Chapter 557
Sensing his anger and cold eyes, Cheng Peige's courage just now was frightened by his aura, and he buried his head so low that he didn't dare to look at his tense ice face, and whispered before leaving , "Okay, I'll ask another day, you must take good care of her."

The ward suddenly returned to the dead silence before. The strong light refracted on his sharp side profile, indifferent and lonely, just a side profile made people dare not look directly at him.

Borrowing the strong light in the ward, his tall body sat on the edge of the bed, his black eyes were as dark as the sea, staring motionlessly at the unconscious woman lying on the bed.

Against the backdrop of the light, the bloodless little face looked even paler, occasionally frowning slightly, probably thinking of something very unpleasant.A fine line of sweat gradually appeared on his forehead, and his small mouth squirmed a few times calmly, and then didn't move any more.

Mu Changxuan turned his face away, tears overflowed in his reddened black eyes, he looked up at the ceiling, and forcefully suppressed the tears in his eyes.

He didn't have the courage to face her like this, and his heart ached beyond measure...

When his mood stabilized a little, he got up and wiped the fine sweat off her forehead with a towel, and reached out to touch her somewhat sticky forehead. The temperature was not too high, but he was sure that she still had a fever.

She has been in a coma for three days and three nights. If no measures are taken, he is afraid that she will burn out her brain.She seems to have been having a fever this month, and she has been in a not sober state.And he hurt her when she was unconscious...

He vaguely remembered that on the day of the quarrel, he had to be unreasonable, and finally drove her out of the ward who was seriously injured, and for the next half a month, he ignored her.

Thinking of this, and looking at her frowning on the bed, a strong sense of self-blame and guilt eroded his heart, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Helping her wipe the sweat off her forehead, Mu Changxuan got up and turned off the dazzling light, leaving only a small orange desk lamp.

In an instant, the deserted ward became warm and pleasant, and Mu Changxuan's tense heart gradually relaxed due to the change in the environment.

Perhaps the person on the bed could also feel the warmth in the room, the frowning gradually eased, and the pale complexion was no longer as fragile and powerless as before under the dim light, but instead had a distressing morbid beauty.

This kind of her made Mu Changxuan have the courage to face it. He stretched out his big hand to wrap her small hand hanging by his side in the palm of his hand. There was a cold touch between his fingers, and the warm temperature on his hand was gradually replaced by the coolness. .

she is cold?But I have a fever. Is it a burning in my heart?
Without time to think about the reason, Mu Changxuan simply wrapped his hands tightly around her little hands, and then gently rubbed the back of her hands back and forth.

Soon, her little hands became warm, and he put her hands under the quilt with confidence.Because he was too excited and worried just now, he realized that he was sweating all over after doing this.

The heating was turned on in the ward, which was completely different from the freezing cold outside. How could she be so cold?

Sitting weakly on the seat beside him, leaning against the edge of the bed, looking at her still sleeping face, a sense of tiredness permeated his whole body, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

His heavy sigh was very clear in the deserted ward, his big hand couldn't help but stretched into the snow-white quilt, and quickly held her warm little hand.

It was the most real touch, and his heart, which had been vacant for a long time, was gradually filled with this beautiful touch. He stared intently at her fragile little face, and murmured uncontrollably, "Xiaoyou, what happened so quickly?" There are many things, and we can no longer use forgiveness or sorry to determine our relationship. We once promised to trust each other, and we will never leave each other for the rest of our lives. No matter what happens, this vow will always exist.”

(End of this chapter)

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