big bet

Chapter 108 The feeling of home

Chapter 108 The feeling of going home (3)
Jin Qi hesitated for a moment, got up and called Luo Dawei into the study on the north side of the third floor. On the desk covered with an embroidered scarf was the giant diamond, which was prepared before going downstairs.He said, "Look, it's under the embroidered scarf."

Luo Dawei was suddenly a little nervous, there should be diamonds under the scarf, it might be a box with diamonds so big.If it is a diamond of several hundred carats, it should be a sure win; if it is tens of carats, it can be a fight; if it is more than ten carats, it will be a big loser.Thinking about it, he carefully picked up the corner of the towel and slowly lifted it... "Wow!" He exclaimed, the fist-sized diamond stared straight at him like a dazzling eye, and he was shocked!Take a closer look, the light outside the window reflects colorful brilliance in different sections, like heavy makeup

So beautiful.Stretch out your hand to touch it, it is cold and smooth, and the cold air penetrates the lungs.He raised his head and sighed: "Brother, I really admire you. You can also get the world's largest diamond. I have nothing to say, but I can only admire you. This time the gambling city fights against diamonds, and there is no reason to lose. What price? Brother, you add the profit that should be added, you’re welcome, this is a sale.”

Jin Qi said: "Dawei, can I borrow it? Return the diamond to me later, so that there is no need to negotiate the price, because the price is really hard to say."

"This... big brother, is this diamond priceless?"

"No, I have always thought that the largest diamond ever discovered in the world is only more than 4000 carats. I know that there is another diamond similar to this one in Hong Kong. It is a colorless diamond and cannot be compared with this rose red diamond, so At least I know that this rose-red diamond is the best in the world. My ideal price is 7 million US dollars, which may be unfavorable to Luo's jade carving workshop, which makes it difficult for me to make a decision. Dawei, 'borrowing' outsiders cannot I know, I will auction in your name in the United States, others will think that it is Hangong Zhuoyutang, and it will not affect the reputation of Douzuan. Do you think it will work?" Jin Qi was afraid that Luo Dawei might misunderstand, explained patiently, and then sincerely seek the other party's opinion. More than [-] million Hong Kong dollars is equivalent to [-] million U.S. dollars.

Luo Dawei thinks it's not bad to do this, he can win the "Double Diamond" without spending a penny, but if the secret is revealed in the future, the fate will be terrible.Although Jinqi will never do bad things, it is not guaranteed that the process and details will cause others to suspect, such as the flow of funds and so on.But it’s hard not to do that. Hearing Jin Qi’s idea of ​​guaranteeing a minimum of 2000 million U.S. dollars, he also hopes that there is a possibility of more value-added, 3000 million?Or $[-] million?The price is too scary, can Hangong Zhuoyutang bear it?Or can you decide for yourself?After much deliberation, I decided to call my grandpa.

Anyway, the things are already there, and the trip to Las Vegas is well planned, so it doesn't matter if you decide slowly.A group of people met to eat "Beggar's Chicken" at "Wangsi Restaurant" in Guanqian food street, and they also invited Fengjuan.During the dinner, Jin Qi asked about the strange man that Magpie said, and Feng Juan told him that he would come for an interview at two o'clock in the afternoon.Feeling a little apprehensive, Jin Qi decided to go and see for himself.After the meal, Luo Dawei told Mr. Jin Qiluo that he had seen the photos sent by his mobile phone and listened carefully to the statement. The old man meant to buy it, and he was willing to pay 2000 million US dollars for the American Hangong Zhuoyutang to contribute.As one of the hedging tools for funds, rough diamonds are worth the most in the world.

Jin Qi is very helpless, he is not in a hurry to sell, he has been wondering whether such a beautiful rose color can be found in the gravel layer by the Qingyi River?In the end, he said: "Forget it, the old man can't go against what he wants, [-] million, just give [-] million US dollars."

"Big brother is big brother, so the old man doesn't have to use his private money."

"What do you mean?"

"Originally, the old man decided that the American Zhuoyutang will give 2000 million, and he will personally pay 2000 million. If he makes money in the future, he will return the [-] million to the old man. If he doesn't make any money, it will be fine." Luo Dawei said this without thinking.

Hearing this, Jin Qi felt uncomfortable. When doing business with friends, they often feel uncomfortable if they don’t make more money, and feel guilty about making more money.Especially this time, will others think that they are taking the opportunity to deliberately drive up the price for profit?But I really think that the giant rose diamond is less than [-] million US dollars.If it is possible to create a new sky-high price through the auction of this extreme luxury that is unique in the world, [-] million or [-] million US dollars is also entirely possible.It's a pity from a business point of view to just shoot like this.Uncomfortable is uncomfortable, since I promised others, I don't take it to heart.

It was agreed to go to Zhang Huan's place to gather for dinner tomorrow, and everyone broke up.Magpie rushes to work, and Wenchang accompanies Jin Qi to visit Guanqian Pedestrian Street.This was proposed by Jin Qi. He mainly wanted to see the situation of the "Fengxiang Gold Store" that was forced to be sold to He Wenhao.

Sure enough, the situation is as expected. Although the facade has been redecorated and the store is brightly lit, it is a pity that it is deserted and empty.However, Jin Qi had an indescribable feeling in his heart that he couldn't see through the future of "Fengxiang Gold Store" with his "spiritual consciousness" cultivation level?The whole store seemed to be shrouded in a thick fog.His surprised expression caught Wenchang's attention, and she pulled La Jinqi's lapel and asked, "Husband, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I want to go far away." Jin Qi said casually, shaking his head as if to get rid of the doubts and fears just now, and walked towards his enterprise holding Wen Chang's soft, pink hands.

It's a pity that Jin Qi didn't go deep into it. With his kung fu, he can fully use the highest level of "Spiritual Consciousness Realm" to completely penetrate the invisible fog barrier, so as to gain insight into the truth and avoid future disasters that will kill people.It's a pity that he ignored it, maybe since the cultivation has been too smooth, he won't need to use much effort to win a steady victory every time he faces the enemy.Maybe it was destined by fate, so he would just be paralyzed and ignored.A killing against him is quietly kicking off, and he, who has great supernatural powers, has no sense...

Wenchang's office is opposite Fengjuan, and they can see each other when they open the door.Now the two beauties have divided the work, Fengjuan is in charge of selling one piece, and Wenchang is in charge of organizing the supply of goods.She also took care of small investment tasks. In addition to Fengchang's huge amount of material and processing fees returned to Yaofeng Villa, the two decided to make full use of the large profits that generated.Because they don't have the burden of feeding materials and pressing money, making money with money has become Wenchang's part-time job.

The interior and exterior decoration of Fengchang Gold Jewelry Company is second to none in the entire commercial street. It can be said to be extremely luxurious and resplendent.Of course, this is to match the luxury goods sold, and Jin Qi praised him all the way.It is said that the store bullies the customers, but in fact, the customers are timid in the face of such a big scene, so they don't need to be bullied.This is called invisible pressure.For example, if you don’t have much money in your pocket, would you dare to enter a luxuriously decorated hotel?In short, there is a lot of knowledge here, such as marketing and psychology, this study and that study are all involved.

Jin Qi chooses to sit in the Wenchang office first, waiting to see who is coming?Good or bad?

Half an hour later, when someone stepped into the reception room next to Fengjuan's office, Jin Qi, who was drinking coffee opposite, immediately felt a gloomy atmosphere pervading, cold and dry, as uncomfortable as the exhaustion of fresh air.He opened his eyes slightly, and he could see the room on the opposite side at a glance.A middle-aged man with a white and beardless face, as smooth as a peeled egg.Two curved eyebrows were as black as ink, and a pair of narrow and sharp eyes shone with an evil brilliance.He is tall and slender, and looks capable and energetic in a thin Chinese tunic suit in winter.This person looks dignified at a glance, but he has an inexplicable evil spirit when he tastes it carefully.

Fengjuan also seemed very uncomfortable, she frowned and asked, "Sir, what advice do you have?"

"Chang's surname is Yin, his name is Cong Rong, and he is calm and calm. Because he is very fond of your store's jade bracelet, he wants to further discuss cooperation with Manager Feng." He spoke slowly, but calmly.

"Mr. Yin, please sit down, Mr. has bought four accessories from the shop two days ago, do you still need to buy?"

"Yes, Manager Feng knows what Yin has already set his sights on." There was something in the words, which made people feel particularly awkward.

"In addition to the jadeite three-color bracelet, is Mr. Yin very interested in purple spring beads?" Fengjuan waved her hand, and the waitress brought a tray with a string of purple water and spring jadeite beads on the white velvet. 32 The three round beads are crystal clear, quietly shining with romantic color. "This is the top-quality necklace of our company. It's called 'Purple Spring Fragrance'. I don't know if it can catch Mr. Yin's eyes?"

Yin Congrong showed surprise in his eyes, and praised: "The rare purple spring ice species is attractive, the purple is right, the purple is delicious, the workmanship is not bad, the size of 32 is exactly the same, and the color and luster of each are exactly the same. The most unbelievable thing is that the 32 beads have no trace of cracks or defects under a high-power magnifying glass, and they are both in shape and spirit. It is very rare, very rare. I have admired it carefully just now, and I wonder how much Manager Feng asked for?"

"The three-color bracelet is 12 yuan, and the 'Purple Spring Fragrance' is 120 million yuan. Mr. Yin is a regular customer, and the best price is 120% off. The two pieces of jewelry total [-] yuan. This is the reserve price." Feng Juan looked indifferent, He didn't invite the guests to drink tea, obviously wanting to end the transaction early.

Yin Congrong didn't answer immediately, but looked up and squinted at the magnificent woman with a smile on her face, her eyes suddenly brightened, as if many colors were flowing out of her smiling eyes.Fengjuan couldn't help shivering, and was a little dazed for a moment.Yin Congrong asked, "How much is the real price?"

"Just 120 million?"

"How much?"

"One million, one million is fine."

"More discounts!"

"Then it's 50.


"Three, how about 30?"

Fengjuan seemed to be begging the buyer to automatically lower the price all the way.Yin Congrong still caught the other's eyes tightly, her face was pale, and she concentrated on pressing her step by step: "Float down further."

A few simple words seemed to hit Fengjuan's heart. Cold sweat dripped from her forehead, her pink lips trembled, and she said reluctantly but helplessly: "20 yuan."


"Then let's take 10 yuan, and take the two pieces of 10 yuan." The tone was almost crying, and he was very afraid.

Yin Congrong smiled coldly, looked away, and said, "Okay, the deal will be 10 yuan." As he spoke, he handed the waitress a Bank of China Platinum Card.

Fengjuan breathed a sigh of relief, took two steps back and sat down on the sofa, and nodded to her assistant.The waiter put down the tray and was about to swipe the card to transfer the money but was stopped by the golden flag who walked into the reception room.As soon as Jin Qi came in, he hurried to Fengjuan's side, stretched out his hand to hold the catkin, and a ray of solar current passed through.Then he looked at Yin Congrong with an angry face and smiled coldly, and shot his eyes straight at the other party.

Yin Congrong, who was secretly complacent, suddenly felt a hot white light covering him, and then his whole body tensed up, unable to move.Knowing that the intruder was powerful, he immediately locked the door of his heart and sank into a state of indifference and indifference, guarding the peace of mind to resist the more and more tormenting pain of the body.However, the brain area, the source of my spiritual power cultivation, is said to be non-feeling, but the piercing pain coming from the painless part is unbearable, my eyes are about to explode, I want to shout but can't make a sound, I wanted to tear my body but couldn't raise my hands, the endless pain made every nerve pulled, and it became tighter and tighter...

A cold voice came: "How much is Mr. Yin willing to pay for these two treasures of emeralds?"

Yin Congrong knew that this was the only way to survive, so she hurriedly said, "One million, I will offer one million."

"Not for sale."


"Not for sale."

" much do you want?"

"Mr. Zhaoyin's bargaining range."

Yin Congrong's teeth wanted to bite, but they were too soft to use any strength.Ten times, the price was bargained ten times just now, which means that the opponent will punish him ten times, otherwise he will not let him go.There is hatred, the hatred is as heavy as a mountain, but he can only answer: "I agree, and the deal is 250 million yuan!" The whole body is lightened, and as soon as the words are spoken, the other party retracts the invisible but palpable majesty.

"Mr. Yin is very bold and spends a lot of money. Maybe it's a good thing to give to your lover?" Jin Qi smiled yin, with a sharp tone.He didn't want to tell the truth, Fengjuan was fine, and the other party suffered double torture. He believed that this person's depression for a month could not escape, so he decided to let him eat Coptis chinensis as a mute, and he couldn't tell the pain!

However, Jin Qi is also surprised. The other party has no martial arts but can force other people's will. This is the first time I have seen this kind of spiritual power; covered.This is just a case again, could it be that his magical skills have no effect on the kung fu in the spiritual category?If you can't figure it out, don't think about it anymore. Anyway, taking his life is a matter of little effort, and you don't need to bother to search for any further spiritual power. Just now it was easy to seal the opponent's whole body with true energy, and Jier's attack on the brain is a clear proof!
He was careless again, and the fatal mistake he made would make him die!This is not to mention later.

Half an hour later, Yin calmly and panickedly left Fengchang Company as if fleeing.Even though his whole body was numb and his head was dizzy, he was still very happy because he had finally achieved his goal of testing the strength of the enemy.After making sure no one was following him, he hailed a taxi and told him to go to Changshu City.The taxi got into the high-speed speeding speed, and he was thinking about how to report various details to the leader...

As soon as Yin calmly left, Fengjuan snuggled into Jin Qi's arms, and said with lingering fear: "Husband, who is this weird guy? Why is he completely involuntary after being glared at by him, and still keeps begging for a price reduction? Obviously at the time, I said You can’t do this, but your mouth just said it out, why?”

Fengjuan suppressed Jin Qi's hand that kept making troubles, and said: "It's too mysterious. I just met the fairy husband, and then met the devil's guest. Fortunately, the fairy husband is better, otherwise I will die!"

"My husband has done meritorious deeds, Feng'er should also comfort, condole."

"This is the office, not home, husband, please. Or, go get Wen'er, she is looking forward to it."

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Jin Qi loves and pities her so much that she really wants to "eat" her.Thinking that this place is really not the occasion, I gave up resentfully.After saying hello to Wenchang, he rushed to Mudu Yaofeng Villa alone.

More than half a month away from Yaofeng Mountain Villa, there are changes again. The vines on the wall are more dense. In winter, the leaves are green and red, densely weaving a colorful barrier. Under the background of the maple leaves in the distant mountains, the sparse branches The three small buildings with blue bricks and black tiles in the room look so quiet, which makes people feel very close.As the car approached the courtyard gate, security guards greeted him. It seemed that the owner was busy opening the gate and making phone calls. As soon as the Jinqi car stopped, seven or eight men and women crowded out of the No. [-] sales office building.Some intimacy is naturally indispensable. Everyone in the villa received a call from the magpie yesterday afternoon, and they were looking forward to it early today.

Everyone wanted to rush to talk, so they simply rushed into Jin Qi's office and sat down one by one.The first person to report was of course Wang Yufen, the manager of the villa. She said with a smile: "Three things must be said first. The first is to invest 500 million yuan to renovate the part of Yaofeng Mountain contracted by us, and build two mountain paths up and down. Build three stone pavilions at the top, middle and bottom, and transform the Tibetan soldier cave on the mountainside into a rest area. Tea will be planted all over the slope to form a certain scale of products and create the brand "Yaofeng Yucha". Red maple trees will be planted along the road to make Yaofeng Mountain The red and green are shining, like a poem. At the same time, the workshop area is being expanded, and the current area has already hindered production. These engineering designs and budgets have been completed and the boss will nod to start. If it goes well, it is estimated that the first phase of the project will be completed in early April next year. The Erhe City Tourism Festival invites the villa to participate in the "Treasure Exhibition". The villa is preparing two works to participate, which are subject to the approval of the boss. Third, the villa has accumulated 5000 million deposits in its books. The bank has repeatedly asked whether to join the real estate investment? I will These three points, it's over."

(End of this chapter)

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