The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 582 Can I make a deal with my heart

Chapter 582 Can I make a deal with my heart (2)
He was afraid that she would get sick, her body was already thin, and she would look slimmer when she got sick, which made him feel even more distressed.

Bai Xiaoyou pursed her lips tightly, her eyes were still looking away, she wanted to leave, but she was afraid that she would not be able to escape, she was not ignorant of his domineering and rascal, so she could only say some provocative words to make him leave by himself.

Obviously, what he said today didn't irritate him, and she could only freeze with him like this.

"Don't worry, there are other people, don't worry about what I will do to you!"

"I can also use this time to discuss the company's affairs with you." He explained in a good-tempered manner that no matter how much effort he made in order to stay with her for one more minute, it was worth it.

"In this case, please send me back to the Bai family compound!" Bai Xiaoyou reluctantly agreed when she heard about the company's affairs, with a strange and polite tone in her tone.

She should have gone to see Bai Lingxuan before the wedding, or she was still a little worried, Bai Yuchen called and told her to take good care of Bai Lingxuan.

I heard from Bai Zhengyu that thanks to Mu Changxuan's help in the past two days, the company's many problems will not be too bad. To save the company is nothing more than a large amount of working capital. In the past two years, the Bai Group may face a loss. If you can survive two years, you will be able to get on the right track.

Two years of losses, if there is not a huge amount of funds and excellent performance, it is impossible to survive for two years. The best way is to be acquired, and then they can get a little bit of property from it, so that they can barely maintain the future of the Bai family. life.

The Bai Group is Bai Yuchen's lifelong painstaking effort. Although it was established by his grandfather at the beginning, it has flourished under Bai Yuchen's hands. If it really faces a takeover, it may be more uncomfortable than killing Bai Yuchen!

What should she do? Ye Shangwei came to her more than once. She really wanted to agree to his conditions, but when she thought that Mu Changxuan hadn't signed the divorce agreement, she had a terrible headache.

She understood that it was impossible for a domineering man like Mu Changxuan to sign so easily unless he himself was willing.

Are you willing, are you willing?
A trace of confusion flashed in Bai Xiaoyou's mind, as if she had thought of something, but it flashed so fast that she missed it for a moment.

The contradiction disturbed her. The dazzling lights outside the car windows intertwined with each other, and she didn't have the heart to appreciate the bright city night scene.

Ever since she got into the car, she kept her brows tightly locked, her eyes unblinkingly looking out of the car window, completely ignoring the man beside her.At this moment, all her tangled expression fell into Mu Changxuan's eyes. Looking at her delicate side face, his heart moved, and he reached out and took her cold little hand and wrapped it in his palm, as if to encourage her.

He understood what she was worried about, and he could help her with the financial matter, but it was not a small amount after all, and it would take a few days to make arrangements. Maybe he still had a little selfishness and wanted to use this to force her to compromise.

Women's thoughts are often peculiar. In Bai Xiaoyou's eyes, she would rather go to Ye Shangwei for help than beg Mu Changxuan, because he was the man she once loved, and now the two have nothing to do with each other. She can no longer ask him to do anything, let alone use this matter as a bargaining chip for them to get back together just because he wants to get back together with her.

I remember that day when I went to look for him in the parking lot, the first sentence he said wronged her, saying that he was looking for him for the Bai Group, how chilling she was at that moment, maybe he would never understand the feeling of being dependent on others.

Of course, Ye Shangwei is different. The relationship between them can be said to be a stranger, a pure transaction. At that time, she will explain in black and white, without the slightest procrastination, and without any emotional constraints. She could even sacrifice everything for Bai Zhengyu.

(End of this chapter)

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