The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 782 If I Forget You, Remember to Remind Me

Chapter 782 If I Forget You, Remember to Remind Me (3)
I don't know when it started, this woman saw him as if she saw a plague god, and it was the same when she was cooking at his house last time. When she saw him coming, she found a reason to avoid it. At that time, he didn't know what it was , Chased him out.

But after searching for a long time, he didn't see her at all. He even went to her house to inquire, but found that she was not there.

He was thinking at that time that she should have gone to her fiancé's side.It was strange that at that moment he felt lost and distressed. He sat alone in the car all night, and when he came to his senses, he found that he had been thinking about everything with her all night long.

What's the matter, does he like her?

"Don't be so disgusting, do we know each other well?" Cheng Peige frowned, turning his head to the side and not daring to meet his gaze.

It's a little song, it's disgusting!
On weekdays, this kind of title is used on the women he has slept with, and he feels disgusted when he hears it.

The faint smell of wine and the elegant perfume from his body filled her senses, as long as she smelled this smell, there would be a ripple in her heart.

He is a monster, as long as she looks at him, she will fall.

Lin Yifei's face darkened, his charming phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and the hand that was pulling her arm strengthened, holding his breath in his chest was extremely uncomfortable.

I wanted to leave here, and I would only make fun of myself here, but he didn't, and even coaxed her with a good temper, "Shh, don't be so stingy, help me."

"Didn't they already leave?" Cheng Peige wondered how much value he still had in his heart.

In the past, he liked to use her as a shield, but now that she has resigned, she has no such obligation. Besides, those two women have already left, so what else do you need to help?
She came to look for Bai Xiaoyou, and when she heard that Mu Changxuan had covered the entire floor, it was no wonder that she was so quiet.

"Tell me who made your stomach big?" Lin Yifei leaned close to her body in vain, his masculinity became stronger, and an unknown emotion flashed on his beautiful face.

His breath was getting closer, confused Cheng Peige's already weak willpower, tears rolled in his eyes, he couldn't control it for some reason, and blurted out, "I said it was you, do you believe it?"

Isn't it him, he still asked?It's not him, it's her making fun of herself!

Shocked, amazed, surprised!The beautiful face has changed shape!

Lin Yifei's expression stabbed Cheng Peige's vision again, and he smiled bitterly, pretending to be extremely relaxed, "Just kidding, why are you so scared? Do you think it's possible? You don't need to take care of my affairs, yours Don't bother me in the future, your own woman can settle it herself!"


Lin Yifei had been thinking about what she said just now, so he didn't know when she left, and when he came back to his senses, Cheng Peige was still there.

"Cheng Peige, tell me clearly!" With an angry shout, his slender body ran around in various private rooms.

Where the hell did you go?

In the other private room, it was quiet and leisurely, and several women had a good conversation while drinking fruit juice.

Mu Changxuan doesn't allow her to drink alcohol in this kind of place, she is always afraid of any accidents.

"Xiaoge, it's really inappropriate for you to come here when you're pregnant." Bai Xiaoyou half-sit on the sofa, looking very casual, but from her facial expression, it can be seen that she is very tired!
Cheng Peige's brows haven't been stretched since she came in, she brought her confused thoughts back to reality, and said with a smile, "Who dares to disobey your man's orders?"

If she hadn't received Mu Changxuan's order to beat her to death, she wouldn't have come to such a place. No one among them knew what Bai Xiaoyou would be like after tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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