The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 586 Can I make a deal with my heart

Chapter 586 Can I make a deal with my heart (6)
Thinking about it this way, he thought of what Mu Changxuan did to Bai Lingxuan, and his already suppressed heart became even heavier.This matter can't be completely blamed on Mu Changxuan, if it wasn't for those misunderstandings at the beginning, he would not have done such a heavy hand to Bai Lingxuan.

It was because of her that Mu Changxuan attacked Bai Lingxuan. At this moment, she could no longer worry about who was right and who was wrong. She only felt sorry for Bai Lingxuan.

"I'm going to be a bride, why don't you go to bed, maybe I want everyone to see your panda eyes tomorrow?" Bai Xiaoyou put the jewelry box in her hand aside, pretending to be relaxed and joking with her.

Bai Lingxuan lost her mother since she was a child, and it was Bai Yuchen who was both father and mother who raised her, held her in his arms and loved her. There was no twists and turns in her life, she was too happy, so she developed the kind of Unruly personality.

Now that she is going to get married, but she is so lonely and shabby, it is inevitable that she will feel uncomfortable.

When Bai Lingxuan heard the voice, she knew who it was. She felt happy in her depressed mood, but she didn't turn around. She just murmured to the mirror, "I...I suddenly don't want to marry anymore!"

"What are you talking about? Didn't you always look forward to marrying him? Your wish for so many years is about to come true. How can you escape?" Bai Xiaoyou snatched the comb from her hand and put one hand on her shoulder. On the bed, gently combing her chestnut curly hair.

A charming face suddenly appeared in the mirror. The exquisite facial features, coupled with the temperament of her body, made Bai Lingxuan stunned for a long time without returning to her senses.

"Xiaoyou, have you done your hair?" When she understood, she turned her head and asked the woman who was combing her hair.

Bai Xiaoyou smiled lightly, and the two of them completely forgot all the unhappiness before, and replied softly, "Well, I just made it this afternoon."

"How nice this is. It looks better than before with long hair. I used to think that you were old-fashioned and deliberately pretending to be innocent. You are still like this, and women should be like this!" Bai Lingxuan said dully, the sadness in her eyes became more intense, and she looked at her again. With that extremely ugly face of hers, a strong inferiority complex welled up in her heart, and she was even more determined to regret the marriage.

Married to the Mu family, the life waiting for her must be life is worse than death. These days, Liu Qin came to scold her almost every day, saying that she was shameless, used fake pregnancy to conquer men, and dreamed of marrying into a wealthy family...

"Hehe, I think so too." Bai Xiaoyou deliberately ignored the sadness on her face, and tried to shift the topic of chat to light things.

Suddenly, the woman sitting in front of the dressing table got up quickly, looked at Bai Xiaoyou pitifully with eyes full of tears, held her hand and begged, "You and Mu Changxuan should break up, or you can talk to Bai Xiaoyou tomorrow." Mu Ziqing, let's get married, he always misses you, loves you, and never has me in his heart."

"Silly girl, if I could be with him, there should have been a result two years ago. Can't you see that he and I have always only had his wishful thinking." Bai Xiaoyou's smile froze instantly. Worrying about her thoughts.

Will tomorrow's wedding go smoothly? Why is she upset?

Bai Lingxuan seemed to be suffering from a serious illness. She looked sullen and murmured dully, "I know, but I really don't want to get married. Tomorrow's wedding is nothing but a joke."

Having said this, Bai Lingxuan's heart became even more sour, tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes, she looked lovable.

"Don't care about what other people think. The current media is only afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Live your own life well. After a while, I will help you contact a plastic surgery expert and I will definitely help you restore your beauty." Bai Xiaoyou patiently helped her wipe off her face There were tears on the face, and there was pity in the voice.

(End of this chapter)

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