The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 416 Because I love her, I am willing

Chapter 416 Because I love her, I am willing (2)

Maybe because he didn't sleep well for several days, and because Mu Changxuan was by his side, Bai Xiaoyou slept very peacefully that night, and it was already ten o'clock in the morning when he woke up.

As usual, he was no longer around.Thinking of last night, she came out of the bathroom to take a shower and lingered for a long time, thinking that he had already fallen asleep, but unexpectedly, he was just like her, waiting for her to fall asleep together.

In the end, none of them said much, they just hugged and slept quietly, as if they were a pair of the most ordinary couple with the most ordinary love!

Everything was ready, and she thought she was the only one left here, but when she came out of the bedroom after washing, she saw Mu Changxuan sitting on the sofa reading financial newspapers, her mature and stable appearance was fully volatile at this moment.

Today, he is wearing the simplest dark blue home clothes. He lacks the usual seriousness and coldness, and instead has the taste of a family man. It's just that he reads the newspaper so seriously that he didn't even notice when she came out of the bedroom.

"Are you awake?" came his steady and hoarse voice, he didn't stop reading the newspaper, and he didn't even move his eyes towards her.

Bai Xiaoyou was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but mutter in her heart, she clearly saw herself, why did she still pretend she didn't know?
Mu Changxuan took a glance at the woman who was stunned on the spot out of the corner of his eye, slowly put down the newspaper in his hand, then got up and came to her, staring at her dazed little face from just waking up, his heart fluttered, it was undeniable, He likes this feeling very much, and he will feel extremely at ease and satisfied when he can see her at home.

He wants to keep this feeling for the rest of his life!

But the face of the woman in front of her is not very good. Could it be that she hasn't woken up yet?
He stretched out his hand, gently covered the strands of hair scattered on her face, and helped her fiddle with the earbuds. His handsome face was full of tenderness, and there was a hint of pampering in his voice, "Aren't you happy in the morning?"

Because of his inconspicuous and subtle movements, Bai Xiaoyou felt a warm current in his heart, and the corners of his mouth raised, explaining, "No, it's just a little... not waking up!"

After Mu Changxuan heard this, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, his heart was as sweet as honey, he couldn't help the throbbing in his heart, bent down, and took a sip of his thin lips on her small mouth, the familiar taste filled again His senses, perhaps because he was afraid of getting burned, after a kiss like a dragonfly touching water, he no longer dared to be presumptuous.

Afterwards, he lowered his big hand slowly, and asked with concern, "Are you hungry, shall I make you some breakfast?"

What he said made Bai Xiaoyou feel as if he was dreaming, his brain couldn't react for a while, and stayed on that sentence, what's the point?he?

If he was flattered, he wanted to scare her to death, how dare she bother this noble man to do it!

Seeing her dumbfounded look, Mu Changxuan laughed lightly, raised his hand to scratch the bridge of her nose, and said three words with thin lips, "Stupid again?"

When Bai Xiaoyou's brain returned, Mu Changxuan's tall figure was already walking towards the restaurant. She immediately chased after him, blocking him with her delicate body, with a smile on her face, and she stammered her rejection, "No, no, I'll do it myself." Come, I will do it myself."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and began to tidy up the cold breakfast on the dining table.

Her hand just touched the dinner plate, but was grabbed by his big hand, and there was a warm touch between her fingers, like an electric shock.She turned her head slightly, just in time to meet his deep and tender eyes.

"Xiaoyou, I will take good care of you in the future, understand?" In one sentence, all his tenderness was exhausted, and it also explained his current trend.

(End of this chapter)

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