The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 672 The Impulse of Longing for Love

Chapter 672 The Impulse of Longing for Love (8)

In the first few days, Bai Xiaoyou really didn't receive those boring MMS messages, but these few days passed comfortably. Cheng Peige suffered from severe morning sickness. Bai Xiaoyou asked her who the child was for several times, but Cheng Peige kept avoiding answering.

Most of the time, Bai Xiaoyou was thinking, what kind of man is worthy of Cheng Peige's hiding and tucking in? In the company, except for Lin Yifei, no one is closer to Xiaoge, right?Ask Lin Yifei about this matter, and she doesn't know if there will be any results, and Lin Yifei is a big man, if he doesn't ask anything, and then leaks this secret, it will be counterproductive.

She saw it in her eyes and was anxious in her heart, and she didn't know who to ask for help for a while, especially when she saw that she usually vomited faintly and her whole body was limp, Bai Xiaoyou really felt sorry for Xiaoge.

How hard it is for a woman to be pregnant, but that man let Xiaoge suffer alone in order to shirk responsibility, she couldn't bear it no matter what.

Cheng Peige refused to say, so she had to investigate by herself. After thinking about it, while Cheng Peige was in the supermarket, Bai Xiaoyou found the two subordinates that Mu Changxuan had left for her, and asked them to check the recent Which man did Xiao Ge walk closest to?

When the two men found out that Madam was looking for him for this matter, a big drop of sweat rolled down their heads. They are the best personal bodyguards around Mr. Liu. They go to find out about other people's pregnancy, which really hurts their face.

What's more, once they let go to investigate, the private apartment here will guard against negligence. When the wife has something wrong, Liu Ye may have the intention of killing them, so they must not do it.

"Ma'am, we can only investigate this after Liu Ye comes back. Liu Ye gave us too many tasks before he left. I'm afraid we won't be able to complete them before he comes back. Then..."

Bai Xiaoyou sighed, feeling that she was a bit domineering, and smiled apologetically at the two of them, "That's right, I didn't think carefully, you guys go get busy."

Another two days passed in a trance, and the two days were as long as two years. At night, she liked to stand on the balcony and look up at the dark night. She always felt that Mu Changxuan was looking at her not far away, and they were breathing at the same time. A sky of air.

After changing to a new number, the past two days have indeed been much quieter. She should have thought of this way earlier, silently calculating in her heart that Mu Changxuan has been away for five days, and there are at least five more days before he can come back, right?
Five days, for her now, it seemed like an indefinite wait, it was very, very long!
I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, the long night was really hard, she had wiped the wicker chair on the balcony spotless, every night when she was tired from standing, she would sit down and rest for a while, and only dared to go back to the bedroom to rest when she was completely tired.

Usually it was already three or four o'clock in the morning at that time, because there was no him around, she would toss and turn on the big bed, feeling even more uncomfortable in her heart, she could only go to the bedroom when she was really tired and fell asleep without the energy to think about him sleep.

Missing love comes flooding in like a tide, remembering every bit of him is very dramatic, occasionally she also thinks it is just a dream, just because her man is too dazzling and excellent, ordinary she never thought that she could be with such a man Hand in hand, I dare not even think about it.

In the first four months of marriage, there was no communication, and the number of times the two of them met was very limited in the four months. She admired him very much, she admitted, but never imagined that she could really have him.

Dreams can sometimes come true!
After a while of silence, the text message notification sounded across the quiet night. Bai Xiaoyou trembled all over, her hairs stood on end, she stared blankly at the mobile phone placed on the coffee table, it seemed like a hot potato, she was terrified. Staring at the phone screen in a daze, standing there without any movement.

(End of this chapter)

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