Chapter 556
When her consciousness gradually came to her senses, a pair of black leather shoes appeared in front of her eyes, her heart tightened, she stupidly looked up from the bottom, and an extremely stern face appeared in front of her eyes, the coldness emanating from her whole body made her unable to guard against it Shivered, swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, and said stupidly, "You, you?"

"I don't need to come here tomorrow, I'll take care of her." Mu Changxuan ignored her surprise, and explained his meaning with a simple sentence.

Afterwards, like his master, he sat down in Cheng Peige's position just now, his meaning was already obvious, she can go back to rest now, and she doesn't have to worry about it here from now on.

"Mu...Mu, Mu Changxuan, don't you think it's too late for you to come now? I guess she won't want to see you when she wakes up. For her emotional stability, you'd better not disturb her!"

Cheng Peige was indeed frightened by his majestic momentum at first, and he was stunned for a long time before recovering, but when he thought of what he had done to Xiaoyou, the anger in his heart suddenly burst out for no reason.

After Mu Changxuan heard this, he didn't show the slightest anger, his iceberg-like face was tense, he turned his head and gave her a cold look, and said softly, "Don't disturb her to rest, I will explain to you later, go first !"

Cheng Peige still didn't move, and didn't show any fear towards his cold face. Seeing Mu Changxuan who suddenly appeared, she felt sore.

One couldn't hold back, tears dripped down, and choked up, "She won't wake up at all now, so why are you making noise? I hope I can wake her up!"

She felt worthless for Bai Xiaoyou. After waiting for Mu Changxuan for so many days, he avoided seeing him every day, which shows how cruel this man is.At this moment, how could she have the guts to hand Bai Xiaoyou over to him!
The most important thing is that Mu Changxuan has already hurt Xiaoyou. She is afraid that Bai Xiaoyou will suddenly wake up at night and see Mu Changxuan will become more emotional, which will only aggravate her condition.

Mu Changxuan's deep eyes became even darker, and his face was gloomy, but he couldn't go too far with the woman in front of him, after all, she was the one who took care of Bai Xiaoyou for so many days.

Thinking of this, he suppressed the irritability in his heart, and patiently comforted him, "Thank you these days, I will notify you as soon as Xiaoyou wakes up. There is a car downstairs, I will call and ask them to take you back. "

Giving her this explanation is to make her feel at ease. Now he is a cold-blooded man in the eyes of all of them. He should really understand the chief culprit who made Bai Xiaoyou unconscious.

"I have something to ask you, otherwise I won't feel at ease!" Cheng Peige wiped the tears off his face in embarrassment, and talked with Mu Changxuan seriously.


The man just turned his body slightly to look at her, seeing that she was still unrelenting, so he simply turned his whole body to face her.At this time, his face was so gloomy that water would drip out, his black eyes were full of anger, and his thin lips tightly pursed showed that his emotions had reached the limit. If he provoked him at this time, he would never scruple anyone feelings.

What he wanted was to be alone with Bai Xiaoyou. How could he have thought that this woman was so ignorant, and she was getting more and more enthusiastic. If it wasn't for Bai Xiaoyou's face, he would have kicked her out a long time ago. The last time was because She, Bai Xiaoyou, disappeared for no reason, reminding him of that incident, until now he still feels terrified.

Mu Changxuan's love is extremely selfish, he even wants Bai Xiaoyou to have no friends, or no relatives, and can only rely on him completely.

But he couldn't be cruel to her. Maybe he would be even more worried if she was shut up at home every day and frowning.Fortunately, although Cheng Peige is as stupid as Bai Xiaoyou, he is really kind to her. Based on this, it is impossible for him to attack a little girl!
(End of this chapter)

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