The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 414 If She Doesn't Leave Him, She Will Never Abandon Him

Chapter 414 If She Doesn't Leave Him, She Will Never Abandon Him (7)
"Auntie, are you back?" As soon as she closed the notebook, she saw a woman changing shoes at the entrance. She happily went up to her, and the two looked as close as a mother and daughter.

When Su Rong saw her, a soft smile appeared on her icy face, and she patted the back of her hand, seemingly inadvertently mentioning, "Jin'er, tell me, is your cousin in love with another woman?" gone?"

When I came out of Mu Changxuan's apartment just now, I bumped into a woman outside the door. At first she didn't care, but when Mu Changxuan rushed out, she clearly saw the tension and distress in his eyes.

She is someone who has experienced it, how can she not see the reason for this?If it wasn't for Mu Changxuan's words to tell her to leave, she would have made clear the relationship between Mu Changxuan and that woman tonight.

His son fell in love with another woman?Maybe she wouldn't believe it if she heard this from someone else, but she witnessed the anxiety on his face, because of that woman, his nervous expression was too obvious.

Afterwards, Su Rong turned her head and glanced at Du Yujin beside her, making her thoughts more certain.

She has been at Du's house for some time, except for seeing Mu Changxuan come on the day she came back, Mu Changxuan has never even stepped into the door these days, if it is because of her, but he can definitely put Du Yu Jin made an appointment to meet, and according to her observations these days, Mu Changxuan did not take the initiative to call Du Yujin.

Back then, Mu Changxuan promised in front of Su Qing that he would not marry Du Yujin in this life!It's only been a few years, and he has changed his mind?
Or, he has always been brooding over what happened back then and refused to forgive Du Yujin?

Looking at the silly niece beside her, a ruthlessness flashed on Su Rong's cold face.

Heh, since Mu Changxuan is unkind and doesn't treat her as a mother, she will never give in, and she will let him taste what it feels like to lose his beloved!

"Auntie, why do you ask that?" Du Yujin helped Su Rong to sit on the sofa in the living room, the smile on her face gradually disappeared because of her words.

Du Yujin thought that Su Rong had discovered something, and asked urgently.Cousin will fall in love with other women?She doesn't believe it!
However, these days, his indifference to himself and the change in his attitude really made her have to believe it again.


Hearing what she said, Du Yujin's frightened heart gradually calmed down, and he immediately explained to Su Rong, "My cousin has always known very few women. You know, besides me for so many years, he has also Never cared about any woman."

She just wanted to explain her weight in Mu Changxuan's heart in front of Su Rong, so that this aunt could decide for herself and do her part in front of Mu Changxuan.

Even though Mu Changxuan had told her more than once that he no longer had the original affection for her, she still didn't want to believe it. If he was as indifferent as him, who else would he like besides herself?

Of course, Su Rong understood her little thoughts, and murmured casually, "Oh? That's strange..."

"Auntie, did you find something?" Du Yujin looked surprised and became more and more uneasy.

Even though she is unwilling to admit the fact that Mu Changxuan no longer loves her, she will still believe what Su Rong said.

Compared to Du Yujin, Su Rong seemed much calmer. She casually picked up the tea that Du Yujin brought her, took a sip, then put it down, comforting her earnestly, "Oh, no, Jin'er, don't worry , your aunt will definitely decide for you about the marriage between you and your cousin."

But the careless Du Yujin ignored the calculating look in her eyes.

"Thank you, auntie!" After hearing her words, Du Yujin's restless heart was relieved, the smile on his face gradually widened, and he swore secretly in his heart.

No matter what my aunt said was true or not, she had to pay attention to this matter. If she knew that her cousin really fell in love with another woman, then she would never let it go!
(End of this chapter)

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