The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 783 If I Forget You, Remember to Remind Me

Chapter 783 If I Forget You, Remember to Remind Me (4)
Thinking that Bai Xiaoyou might forget her, Cheng Peige's heart was filled with unspeakable distress.She has no friends, but cherishes her friendship with Bai Xiaoyou very much.

Who should she tell her about her worries in the future?

Bai Xiaoyou looked at her sad face in amazement, and his mind became confused for a moment.

After a while, Cheng Peige sighed under Bai Xiaoyou's shocked expression, and said something she half understood, "Miss Xiaoyou, you must remember me!"

remember me?These three words are so familiar, Mu Changxuan always said these words to her these days.

Did he...

My heart throbbed violently.

"Bai Xiaoyou, no matter what, I will thank you." When Gao Lan came in, Cheng Peige had already left, and Bai Xiaoyou was waiting for Mu Changxuan in the private room, but she did not expect her to come in.

Cheng Peige's words were still echoing in her ears, "Remember me" was engraved on her heart, and she couldn't get rid of it, almost driving her crazy. Gao Lan's appearance undoubtedly gave her the best relief.

"Since this is the case, my help is not in vain. Tell me what kind of disease I have. I want to know the details." Although she knew a little bit, it was still not clear enough.

She can't do it at the risk of forgetting Mu Changxuan!
In the future, can she stop thinking wildly, can she not go crazy, can she not be given amnesia medicine, she doesn't want to forget!

Since then, her world has been blank, what should she do if she can no longer remember?
If there is no Mu Changxuan in her life, what will her life be like in the future, and what does it matter how everything goes?


Gao Lan tightened her hand holding the glass, and her face, which was always calm and composed, froze slightly, as if she hadn't expected her to ask such a direct question, let alone that she would know about her illness.

If Mu Changxuan knew what would happen, would she need to tell Mu Changxuan?
"You are no longer the person next to Mu Changxuan, so there's no need to continue to hide anything for him." Seemingly seeing what she was thinking, Bai Xiaoyou got up from the sofa, his eyes became sharp.

Gao Lan's beautiful eyes gradually tightened, she pursed her lips, and was about to swallow the wine in the glass in one gulp, but was snatched away by the opposite Bai Xiaoyou, before she could stop her, the glass had already run out.

Now that she knows, she can't hide anything. Telling her may help her, and she will deeply remember what Mu Changxuan has done for her.

After taking that kind of medicine, I will not forget it completely.

She thought that she sympathized with Mu Changxuan now.What an arrogant man, to endure the most painful torture.How painful is it to be forgotten by the one you love?

"I'm not very clear about the details. I only know that Li Boran came back from asking for medicine. Today's gathering is obviously for your brother's business matchmaking. In fact—"

I believe Bai Xiaoyou can understand the latter, in fact, it is to let her remember everyone, no one knows what will happen tomorrow, Mu Changxuan is betting, hoping that she can remember one of them.

Coming out of Haojue, Bai Xiaoyou always felt a pair of eyes staring at him, but when he turned around, there was nothing.

Who could it be, her feeling was definitely not groundless, that breath was very familiar, it was - Mu Ziqing!

It's him right?

She couldn't bear to think about it, she was pulled into the car by the man beside her, her thoughts were interrupted by the cold order, and the car sped away.

"What did you talk to them about?" In the car, the man asked her softly, while covering her hair with his hand, while staring at her abnormal expression.

(End of this chapter)

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