Chapter 580 Uncontrollable Love (9)
"Help me choose a pair of couple jewelry, and I'll send someone to pick it up later." Mu Changxuan vaguely explained to the manager in the store, and then rushed out of the jewelry store like the wind, standing on the street looking for that Risi The figure of Ye Xiang.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, you, you... go slowly!" Before the manager could reply, the tall figure had long since disappeared, and he stared blankly at the door for a long time without regaining his senses.

Finally, his sharp eyes searched for her figure in the sparse crowd, he quickly stepped forward to catch up with her, grabbed her arm with his big hand, and whispered her name, "Xiaoyou, Xiaoyou... "

"what's up?"

Bai Xiaoyou's complexion remained unchanged, calm and unwavering, her small and delicate face looked even more charming and charming under the dim street lights, especially her plump lips, which were not as pale as before, but glowed charmingly under the rendering of lip gloss. People can't help but want to kiss Fangze.

Sure enough, when his sea-black eyes saw her slightly trembling lips, all his rationality completely collapsed at this moment.He couldn't help but lowered his head, imprisoned her petite body in his arms, and kissed the lips that had been missed thousands of times.

The cold wind blows, people come and go on the street, occasionally someone points at them, occasionally someone screams, and some even complain that the boyfriend around them is not romantic enough.

When he lowered his head and kissed her, Bai Xiaoyou's thoughts became demented, he forgot to breathe, forgot to reflect, even forgot to push him away, and even more forgot where he was at the moment.

He tossed and turned and kissed, from a shallow attempt to a deep absorption, seeing that she didn't respond or reject, he increased the strength in his hand, hugged her tighter, and then kissed deeper.

Familiar taste, familiar atmosphere permeated between the two of them, making people more and more sinking, and this face, no matter what kind of hairstyle, he could recognize her at first sight, perhaps, even if she Without the long black hair, he loved her just as much, or more than before.

By the time Bai Xiaoyou realized what he was doing, the kiss was over. He stared affectionately at her face that had turned red from holding her breath for a long time, and his love for her deepened.

He loves her, at this moment, he wants to say, wants to say to her.

But she had recovered by this time, and a roar showed that she was emotionally agitated and angry at the moment.

"You... what are you doing?" She angrily wiped her lips kissed by him with her sleeve.

Mu Changxuan also realized his gaffe, and quickly apologized to her, "I'm sorry, I, I was too excited just now, I couldn't control it!"

Indeed, he didn't know what was wrong with him. He actually did such a naive thing on the street. He clearly told himself to endure it rationally, but in the end he couldn't stand her temptation and did something that disgusted her.

Bai Xiaoyou gave him a hard look, turned around and left without saying anything.

"When will you go to the wedding venue tomorrow?" Seeing her leaving back, his heart was empty, and he suddenly shouted at her back.

Bai Xiaoyou paused, didn't turn around, just explained formulaically, "I don't know the exact time, Mu Changxuan, go back, don't follow me anymore!"

However, he didn't intend to just let her go.For the past two days, he has been hiding in the dark and paying attention to her. Enough is enough, really enough!
It's only been two days, and he can't control it like this. When he thinks that she may not be around for many days and nights in the future, he feels so sad that he wants to go crazy.

It's not that he was impatient to wait for her to change her mind, but he really couldn't bear such a lonely day, especially knowing that she had waited so stubbornly for him, he couldn't bear her leaving again.

(End of this chapter)

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