The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 588 Can I make a deal with my heart

Chapter 588 Can I make a deal with my heart (8)
I haven't seen her for more than a month, she has changed, she has become more beautiful and charming, especially that little face is more sweet, as if she has received some magical power, he can no longer take his eyes off her.

Even if he had to face the most painful thing in his life tomorrow, he would have no regrets if he could see her now.

"I want to talk to you as a sister." With an indifferent voice and a distant tone, Bai Xiaoyou and him were separated by a distance, and the meaning in the words was already obvious.

Now that Bai Yuchen is lying in the hospital and unable to attend tomorrow's wedding, as the woman's parent, she should come and talk to Mu Ziqing, not to mention that she feels guilty for Bai Lingxuan, and every time she looks at her dilapidated face, she feels heartache.

Familiar face, unfamiliar tone, as if they are really just sister and brother-in-law relationship, in fact, what else can it be related to?Mu Ziqing smiled wryly. At this moment, the previous surprise turned into the most painful disappointment.

"Don't worry, I know what you're worried about. As long as it's your request, I will definitely not let you down." Mu Ziqing gradually tightened his crutch hand, and replied in the same unfamiliar tone.

The only thing he could do was to reassure her that he had already let her down on herself, and this time, he couldn't do anything to make her sad.

Originally, she could remember his kindness, but now, that matter has become their most taboo topic, and it has also become a gap between them that can no longer be bridged.

"Live a good life. When this storm is over, I will find a way to arrange Xuanxuan's plastic surgery, and I will definitely return you a beautiful bride." Bai Xiaoyou said it easily, without any interest on his face, these words It seems to be comforting and also seems to tell him that this has become a fact.

"Don't you have anything else to tell me?" Looking at her back, he asked unwillingly, the anticipation in his eyes growing stronger.

From coming in to now, she has just glanced at him, keeping her back to herself. Does he really make her hate him so much, and hate him so much?

Two years, there is no trace of reluctance, even if there is no nostalgia, you should say something to him, how can you be so ruthless?

"Take care, I wish you happiness! By the way, the couple bracelet I picked is very suitable for you, I believe you..." Bai Xiaoyou slightly turned her body and smiled back at him, but that smile was too polite and unfamiliar.

That slight smile made Mu Ziqing's heart tighten into a ball, his gentle face was full of bitterness, his eyes were full of pain, and he choked up, "Xiaoyou, you... are so cruel!"

"It's not too late to know now, I've always been so cruel, so don't make unnecessary struggles anymore." Bai Xiaoyou explained along with his words, and only hoped that he could get out of this fruitless relationship.

When you should be ruthless, you should be ruthless, and continuing to struggle will only hurt more people.

Who is right and who is wrong is no longer important, what is important is that they will never go back to the past!

What should be said has been said, there is no need to stay any longer, in order to prevent someone who wants to follow her, she wanted to leave here, but found that her body was out of her control, she couldn't take a step, and her legs gradually became limp.

In a daze, she narrowed her eyes and watched Mu Ziqing walking towards her with a cane. She seemed to understand something, and lost consciousness after uttering a word, "You...Mu Ziqing, you still want hate you Are you? Zhengyu, Zhengyu..."

"Xiaoyou, why do you..."

Mu Ziqing panicked and moved to her side with a cane. Before she could finish her sentence, her consciousness began to blur...

This is destined to be a restless night. Tomorrow's wedding, many people are looking forward to it, and many people want to destroy it, but these people have no idea that someone has dropped a bomb before that, and a wonderful wedding ceremony has been prepared for tomorrow's wedding. Performance.

(End of this chapter)

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