The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 715 Does Mu Yichuan Want Me to Watch the Live Version

Chapter 715 Does Mu Yichuan Want Me to Watch the Live Version (4)
"No, my injuries are not healed. How ugly to be a bride." Bai Xiaoyou lay in his arms and refused aloud, but there was no sign of rejection in those smiling eyes!

Mu Changxuan's gloomy expression finally softened a little when he heard her coquettish tone, and he patted her on the back gently with his big hand, coaxing patiently, "Why don't we have our honeymoon in advance, and when you want to get married, we will Are you ready?"

Going out for a walk will help her relieve her depression. Of course, he also wants to take this opportunity to take her abroad to consult experts in this field.

"Well, let me think about it... I will answer you when I think about it!"

"As you please, wife, let's go home!" After saying that, the woman on the hospital bed had already been picked up by him and walked out of the ward. By the time Bai Xiaoyou came to his senses, they had already stepped into the elevator.

Under the amazed and envious gazes of many people, Bai Xiaoyou was very cooperative and did not refuse. With a blushing face, she pressed her body close to his warm chest, wrapped her hands tightly around his neck, felt his strong heartbeat, then Intense, so soul-stirring.

And the aura on his body fascinated her the most. In this atmosphere, a certain woman fell asleep very quickly. This was the most peaceful sleep in these days.

Mu Changxuan came out of the elevator with her in his arms, and was about to tease her. The moment he lowered his eyes, he found that his little woman had already fallen asleep. Her handsome face was full of softness, and her dark eyes became dark. With all kinds of tenderness, her tightly pursed lips gradually expanded and raised, and her tense nerves gradually relaxed because of her peaceful sleeping face.

Mu Ziqing, who was also lying in the hospital, had nothing wrong with her gentle face, it was the same as before, but that face was too quiet, day after day, it seemed that she had been in a coma for a month, and there was still no sign of waking up. This inevitably made Bai Lingxuan anxious.

"Ziqing, something happened to Xiaoyou. Wake up quickly. Don't you care about her most? You are the only one who can save her now." Bai Lingxuan spoke to him in a tearful tone while wiping his body.

"It's time to wake up after sleeping for so long. Many people are waiting for you to rescue. Your mother is in danger of being kicked out by the Mu family. If you don't wake up again, she will really become an abandoned wife."

Liu Qin was oppressed by Mr. Mu and dared not complain. Without Mu Ziqing, she lost everything.

Bai Lingxuan really hoped that Liu Qin would be punished, and even cursed her to die early, but after so many things happened, she learned to be tolerant and calm.

No matter what, Liu Qin was Mu Ziqing's mother after all, and she should understand the fact that she couldn't change it.

"Don't worry, I won't force you in the future, and I won't pester you to marry me. You can marry anyone you want, as long as you wake up." At the end, she burst into tears, thinking that her past was really too much. A bit of a jerk.

She has already figured it out, and now she just wants Mu Ziqing to wake up, it's that simple, no one wants Mu Ziqing to wake up better than her, to accompany him tirelessly day and night, and to tirelessly tell him some meaningful things , I just hope he wakes up soon.

However, the person on the bed still didn't respond at all, just lying quietly, not knowing why.

With a bitter smile, Bai Lingxuan continued to move her hands, gently wiped his body, tears rolled down...

Regardless of whether he will wake up or not, as long as he still has hope, she will not give up!

Cheng Peige didn't go home after being taken away by Lin Yifei last night. The two had a big fight over some trivial matters, and she was always in a depressed mood when she woke up in the morning.

If it wasn't for the fact that she gets tired easily due to pregnancy, and because too many things happened last night, she would have been unable to sleep all night after the fight with Lin Yifei.

(End of this chapter)

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