The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 589 The Wedding Disturbance

Chapter 589 The Wedding Disturbance (1)
For tomorrow's wedding, many people have made different preparations, while the members of Mu's family chatted together, saying that Liu Qin married a daughter-in-law who was as beautiful as a flower, and after so long, she chose a disfigured one. It's hard to make them ridicule!

Liu Qin was originally dissatisfied with Bai Lingxuan, but now Mu Chenhao doesn't care about Mu Ziqing's affairs, in order not to let outsiders see the joke and to let Mu Chenhao, who hasn't shown up for more than a month, go home, she sued the old man , crying and sobbing so pitifully, they all told how difficult it was for her to stay in Mu's house for so many years.

In the end, she even told Mr. Mu that she didn't care if Mu Chenhao had women outside, as long as he didn't let outsiders see jokes in public.

Mu Yichuan waved to her irritably, told her that Mu Chenhao would show up at the wedding tomorrow, and asked her to leave. Before leaving, he warned her to be more restrained in everything and not to lose face of the Mu family.

I wanted to say something else, but seeing the old man received a call, Liu Qin could only hold his breath and leave first.

It's a foregone conclusion, no matter what you say, it's useless, not to mention that this wedding is what the old man wanted.

Naturally, Wu Ni didn't dare, but he still felt reconciled and angry.

Everyone in the Mu family looked down on her and hoped that Mu Ziqing would have some backbone and marry a famous young lady so that she could turn around in the Mu family in the future, but Bai Lingxuan's idiot not only ruined her face, but also ruined her family How dare such a woman let her only son marry in.

However, Mu Ziqing didn't care about this marriage, so she foolishly agreed to the old man's request and agreed to marry Bai Lingxuan, a rotten woman with no wealth or wealth.

Isn't the old man doing this for his precious little son? Does he have to sacrifice the happiness of her child? Why is there such a big difference in treatment for the same child of the Mu family?The more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

When she thought about the wedding tomorrow, it was useless to do anything now, she wished she could find someone to wipe that ugly woman Bai Lingxuan away.

None of the daughters of the Bai family is fuel-efficient, and Bai Xiaoyou has already given her a headache before, and now there is a sweet Bai Lingxuan, this day is really hard to live on.

That report clearly said that that bitch Bai Xiaoyou was flirtatious, he was restless when he climbed up to Mu Ziqing in a whimsical way, and even hooked up with Mu Changxuan secretly. The relationship between uncle and nephew was deadlocked because of this bitch.

Fortunately, the old man, for the sake of Mu Changxuan's reputation, sacrificed Mu Ziqing and let him marry that ugly bastard Bai Lingxuan as his wife, what kind of heart is there!
The two daughters of the Bai family, Bai Lingxuan, just happened to be disfigured. Marrying a random daughter to the Mu family can clarify the matter and conceal the matter. Who will pursue a disfigured woman? At that time, the old man can explain it in front of the media , Said that the uninformed made a mistake, their uncles and nephews all liked the daughter of the Bai family, but they were not the same person.

In a word, a wedding has washed away Mu Changxuan's grievances and preserved the Mu family's reputation. It can be seen that what her son sacrificed was a lifetime of happiness and future!

The abacus is quite good, but that is her son. Does the happiness of a lifetime have to be sacrificed for this matter?Before the laughter in the hall dissipated, she panicked and went to Mu Ziqing's private residence alone, wanting to chat with him before the wedding.

If it was possible, she would wish to take all the savings she had accumulated over the years and take Mu Ziqing away. She used to yearn for this ghostly place, but now it is a nightmare!

Originally, she had accepted her fate for this matter, but she did not expect that her fate would be greatly reversed.

(End of this chapter)

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