The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 587 Can I make a deal with my heart

Chapter 587 Can I make a deal with my heart (7)
She can understand Bai Lingxuan's mood at this time, but this wedding is related to the reputation of the two families, and there are more social relationships.

If they want to regret their marriage, it is not at all possible for them to do so.

"So what if he recovered, he still can't take another look at me, I've already seen it through." Bai Lingxuan bypassed her, and simply sat on the sofa beside her, resting her chin on her hands, her thoughts drifting away.

It is true that a woman is the one who pleases herself!Mu Ziqing didn't have her in his heart, no matter how beautiful she became, he still couldn't be happy in his heart.

Seeing Bai Lingxuan like this, Bai Xiaoyou was worried, should she talk to Mu Ziqing?However, the wedding was going to be held tomorrow, if she went to find him privately now, it would be unavoidable to be found out by interested people, and she would be speechless for fear of causing the opposite effect.

After struggling in his heart for a long time, Bai Xiaoyou felt that he could find a reliable person to go to see Mu Ziqing with him, so that it would be easier to control any gossip.

The two chatted about some irrelevant topics, and finally Bai Xiaoyou put the couple bracelet he bought on her hands, sincerely wishing her and giving her encouragement.

Seeing that it was getting late and there were more trivial matters tomorrow, Bai Xiaoyou gave instructions and left.

Bai Lingxuan was sad, and even more reluctant. She always felt that the time she spent with Bai Xiaoyou was too short. She regretted how she treated Bai Xiaoyou before. In the dead of night, when she was helpless, the person she once hated was with her. Can she feel better?

After sending Bai Xiaoyou to the gate of the compound, and telling the driver to bring her back safely, he turned around and walked into the deserted compound with a sense of uneasiness.

In the dark night and the cold wind, a black shadow flashed past, before Bai Lingxuan could scream, her body went limp and she completely lost consciousness.

"Tomorrow's wedding, we must find a way to get that bitch Bai Xiaoyou on top!" Inside an ordinary black car, a sharp and cold female voice appeared cold and terrifying in this small space.

The man sitting next to her in the back seat of the car pointed to Bai Lingxuan who was unconscious next to her, and asked puzzledly, "But what about her?"

"Lock it up for me first, and it won't be too late to release her when I think of a place where I can use her!" The woman snorted coldly, and glanced at Bai Lingxuan's ugly face with disdain.

Bai Xiaoyou, you bitch, dare to harm my daughter, let's see how long you can be proud, I will make sure you never have a chance to stand up after tomorrow!

"Haha..." The woman laughed maniacally, her masked face made it impossible for anyone to guess who she was.

"Ma'am, since you hate her so much, why don't you just ruin her appearance, and then find someone..."

"Hmph, what is this? It can be repaired by ruining her appearance. It is only a temporary pain to find someone to rape her. The only way to destroy her reputation is to let people here remember what a slut she is for the rest of their lives!" said the woman. Therefore, strong hatred was reflected in his eyes, as if he wanted to tear the woman in his mouth into pieces.

In order to deceive others, and considering Mu Ziqing's inconvenient legs and feet, Bai Xiaoyou had no choice but to let Bai Zhengyu accompany her there.

Because of tomorrow's wedding, Mu Ziqing couldn't sleep. This wedding was just a formality for him. For the reputation of the Mu family, he had to obey his grandfather's orders.

Anyway, if he doesn't get Bai Xiaoyou in this life, his heart is ashamed, so it's not the same as marrying someone?

Knowing that Bai Xiaoyou was going to see him, his heart that had been dead for a long time suddenly seemed to be revived, and he became energetic. He quickly got up from the bed, limped and straightened his clothes, and waited patiently for Bai Xiaoyou's arrival.

"Xiaoyou, it's you, it's really you, are you willing to come to see me?" The moment he saw Bai Xiaoyou, he couldn't believe his eyes, and his voice was full of excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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