The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 415 Because I love her, I am willing

Chapter 415 Because I love her, I am willing (1)
Ye Min escaped from the paparazzi because of the power of the Ye family. After Mr. Ye was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, the first thing he did when he woke up was to tell others to find Ye Min.

He understands, and understands, that Ye Min has always lacked paternal love, and her mother remarried later. It was his grandfather who sponsored her to grow up abroad, but after all, this grandfather is no match for her biological parents. He is indeed to blame for the way he is today.

In order to allow Ye Min to live temporarily in City A, Master Ye had no choice but to declare that Ye Min was crazy, and after this period, he would find a way to send her to live abroad.

He regretted it. If he knew it would be like this, he should have let her stay abroad, but the problem is that she has been alone with a girl for so many years. He is really worried, so he let her go back to China and wanted to help her find a good man. , take good care of her for the rest of her life.Unexpectedly, things would be so unsatisfactory, and she met Mu Changxuan, who was the nemesis in her life!
He would never let this matter go. Although Min'er was at fault first, Mu Changxuan's actions were too extreme.If he doesn't want to get engaged to Min'er, he can say it out, why bother to make things like this?

"Dad, don't be angry. Min'er, I have sent someone to a safe place to recuperate. I will go see her when you are better." It was Master Ye's second son who said this. After his father passed out, he stayed by his side every step of the way.

Now that his father wakes up, he is either worried about this or that. He would rather his father be in a coma for a while longer and have a good rest.As the second uncle, he really felt ashamed about Ye Min's matter, and wanted to leave her alone, but after all, it was his own niece, and the elder brother only left Ye Min's blood, so how could she really suffer outside? !
"Okay, okay, let's all go out, let me be quiet for a while!" Mr. Ye lay on the hospital bed, and ordered the children and grandchildren in the room to evict them.

He is Ye Min's granddaughter, if something happens to her, how should he explain to Ye Chenghui?Back then, he didn't take good care of Ye Chenghui, and now he can't even take care of his daughter, what should he do?
After everyone heard this, they didn't dare to say much, and they all walked out of the door one after another.

"Wait, cancel all cooperation projects with the Mu's Group. From now on, the Mu's Group will be our Ye family's enemy." Before the second son left, Master Ye suddenly ordered from his back.

The second child was taken aback for a moment, turned around, and patiently comforted him, "Dad, this is not feasible, many of our projects are attached to Mu's Group, if we divest the cooperation project at this time, it may cause huge losses to our company. "

"Hmph, I don't believe that our Ye family can't even afford to lose that little money." Mr. Ye didn't care, as if he had made up his mind to fight to the end with the Mu Group.

"Dad, think about it, the Mu's Group is far more powerful than our Ye family. If you think this little money is nothing, then it is nothing to the Mu's. So your method is completely worthless." We can't hit Mu Shi in the slightest." The second child patiently analyzed the stakes for him.

Father has always been cautious in doing things, but when he met Ye Min, he lost his head. Even if he wanted revenge, he couldn't make fun of the whole Ye family!
"Also, now the reporters outside are making a fuss. Min'er's photos are spreading wildly on the Internet. Our Ye family is at a loss. If we attack Mu's again at this time, we will undoubtedly - seek our own death."

After listening to the series of analysis by the second child, Mr. Ye only felt a headache, waved his hand to him and said, "Oh... get out, get out, it's really annoying."

(End of this chapter)

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