The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 581 Can I make a deal with my heart

Chapter 581 Can I make a deal with my heart (1)
The winter night came very early, and the streets were not as lively as before, especially the biting cold wind, which was mercilessly blowing on people's faces, like sharp ice knives, which made people feel unbearable pain.

Mu Changxuan's tall and lonely figure is unusually conspicuous on the street, staring blankly at her increasingly blurred back, like a cold wind blowing, without her being by his side every day is such a torment, and occasionally he feels that he misses her My heart hurts thinking about it.

How could he let her leave again, even if she hated him to the core, or really didn't like him anymore, it didn't matter.As long as he still loves her, he won't let go!

"Bai Xiaoyou, I heard that you've been discharged from the hospital, aren't you afraid of being infected again?" At some point, his tall body was already blocking her, and the road ahead was covered by his black figure, making it impossible for her to escape at all. .

Bai Xiaoyou didn't expect that he would catch up at all, the lips kissed by him were slightly swollen at this moment, and under the embellishment of the street lamps, they looked charming and charming, one can imagine how hard he just tried.

Use as much force as you miss, this kiss is all his longing for her.

He clearly remembered whether the last time they had sex was on the day she was injured, or when she was drugged. He didn't dare to use too much force because of her wound, but the drug on her body was too powerful, presumably at that time. Xiaocun and her fierce battle until dawn may not be able to solve the drug in her body.

In the end, considering that she was seriously injured, he couldn't bear to touch her, so he could only call Li Boran to tell him to come over quickly, and after loving her tenderly a few times, he couldn't be cruel enough to continue flirting with her again, because Every time she moved, it would affect her wound, until the blood on the collarbone stained the skirt of the clothes red, he had no choice but to let her bear it, and hugged her into the car to meet Li Boran.

I have to say that the medicinal effect is really powerful, it can make people lose all their minds, remembering her initiative and eagerness that night, and looking at the charming and charming her in front of him, his throat tightened involuntarily, his body that has not been released for a long time A familiar fire of desire welled up.

"Mu Changxuan, can you stop pestering me, you will embarrass me and annoy me!" She frowned slightly, her palm-sized face turned to one side, as if really I hate this man in front of me.

She said the last word very unnaturally, or she couldn't articulate the words clearly at all. I believe it took a lot of courage for her to say that word.

For her anger, Mu Changxuan not only didn't feel angry, but was a little bit happy.For the past two days, she had always turned a blind eye to herself. Every time she saw her, she acted as calm as water, as if she had never known him before, just like in the jewelry store just now, except for a little embarrassment, she was no longer the little girl she was before. shy.

In the past, if he said her hairstyle was beautiful in front of so many people, she would have blushed with embarrassment, but she didn't. Apart from surprise, he couldn't see any shyness in those bright eyes.

Some people say that a woman's shyness is often only shown in front of her beloved, is this true?
Facing him again, she was no longer shy...

He wanted to make her angry, at least it showed that she still had a little feeling, which was better than when she saw him calm before.

Mu Changxuan smiled bitterly. After these days of baptism, her profile became more clear and distinct. The body holding her just now felt slimmer than before.

"I'll take you back. It's cold, and it will be even more troublesome if you catch a cold!" He thoughtfully took off his coat and put it on for her. This action seems to have become a habit of his in this cold winter.

(End of this chapter)

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