The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 714 Does Mu Yichuan Want Me to Watch the Live Version

Chapter 714 Does Mu Yichuan Want Me to Watch the Live Version (3)
An invisible pain engulfed his heart, I don't know how many times he suffered it, but when he looked back, he had already become numb!
No one knew how much pain he was in. At the moment she fell, he desperately went to save her, but he was still a step late, and could only watch her roll down from the elevator.

This is his pain!

However, it was not this that hurt him more. It was her faint smile after waking up, her flattering words, her fearful heart, and the wounds on her body, all of which were an incomparable pain. , He is really willing to bear everything for her, which is better than his own distress.

He said, Xiaoyou, you are my wife, and I won't let you bear it alone in the future.

He was the one who broke his promise, and he agreed not to let her bear the responsibility alone, but in the end, he forced her to have no way out, almost going crazy!
Entering the ward, the moment Bai Xiaoyou saw him, her gloomy face immediately lit up, adding a touch of strange color, she looked extremely excited, it was hard to imagine that she was a depressed patient, her voice was clear and soft, "Husband , I have been waiting for you for a long time, and I thought you changed your mind!"

The man sat next to her. When he saw her relaxed smiling face, his eyes were sore and he didn't speak. He turned his face away to relieve his heartbroken emotions. After a long time, he stretched out his long arms to embrace her petite body in his arms. Afraid of hurting her wound, he didn't dare to use too much force, just hugged her gently, and whispered emotionally in her ear in the most gentle tone, "Let's get married in two days, where do you want to go for honeymoon?" ,Ok?"

Bai Xiaoyou saw that he hadn't spoken for a long time, and ignored herself, thinking that he was angry again, and was thinking about how to make him happy, but she didn't expect him to suddenly become so tender, and hearing that voice made her heart go soft up.

"In two days? Haven't we already received the certificate? Why are you in such a hurry, let's talk about mine..." Although touched, Bai Xiaoyou was still shocked, even flattered.

She thought he had forgotten about it before, but she didn't dare to mention it. The longer she spent with him, the deeper Bai Xiaoyou's love for him became, and the depression in her heart became stronger, because she would worry and think wildly, while she She didn't want him to know, and she didn't want him to worry, so all the sins of crying could only be hidden in her heart. After a long time, this kind of emotion accumulated into a mountain, which made her suffer from severe depression.

"Marriage is a matter between the two of us. Don't worry about other people's business. Let's announce it to the media, okay?" He said it carefully, but with a hint of urgency.

The hands holding her body were also getting stronger gradually, and when she didn't feel uncomfortable, her broad chest was tightly pressed against her delicate body, smelling the smell he missed most, closing her eyes to feel it, and wishing that time would stop at this moment.

Without her, it is estimated that his life would still not have changed much. He worked hard every day, like a machine, and his face was as indifferent as ever.

When did he start, he has changed, especially in front of her, he would smile softly, lower his voice, and even do things he had never done before.

In fact, he has changed since the first physical contact with her. For example, the night they had, he personally bathed this woman...

Perhaps since then, he has already contained her in his heart, but he has never dared to admit it, let alone think that one day he will be bound by a woman, and his emotions will be controlled by a woman.

However, he likes this kind of feeling, even if she occasionally annoys him, and misunderstands his good intentions, the worst thing is that she will challenge his limit, even so, he can't help but love her!

(End of this chapter)

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