The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 585 Can I make a deal with my heart

Chapter 585 Can I make a deal with my heart (5)
One thing he can be sure of is that if it weren't for Su Qing's self-righteousness, he and Du Yujin might live together well, and he would still spoil her and love her. As for love, he might get lost and always mistakenly think that The person I like is Du Yujin.

For his own responsibility, he would never meet Bai Xiaoyou, let alone have so many entanglements with her, nor would he be so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe at this moment.

That ruthless woman is really cruel!From time to time, he stabbed a knife in his heart, but he couldn't reduce his love for her by half!
Hearing Mu Changxuan's decision, the subordinate could not help but sigh, and was so surprised that he forgot to call Du Sichen back.

Man, he is really cruel to a woman he doesn't love.Although Du Yujin is usually not very likable, they know that her love for Liu Ye is true, besides, she and Liu Ye have been in love since childhood, now for Bai Xiaoyou, Liu Ye is desperate She, made her unable to accept the fact, and was forced to commit suicide by jumping off the building.

People are dying, Liu Ye just sent someone to condolences, it's really chilling!Is there a more cold-blooded and ruthless man in this world than him?

Call him ruthless, but it seems different to Miss Bai. All his tenderness and energy are put on her as a woman. As long as it is her business, no matter how big or small, Liu Ye will do it himself.Even though Miss Bai hurt him so much, Liu Ye still couldn't let it go, and instead got deeper and deeper.

Is this the so-called unobtainable is always the best?It doesn't seem to be the case. They obviously were together and loved each other. Although the time was short, Liu Ye was really happy during that time.

Only when Liu Ye is happy, their life will be easier!

"Where is Master Liu going to rest?" At the end, the subordinate shook his head to stay awake, with a tentative tone.

"Go back to the real-view apartment, it's been a while!" The man lowered the car window, just in time to see the old villa in the Bai family compound.

In the dark night, only one room in the villa was lit. He couldn't help thinking, is she in that room?

Mu Changxuan stared at the room in a daze, her face became clearer and clearer, as if she was still by his side, and there was still her scent in the car, he sucked in greedily, as if he could never get enough of it.

His love for her had penetrated deep into the bone marrow. It was an incurable poison, and once it penetrated deep, it could never be eradicated.

"Sixth Master, you forgot, you've already sold the place." A big drop of sweat ran across the back of the subordinate's head. From the rearview mirror, he saw his master staring at the Bai family's villa, sighing again and again.

Sixth Master, when will you make low-level mistakes?Does love really make people crazy?

Hearing this, the man came back from deep thought, his tender eyes immediately turned dark, his face was tense, and his voice was as cold as ice, "Damn it, no matter how much it costs, buy it back for me quickly! "

I don't see them being so active in asking them to do things, but this... this is acting so... Damn, what if he just wants to go there tonight?

There is her there, even though she is not here now, but with her breath, his lonely and empty heart will feel better.

"Yes, I will order someone to do it right away, but it will take a few days to wait."

"Whoever lives in, let them move out immediately, and pay them no matter how much they want, and I will sleep there tonight!" Mu Changxuan yelled, and the two subordinates in the front row were shocked by what he said. Quite speechless.



Bai Xiaoyou came into Bai Lingxuan's room and found her sitting in front of the dressing table in a daze in front of the mirror. Her old face no longer existed, and she was going to be a bride tomorrow but she couldn't show her true face in front of her beloved. It's sad!

(End of this chapter)

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