The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 673 The Impulse of Longing for Love

Chapter 673 The Impulse of Longing for Love (9)
She was stunned for a long time, until the screen turned black, and then she turned her head and continued to appreciate the tranquility of the night. The cold wind seemed to pass through her thin body, and she couldn't feel the coolness. It was a kind of chill that directly invaded her bones, cooling her heart. But the body can't feel half of it.

Not long after, the ringtone of the mobile phone was like a spell that came out of nowhere, which made people panic. Bai Xiaoyou turned around in panic. When she saw the name displayed on the screen, her nervous and frightened heart slowly relaxed, and her pale complexion gradually returned to normal. .

Is it too much of a fuss?She changed the number, and we couldn't unscrupulously repost those messages to her phone.

He reached out to pick up the phone and pressed the call button. Before he could make a sound, Mu Changxuan's eager reprimand came from the other side, "Why did it take so long to answer the call? You're still outside at this time, didn't you hear me?"

The voice was not loud, but it made her heart tremble. It was obvious that the person on the phone was not in a good mood.

"I, I... I just went to take a shower, and I didn't hear you." She made up a random reason without thinking about other things.

"Bath? Take a shower so early?" He asked, his voice very soft.

"um, yes."

"Go to bed early and don't worry about me."

After hanging up the phone, the man frowned, lit a cigarette irritably, leaned on the office chair and smoked violently, it was so intense that he couldn't breathe.

The calmer she was, the more he felt strange. Taking a bath was obviously a good reason, but he didn't believe it.What time is it, are you taking a shower?It's seven o'clock in the evening on his side, but it should be around five o'clock on the other side. Although it gets dark early in winter, it doesn't make him want to sleep so early, right?
The matter here won't be resolved for a while, and the date of return may be postponed, or...

At four o'clock in the morning, Bai Xiaoyou just ran into the bedroom to rest. It was getting colder and colder outside, and the weather forecast said that there would be a heavy snowfall.

Not long after getting under the covers, her body was imprisoned by a familiar warm embrace in a daze, so tight and so close that she could hardly breathe.

Bai Xiaoyou's breathing was blocked, she woke up from the mist, slowly opened her eyes, the handsome face that was thinking day and night hit the deep pupils, because she was too surprised, she pinched his arm fiercely, looked Are you dazzled or dreaming?

Mu Changxuan's dark eyes tightened suddenly, he didn't expect that she would use this trick to prove his existence, this little girl is really ruthless!

So, a certain man held down her restless hand, looked at her with more burning eyes, said nothing, directly blocked her lips that were hesitating to speak, and bit them like punishment.

Does this prove his authenticity?You can see how much he spent to come back to see her, the eight-hour long-distance flight, and an important meeting that he must not miss tomorrow afternoon. Who would dare to hand Sheng Tian's country into his hands completely.

He is very clear about the pros and cons of this, the only thing he is not clear about is his own heart, he just does what he wants, without considering the consequences at all.

The breath on his body was very cold, and his lips were also very cold, but his chest was warm. The two of them kissed passionately without saying anything.At this moment, it doesn't matter whether it seems like a dream or a reality, the important thing is that we are all by our side, even if it is a dream!

Bai Xiaoyou didn't wake up suddenly until the moment when he was closely attached to his body. His face was very clear and three-dimensional, and his eyes were sunken. He hasn't had much rest these days, right?

At the point of emotion, his thin lips breathed weakly in her ear, "Baby, do you miss me?"

(End of this chapter)

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