The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 571 Mrs. Mu Lu, you have a lot of face

Chapter 571 Mrs. Mu Liu, you have a lot of face (8)
"Whether there is or not, it doesn't matter to me anymore. Because you have trampled on my dignity, trampled my only hope under your feet, and made me completely give up on you!"

How can anyone bear to meet again after waiting for so many days to see the man he loves hugging another woman in his arms, even completely ignoring her feelings and trampling on her dignity in front of other women ?
She is not the Virgin, and she is not that humble. The reason why she is so persistent is because she wants a result!
Since it is already doomed, why do unnecessary entanglements?
"I don't deny my love for you, but now I really don't like you anymore."

"It doesn't matter if you don't sign it, it's just a piece of paper, we've done this twice already, do you think that just a piece of paper can make love last forever?"

Bai Xiaoyou spoke very calmly, as if telling an outsider about a past event.

This is the so-called, she may have really loved once, and after everything has been washed away, she is no longer the same as before.As if reborn after a life-and-death catastrophe, I will cherish life more, will no longer pay for love, and will no longer be entangled in past feelings!

If it was before, she might be as he said, she would be angry, scold him, and even want to beat him up.Now, she doesn't have such an impulse, and when she sees him, she can only feel calm, which only shows that she has really wiped him out of her heart!

I'm afraid she will never be able to love again in this life!

"sorry Sorry……"

Mu Changxuan murmured these words repeatedly. Her words seemed to stab a sharp knife into his heart. There was no heart-piercing pain, but it made his whole body numb.

Maybe it was because the pain was so painful that he couldn't feel it anymore, that kind of numbness would temporarily cover the pain, and after that it would be a pain like bone erosion.

"No need, no one is sorry for anyone, we are just not suitable." She smiled lightly, as if encouraging him to let go of herself.

Didn't it mean that even if you can't be a lover, you can still be a friend?They cannot be friends because they have hurt each other, nor can they be enemies because they once loved each other.

Her laugh stabbed his chest again, as if his internal organs had been emptied out by someone, his body and soul had been derailed.

"I said I will change it, maybe you can't get out of the previous shadow, I will give you time. You said you don't like to be restrained, I will no longer restrain you, and I will no longer restrict your freedom. Not to mention..." He hugged her into his arms excitedly, feeling that familiar aura, how many times in his dreams, this aura haunted him.

He is in pain, so he goes to drink every night for pleasure, but he really just goes to drink, so many women, he only asks them to drink...

Mu Changxuan also understands that she believes what she said and doesn't care about it, the key is that she no longer loves him!She said it so lightly and softly, could it be that her love is just scratching the surface?
"Actually, I feel tired and just want to forget. I don't want to think about anything else, let alone think about the future..." The smile on her face didn't diminish. When he said this, he obviously saw her relieved, as if Let go of the heavy burden of love.

In an instant, Mu Changxuan seemed to have fallen into a pitch-black abyss, the depths were bottomless, and he couldn't see the bright future, so he could only hold on to her hand, pleading, "It's okay, it's okay, I I can do it for you, I can do it for you..."

"Why are you bothering? You ruined my love for you with your own hands, why should you be so humble now, not like you!" She comforted him in turn, and looked at him in pain, feeling a little worried I can't bear it, but it's only limited to this.

"Maybe you won't believe what I said. For you, I am really willing to do anything, let alone a change. Our personalities are too strong and too stubborn. From now on... let me tolerate you, I admit it , take a step back, okay?"

He, who was always indifferent and arrogant, really gave up, let go of his noble figure, and begged her humbly, not wanting to lose this love inexplicably.

"Don't talk about it, my love for you is like a person who can't be resurrected after death, no matter how much you do, it won't help!"

"If you really can't forget it, just pretend I'm—dead!"

Bai Xiaoyou withdrew her hand, turned her back to him, and said the most ruthless words in the world with the gentlest voice.

"As long as you are willing, it will be useful. Why must you be entangled in the past and not give us and yourself a way out?"

He understands her temperament, she is paranoid and stubborn, and what she believes cannot be changed, they are very similar in that.But there is an accident in everything, and his accident is her, so what about her?

"I know it's a misunderstanding, and I don't blame you anymore, really, it's's just that I really don't like you anymore!"

He hugged her body from behind heartbroken, the familiar and elegant fragrance is the smell he has always been obsessed with, "It's enough that I like you, you don't need to do anything, I like you, I just have to give!" Speaking of Finally, his voice was trembling a little.

He whispered in her ear, speaking the most beautiful love words, but also the most sincere thoughts.

Is this punishment?Where was he when she was waiting for him unconscious in the snow?While she was waiting for him outside the apartment until dawn, he was flirting and drinking with a group of women...

It was only natural for her to give up, and it was also his fault that she saw through.

But damn it, he just can't give up, so what?

"Thank you for your deep love, I believe in your sincerity, but I can't take that step anymore!" She put her hand on the back of his hand, slowly pulled his arm away, turned her head and smiled at him.

That smile was what he was looking forward to, but at this moment he felt like a poison in his intestines, a single sentence decided his life and death.

"Go back to the ward and rest, it's windy here, don't catch a cold anymore. I'll talk about this later, take care of yourself first, and I'll take care of Mrs. Bai's matter. Don't worry too much!" He didn't want to make his heart hurt anymore, so he could only change the topic .

Maybe he should think of another way, he can do anything except give up.

"But I don't want to owe you, I don't want to depend on you, and I don't want to..."

Mu Changxuan's deep eyes were full of strange emotions, he pursed his lips tightly, and said lightly, "I said that I don't ask you to make any decisions now, even if you don't do it for yourself, you have to think about it for your brother who has always cared about you." Come to think of it, he's working on the group's affairs all day now..."

"Zhengyu is back?" She asked, a gleam of light flashed from the bottom of her dull eyes.

"Well, don't worry, I will help him... If you feel that you owe me, just give me a little more profit in the business in the future!"

He was afraid that she would refuse his help, so he could only use such words to reassure her.

As long as she is still here, he has the confidence to make her fall in love with him again!

(End of this chapter)

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