looking at him like this. The obsession in those eyes was so obvious, did it mean that he was really attractive in front of her?
Cough, sixth master, when did you become so unconfident?
"Does it look good?" Mu Changxuan quickly lay down beside her, hooked her into his arms, and asked softly.

I have to admit that he enjoys the feeling of being peeped by her. He just wanted to say, if you want to see it, you can see it openly. Is there any need to sneak around between them?
Bai Xiaoyou leaned in his arms, with her head pressed against his broad chest, listening to his strong heartbeat, her face turned redder and redder, and then she spit out words that were a little out of bounds, "I didn't do it on purpose, but... ..."

Cough cough, but what?I can't figure it out, it was a fact that she was peeping, she is not good at lying, how could she think of any reason!

Mu Changxuan's hands holding her body tightened a little, then he lowered his head and kissed her lightly on the forehead, not continuing what he just said, and asked softly, "Why haven't you fallen asleep yet?"

"I'm waiting for you!" She blurted out without thinking.

Indeed, she was waiting for him!
But she didn't know that this simple sentence hit the man's heart, causing thousands of waves.She said she was waiting for him like a wife waiting for her husband to fall asleep together.

Because of her words, his lonely and cold heart instantly melted, and he couldn't help holding up her slightly flushed little face, and the infatuation in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

"How do you think about what I asked you just now?" He asked while staring at her beautiful face in a daze, gently rubbing her small lips with his big hand, and asked very gently.

"Didn't you say to give each other some time? How could I expect you to ask so soon, without even thinking about it." Bai Xiaoyou slowly took his hands away from his small face, and then actively hooked his hands together. hold him by the neck.

Mu Changxuan's heart was beating even harder because of her intimate behavior, and the anger that had finally been extinguished surged up again at this moment. In order to punish her, he bowed his head and kissed her lips fiercely. He said it was a kiss, but in fact he was tearing her lips apart. bite……

You annoying little fairy, did she do it on purpose?
"Ah..." A scream resounded throughout the bedroom.

In the end, his deep black eyes looked directly into hers, with a domineering tone, "I meant to give you time, but I didn't ask you to make any other decisions. I just gave you time to reflect. Don't try to run away from me!"

Bai Xiaoyou pursed her lips and frowned. Although her expression was not reconciled, it was undeniable that she was very useful to his overbearing!She loves him and never thought of running away!
When Mu Changxuan went to take a bath, Bai Xiaoyou also thought a lot about their affairs and the future. If the two of them really wanted to be together, they would face many obstacles. As soon as she thought of these, her thoughts began to waver Not sure.

"What's the matter, don't you want to?" Seeing her deep thought, Mu Changxuan's heart suddenly panicked, and he asked again uncertainly.

Haven't thought about whether to be with him for so long?

Bai Xiaoyou pulled out a far-fetched smile, and answered firmly, "No!"

"Xiaoyou, you have to understand that what I want is not your apology, I hope you can become mature through Mu Ziqing's matter. Your thinking is too simple, and you don't know the sinister heart. I only have one request, no matter where you are Under such circumstances, don’t be influenced by others, understand?”

It's just because he doesn't want her to misunderstand again. The road ahead for them will not be easy, but he has never been afraid. The only thing he worries about is that she will let go of his hand halfway, so he is not sure whether he will What a crazy move.

(End of this chapter)

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