Chapter 572 Uncontrollable Love (1)
Du Yujin hadn't come home since she came out of Mu Changxuan's office that day, and Du Sichen followed closely but couldn't keep up with her.

After being missing for two days, Du Sichen finally couldn't hold back on the third morning and was ready to go to Mu Changxuan for help. Just as he left the gate of the villa, he saw Du Yujin walking towards him in a mess.

She was still wearing the clothes from the day before yesterday, her hair was disheveled, completely covering her face, she looked like a female ghost at first glance, Du Sichen stood there and looked at her for a long time, only when she was sure that she was really Du Yujin Run over and bring her home in a daze.

After tossing and tossing for more than an hour, Du Sichen and Su Qingcai coaxed the stunned Du Yujin to sleep.Coming out of her room, Su Qing's face was full of distress. She didn't know anything about what happened in the past two days, only that Du Yujin disappeared suddenly, and she was so anxious that she almost had a heart attack these two days.

"You're telling me what's going on, aren't you Mu Changxuan?" After Su Qing came out of Du Yujin's room, he asked Du Sichen what was going on in the study next door.

She was anxiously pacing back and forth in the room, seeing her precious daughter acting like a fool just now without any reaction, she became more and more anxious.Thinking that Du Yujin's disappearance was related to Mu Changxuan, a ruthless light flashed in his eyes.

Back then, she shouldn't have obeyed Mr. Su and brought Mu Changxuan by her side to raise him. She had no conscience. No matter how she treated him, she was not her own after all. She couldn't beat him or scold him. Was it easy for her after so many years?

Now that he has forgotten the grace of nurturing, it's nothing more than that, if he dares to hurt her daughter, she will definitely not let him go.She couldn't believe it anymore. After so many years of upbringing, Mu Changxuan dared to challenge her in public?
As long as she announced Mu Changxuan and Du Yujin's marriage in front of everyone, I believe he would not dare to do anything to her.Jin'er has a heart disease, and only by letting her marry Mu Changxuan as she wished, can she wake up from her dementia.

After all, it was all because of Mu Changxuan, one of her beautiful daughters, who was ruined by him into such a state. Thinking of this, her hatred for Mu Changxuan deepened.

A few years ago, who kept saying in front of her that he wanted to marry Jin'er as his wife and treat her well all his life, but now he changed his mind after only a few years, and even hurt Jin'er for other women, what kind of man is this kind of...

"Hmph, I'll go find that heartless person!" After thinking about it, Su Qing became even more annoyed by Mu Changxuan's actions, gritted her teeth, and wanted to settle accounts with Mu Changxuan.

Du Sichen put his hands in his pockets and leaned against the wall weakly. When he heard that Su Qing was going out to find Mu Changxuan, he frowned and his face turned cold. The pace of her departure.

Su Qing didn't expect Du Sichen to stop her, she threw off his hand angrily, and scolded him furiously, "What are you doing? Tell me, did you really care about my sister missing for two days? She likes Mu Changxuan, have you ever done anything for her to meet her needs, you..."

The more Du Sichen listened, the more he felt that she was making trouble for no reason, and his depressed mood became even more irritable. He shouted angrily and interrupted her scolding, "Enough, isn't it all caused by you, it's still here It's simply stupid to be stubborn!"

He was very tired these two days. He stayed awake for two days and two nights because of Du Yujin's matter. He wanted to confess to Su Qing but was afraid that she would think wildly. After all, she was his mother, and he didn't want this matter to be exposed. She finds it hard to be human.

At this moment, he really felt that enough had been endured, and it was fine if she had done some things, after all, it was an irreparable mistake, but now, why does she still want to put all the blame on others?
(End of this chapter)

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