big bet

Chapter 107 The feeling of home

Chapter 107 The feeling of going home (2)
"I like it, I like it very much!"

"Aren't you happy to please Wen'er? Do you really like it in your heart?" Wen Chang asked persistently.

Jin Qi scratched her nose and said, "Although I haven't looked at it carefully, the overall fits my fancy. The front door and the living room are simple and elegant, especially the conservatory outside the north window is very imaginative. I haven't seen it yet." It’s time to taste, but the gurgling water and the faint fragrance must be fish ponds and orchids. Wen’er, you also have expertise in this area?”

Wenchang pointed to Fengjuan and said, "Wen'er just likes it, and Feng'er is an expert in orchid cultivation. There are more than 100 valuable orchid plants in the greenhouse, all of which have been cultivated by Fenger for many years. This time Wen'er moved them all. Here we come. The heating, drying and humidity control system was installed in the conservatory, and it cost more than 200 million yuan. For this, Feng Er scolded me for a few days, saying that I was a prodigal son, and I must sell a few pots of bluegrass to make up for the cost. Husband, tell me Are you a prodigal?"

Looking at Fengjuan, Jin Qi felt weak, and stretched out his arms to put Fengjuan on her right leg, hugged the two beauties on the left and the right, and said softly: "I want to be rich when I have no money, why? Why don’t you want to spend as much as you like, buy, eat and use what you like, without having to calculate the food expenses for next month. Now we are very rich, at least 50 billion yuan, who doesn’t spend money if Jin Qi’s beloved wife doesn’t? Needless to say, tens of millions, even tens of millions, as long as Feng'er and Wen'er are willing to spend it, I am more happy to spend the golden flag. Would you two wives want to see the gold that your husband can easily conjure up? Silver treasure?"

"What? Conjure gold and silver treasures at random? Do you think you are a god?" Wen Chang obviously didn't believe it.

Of course Fengjuan didn't believe it, but she just smiled.

Jin Qi said, "How many people don't believe it? If it really happened, what would you say?"

"Whatever you say!" Wen Chang insisted to the end, she didn't know what to think, suddenly Xia Fei's cheeks.

Feng Juan leaned against what she considered her husband's generous and warm chest, and lazily said: "Husband, Feng'er is all yours up and down, so of course it's up to you. Even if you can't change it, it's up to you." I still don't believe that I can conjure up a baby.

Jin Qi smiled secretly, and decided to let them see her husband's tricks.He said: "Close your eyes, I told you to open them and then open them again. You are not allowed to peek, otherwise the immortal energy will run away."

The two beauties were really obedient and closed their beautiful eyes...

Jin Qi quickly inspected the treasures in the Tianshijie: In addition to Tianjinsha and jadeite rough stones in the Taihu Lake shipwreck, there were also eight pieces of official kiln porcelain made by the Qing Dynasty, two gilt bronze Buddha statues in the Song Dynasty, a box of jewelry and jadeite pieces and Many pure gold ingots.There is also a box of gold and silver treasures in the Millennium Gongyu Cave, which is much better than the sunken ship in Taihu Lake.There are many high-quality medicinal materials and refining tools in the Shishi bracelets found in the bamboo building by the Qingyi River.And the countless rough diamonds harvested in Diamond Creek by the Qingyi River can naturally be shown off.Looking at the yellow eyebrow storage bracelets, there are also many good products. (The bracelets have been used by Guanshan.) In addition to cash and dollar bills, those Buddha beads made of agate, chalcedony, crystal and other raw materials, red gold necklaces, and even gold bricks, There are also dozens of kilograms of gold bars, all of which can be exhibited.Of course, porcelain beads like Jun Kiln can scare and frighten them.After making up his mind to move out one treasure after another, the hall downstairs was full of jewels and jewels in no time.

"Open your eyes."

Wen Chang was the first to open her eyes. Since she couldn't see the downstairs while she was sitting, she thought that Jin Qi hadn't conjured up anything, and said jokingly, "Please spare my husband, otherwise we will punish you severely."

Fengjuan became much calmer. She had already noticed the golden flames and silver glow reflected on the dome, so she stood up in surprise and walked downstairs.Seeing this, Wen Chang also followed, and when they passed the corner of the stairs, they couldn't help exclaiming, and rushed downstairs like flying, circling around a piece of dazzling gold and silver, dizzying what to look at.Fengjuan finally stood still, squatting down and holding up the porcelain beads, her beautiful eyes were shining brightly, and she could see her excitement.A layman in Wenchang, he held the golden statue of Sakyamuni and shouted, "Husband, is this pure gold?"

"It's gilt copper, that is, painted with gold."

She gave up the Buddha statue with a "hey" and picked up two big gold ingots.

Jin Qi leaned on the railing of the half-floor to admire the treasures everywhere. These things were easy to get, so he didn't take a good look at them. He didn't even know what was there. When his eyes came into contact with seven or eight small jade bottles, he realized that he really If you are careless, you don't know the treasure in Baoshan.There are [-] jade snuff bottles in the two piles on the left and right, and the ten on the left are treasures from the sunken ship in Taihu Lake. None of the snuff bottles have the same shape, and the caps of the pots are also unique. There are black-winged wood, emerald stone, gold, etc., all of which are simple and beautiful, and it can be seen that they are all ancient artifacts from the Qing Dynasty.And the eight snuff bottles on the right are obviously made of Hetian jade, which makes people exclaim "Lucky."

This is Huangmei's possession, eight sets of two, four sets of four.All made of jade, the difference is that the bas-reliefs are different.Among them, those with turquoise lids are engraved with plum, orchid, bamboo, and chrysanthemum; those with red agate lids are engraved with fishing, firewood, plowing, and reading.The two sets of snuff bottles are exquisitely cut, and the jade is shiny and smooth, which looks elegant and extraordinary.It was this natural feeling that made Jin Qi look a few more times, and a line of tiny characters "Qianlong Appreciation" rushed into his eyes.Two sets of imperial treasures!
There are so many ancient jewelry and ancient porcelains that are enough to set up a collection room. If you tidy up a few as showrooms in Yaofeng Villa, it is likely to be another big profit!Thinking of this Jin Qi couldn't help but chuckle.

"Feng'er, come and see this jade tube. I'm thinking of a way to make money again!" Wenchang held two thin sapphire tubes in his hand, about the thickness of a little finger, one inch long and short, with wishful cloud patterns carved on both ends, and a hole in the center to Wearing rope tassels, one of the tube walls is engraved with a section of "Diamond Sutra", and the other is engraved with "Tao Yuanming Poems".Jin Qi knew that these were called "Jade Scripture Guan" and "Jade Poetry Guan", which were worn by ancient literati.

"Feng'er, can you imitate these jade tubes and engrave scriptures to ward off evil spirits and avoid disasters? You can also customize inscriptions as congratulatory gifts, keepsakes, etc., and use jade tubes as another popular product after the 'peace and safety wear'. OK?"

"Wen'er is really smart." Fengjuan boasted repeatedly, and the two immediately got together to discuss.

The husband sings and the wife follows, it is difficult for this kind of family not to grow!But the problem of the two women in front of him can't be solved even by a fairy-like figure. Jin Qi couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly when he thought that he might not be able to sleep alone for a long night tonight.There are many disadvantages too!Downstairs was making noise and laughing for a while before it stopped. Did the trick become too big?When Jin Qi thought about how to respond if he was questioned about the source, his head immediately turned into two big ones.The two women quarreled for a while, then looked back, her husband was gone?It was only when we got to the second floor that we found out that someone was working as a dishwasher.

Seeing two helpers appearing on the left and right, Jin Qi hurriedly said, "Don't get your hands wet, I'll be fine in a while. You must have bought this set of Wen'er utensils, right?" With Wenchang's delicate and smooth skin, it's no wonder someone rushed to wash the dishes.

"Husband, even if the gold and silver treasure downstairs is real, where did you hide it? How did you move it out in an instant?" Wen Chang didn't focus on the utensils, he was full of doubts and was about to overflow.The same is true for Fengjuan, her beautiful phoenix eyes blinked, showing a look of surprise.

How to explain it?Jin Qi dried the last dish, and said while walking downstairs: "Your husband can't move mountains and seas, but he can move things and hide things. These treasures are accumulated by my husband and stored in the storage ring. When needed Come with your thoughts, of course, ordinary people can’t and can’t use these methods. Have you ever heard of cultivation? Have you heard of ancient martial arts? The supernatural powers of grasping the moon in the nine heavens and catching turtles in the five oceans actually exist around us , but the degree is different. People with all kinds of supernatural powers are now called supernatural powers. These supernatural powers are not born, but acquired through precise methods and hard training. Of course, some people still have no progress after a hundred years of hard work, and some People are lucky to be successful in a short period of time, this is fate. Your husband belongs to the lucky latter, and he is also considered a top figure in the ancient martial arts world or the cultivation world."

"Is it number one in the world?" Wen Chang said with fascination on his face, "I like to read martial arts novels, in which the scenes of love and hatred, iron blood and steel swords always make people excited and dreamy, but I never thought that it also exists in modern society. "

"No. [-] in the world, but the top [-]. So-so, enough to protect our home."

"What about guns? Are you not afraid of many guns shooting at you?"

With a wave of Jin Qi's hand, two delicate bracelets carved like morning glory appeared in the palm of his hand. He handed it to Wen Chang and said, "Wen'er, go to the kitchen and get a kitchen knife."

Wenchang took the gleaming kitchen knife suspiciously.

Jin Qi said again: "Chop at me hard, any place is fine, chop hard!"

Wenchang couldn't do anything for a long time, and looked at Fengjuan, Fengjuan also looked surprised.In the end, she closed her eyes, swung her knife and slashed towards the opposite side.Hearing the sound of "thumping", the kitchen knife seemed to be split on the elastic net, which shocked Wen Chang to take several steps back, and the knife in his hand almost flew away.He opened his eyes and saw that he was standing upright, not missing a single hair.She asked anxiously: "Feng'er, did you really hurt your husband just now?"

Fengjuan shook her head and said, "I just saw your knife cut on a piece of brilliance."

Jin Qi couldn't help laughing, and put the morning glory thin bracelets on the left wrists of the two wives with his own hands, and said: "This is a magic weapon made by my husband. Don't take it off. It can withstand ten times of knife and gun shots for you." , even cars can’t hit you. I’ll give you new ones after ten times.”

Wenchang happily asked: "Is it because others can't hit me, but I can hit people?"

Seeing her seriousness, Jin Qi nodded, Wen Meimei jumped up and shouted: "I don't have to worry about being kidnapped anymore!" The shadow of being kidnapped last time was still in my heart.

Fengjuan looked at the exquisite white bracelet, and couldn't help but softly exclaimed: "What a fairy husband!"

Wenchang pestered Jin Qi, insisting on asking him to explain why he started cultivating and possessing such powerful abilities?Jin Qi said it one by one, as if telling a story. Of course, it was a brief one. In less than a year, the achievements are outstanding, and the ancient books are naturally filled with the "Jade Refining Jue" obtained from the thousand-year-old jade cave.This is not intentional to deceive Feng'er and Wen'er, even if they say it, they still can't understand, what is in front of them is already shocking enough.Look, the two of them are frightened like silly geese?Scared!
After a long, long time, Wenchang pulled the golden flag and said softly: "These stories are enough for Wen'er to digest tonight, husband, Wen'er is not fully ready yet, let Feng'er accompany her husband, see you tomorrow." Kiss hurriedly, hurry hurried away.

Unable to bear it anymore, Jin Qi casually collected the gold, silver and antiques all over the floor into Tian Shijie, picked up Fengjuan, quickly went upstairs, and slipped into the rightmost one of the three bedrooms side by side.The heels closed the door, and the four lips immediately joined together.There is no need to say anything if you understand each other, just a little rubbing of dry wood and raging fire can start a blazing fire.For a moment, the skirt was flying, and the jade body was lying horizontally...

After sleeping until dawn, Jin Qi didn't wake up, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a snow-white body next to his mouth, and he immediately started to suck it.In her sleep, Fengjuan was woken up, and her whole body was so soft that she begged: "The fairy husband spared Feng'er and went to Wen'er, Feng'er really has no strength at all."

Jin Qi smiled and pulled the quilt to cover the greedy "Splendid Mountains and Rivers", returned to her room and sat cross-legged on the sofa to enter the state of breath adjustment.

Before [-] o'clock in the morning, Jin Qi was awakened by the laughter downstairs, and he could hear the living room downstairs was very lively, not only Luo Dawei, but also the laughter of the little magpie girl...

The magpie under Jin's banner jumped into his arms, and his soft body was quite interesting, and it was weird to be rubbed against him by two tough hands.The magpie leaned into his ear and said, "Brother Qi, the magpie dreams of you every day, it's true."

Fengjuan has already gone to work, and the magpie rushed here after hearing what Fengjuan said.She is now the third child of Fengchang Company, the manager of the lobby, and a beautiful white-collar worker.Chirping and chirping non-stop: "Brother Qi, I have good news for you. Sister Yan'er is in full health and fell in love with Brother Poisonous Snake. Now they are in charge of the sales of the villa. I have been transferred to Fengchang Company! And Since Fengchang opened the account, the business has not been very good. It is overcrowded every day, but there is a guy who is very abnormal. He bought three emerald carvings in three consecutive days and spent more than 100 million yuan. I have an appointment with Sister Feng this afternoon to discuss the three-color bracelet. Brother Qi, do you want to go and have a look, I'm afraid this guy has bad intentions for Sister Feng?"

"Oh, is there such a thing? Brother, I will go with the magpie in the afternoon." Jin Qi has a heart, because he has made many enemies after a year of ups and downs.Putting down the magpie, he hugged Luo Dawei tightly, and took the time to reach out and shake hands with Zhang Yun who was smiling.

Luo Dawei punched the golden flag, and said, "Brother, is it true that he is reluctant to leave in Hong Kong? He agreed for a week, but the result was half a month away, and he didn't even rush back to Fengchang to open the account, which made me wait for six days in vain!"

"Hey, why don't you wait for me, you boy is really happy to miss you. Yunmei, do you think so?"

"Brother, you are so bad!"

"Hey, it's not good to say that big brother is broken when you have Dawei, sister Yun?"

Zhang Yun's face was flushed with shame at these words, and she arched into Wen Chang's arms, coquettishly: "Sister Wen, please take care of elder brother, he has become so glib?"

Wenchang also laughed, put his arms around Zhang Yun and said, "Don't pay attention to him, I'll show you a jade carving, and you can give you an idea." Belongs to the best staff.

Everyone sit down, tea for tea, coffee for coffee, everyone gets what they need.What Luo Dawei is most concerned about is whether the giant diamond promised by Jin Qi will be implemented.Coming to Heshi City early is a good thing, and the main thing is to implement the giant diamond.This time the old man ordered Luo's money bank to be used at will, which shows the weight of the giant diamond!So as soon as he was seated, he said first: "Brother, the air ticket to Las Vegas is scheduled for three days, and the passports of you and sister-in-law have been completed and handed over to sister-in-law. Dou Bao decided before Christmas, that is to say, we We'll start as soon as we get to America, okay?"

Jinqi found a total of three giant rough diamonds on the banks of the Qingyi River, two of which are slightly smaller, and the largest one is more than 7000 carats.Two slightly smaller rough diamonds of more than 5000 carats each were preliminarily cut by Bai Yuer, fully displaying the dazzling fire of the diamonds.Because the original diamond naturally has more than a dozen facets, after processing, the original diamond is already brilliant.One of them has been sold by the Hong Kong King's Treasures to Yinhe, the eldest lady of the Silver Consortium. Although the price is only 2 million Hong Kong dollars, it is half sale and half free, and the asking price is 5000 million Hong Kong dollars.Originally, he wanted to keep the largest diamond for his own collection, and another rough diamond of more than 7 carats was sold by Fengchang. Due to the needs of Roche’s “Diamond Fighting” in the United States, Jin Qi changed his mind and kept this scary enough natural rough diamond.It's just how much to sell to Roche that makes him worry.According to business, the grade of this giant rose-red diamond should be much higher than that of the colorless transparent diamond, and the transaction price of more than [-] million or more than [-] million Hong Kong dollars is not an exaggeration.but……

(End of this chapter)

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