big bet

Chapter 109 The feeling of home

Chapter 109 The feeling of going home (4)
Jin Qi nodded and asked Guan Shan: "Did Brother Guan read the design drawing?"

Guan Shan replied with a smile: "I have read it, and I have made many suggestions."

"Then let's get to work. I'm going to the United States in two days and I don't have time to look at it. The works to be exhibited will be entered under the name of 'Yao Feng Ruo Wei Knife', and Brother Guan will check it out. The villa will keep 5000 million, and the remaining [-] million will be remitted to Hong Kong. Account number I will give it to you." Jin Qi said casually: "This time I came back with some good things, and I will ponder and ponder with Brother Guan tonight. Brother Guan, what works did Lu Tushi make?"

Guan Shan said: "There are no batches, just a few pieces of [-]-[-] kilograms of aniseed materials to make a few Buddha statues, and one of the thousand-handed Avalokitesvara wants to be exhibited. Zhao Gong also carved the Guanghan Palace with white materials, which is very beautiful. Brother Jin, go and have a look when you have time."

"Must watch." As he spoke, his gaze shifted to the left, and the poisonous snake and Yan'er sat side by side. Yan'er changed from the sick appearance when he came to the villa, with clear eyes, rosy cheeks, long hair casually draped over his shoulders, dark gray She looked calm and relaxed in her professional attire, which was the standard for a quiet and elegant female white-collar worker.What surprised Jin Qi even more was that in just a few months of cultivation, Yan'er had entered the "late stage of consecration"!This is of course related to the assistance of Millennium Jade Paste, but it is difficult to make such progress without hard work and a calm mind. It seems that Yan'er has worked hard.Thinking of practicing, he couldn't help but look at the other two. The poisonous snake has entered the "late stage of enlightenment", and Guan Shan has further reached the "early stage of consecration".Poor Dulong is still walking in the "middle stage of rotation". Seeing a little girl shyly bowing her head sitting next to him, I can understand why this guy is not motivated.

The poisonous snake pushed Yan'er to let her speak first. It was the first time for Yan'er to report to Yan'er at work, and she blushed before saying anything: "The magpie has gone to the city and I will replace her. Yan'er can't do anything. Relying on Brother Poisonous Snake to teach. There are three big deals, one is that Shanghai Yue Mengyue took away two pieces of high-quality jadeite, worth 830 million, and the money arrives the next day. More than 200 kilograms of Hetian Ziyu, and the money is temporarily owed. There is another case where Mr. Li, the third generation of Guangfu Qing, bought 130 kilograms of Ziyu and 27 kilograms of a piece of red jade. The old price of Ziyu was 40 yuan per kilogram , Very unscrupulous. There are many small businesses, with a total value of more than 500 million yuan. That's all."

"Boss Li of the third generation of the Qing Dynasty also came to buy jadeite?" Jin Qi thought that the red jadeite might be bet from this guy, but he bought it back by himself, interesting!

"Yes. Boss Li is very happy. While waiting for the bank transfer, I heard him talking on the phone with a boss in Guangzhou. After talking nonsense, he quoted a price of 45 yuan per kilogram, and finally finalized the transaction at 43 yuan per kilogram. The net profit was more than 8000 million in a blink of an eye. He was so happy that he kept clamoring to invite all the people in the villa to the restaurant."

Just as the poisonous snake was about to speak, the phone rang in his hand, and someone came to buy jade again.Jin Qi asked him to entertain the guests first, and he and Guan Shan went directly to the workshop.

The original workshop with more than a dozen people has almost tripled in size, and the sound of jade carving in the workshop is very lively.Most of the technicians are rushing to make the "Safety and Peaceful Card", and there are also large pieces of rough jadeite being pondered on the plane.Guan Shan told Jin Qi that now 80 yuan of jade tokens can be sold every day, Fengchang store sells 30 yuan a day, 20 yuan is used to deal with various related parties internally, and the remaining 30 yuan is used as accumulation.It is planned to stop production for another month. One is that the workers will take their annual leave, and the other is that they plan to release new works. Wenchang has already sent the images of "Jade Jingguan" and "Jade Poetry Guan".

The two came to the underground warehouse, which was empty.In the blink of an eye, there are many emerald wool and more than a dozen large-scale sculptures in Guanshan's passing. The most eye-catching one is a two-foot-high Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara Buddha statue. A deep and mysterious feeling.The Guanyin Baoxiang is dignified and solemn, with thousands of hands and thousands of postures performing the magic of emptiness, and the exquisite carving fully presents the exquisiteness of the micro-knife technique.Jin Qi praised it greatly, and after looking around several times, his five fingers formed a series of handprints, shining in silver.The whole Buddha statue suddenly came alive, full of auspiciousness, and the Dharma image became more and more holy, as if smiling with flowers.

"Ah..." Guan Shan couldn't help exclaiming, "Brother Jin, is this a supernatural power?"

Jin Qi laughed and said, "It's really wonderful to pair the micro-knife with 'Xiang'an into the Jingzhen'! This thousand-armed Avalokitesvara will definitely cause a sensation at the exhibition, and it is likely to win a gold medal. Come on, Brother Guan, your cultivation level is already here' In the early stages of consecration, you can step into the 'integration period' with one step of effort, and then you can use the method of formation. My little brother will first teach you the formula and technique of 'Xiang'an enters the tranquil formation', and after you are proficient, you can use spells and formations as soon as you reach the level of skill."

Guan Shan asked pleasantly: "What is the function of Xiang'an's entering the tranquil formation?"

"This formation is a wonderful formation for the immortal family to relieve troubles and calm the mind. It is generally used to help people rest and fall asleep. Just now I saw that although the Buddha statue is exquisite, it lacks aura. And the durability is very good, the sculptures are not like people, they will not absorb the spiritual power of the formation, and they can last for three to four years."

As he spoke, he moved past another group of "Eight Horses" carved in imitation of the Eight Horses of Tang Dynasty.In addition to black and white, deer stones also have black and white, black and gray colors, together with bright red and black yellow in emerald, they form a group of extraordinary "Eight Steeds".Jin Qi took this as an example and taught Guan Shan the formulas and techniques one by one.Waiting for Guan Shan to understand, the "Eight Horses" has become a beautiful fairy.

The two were indulging in the joy of the new discovery, and the poisonous snake called to say that there were two big customers who wanted to see the owner.Before Jin Qi left, he took out more than 300 pieces of Hetian Ziyu of different sizes and hundreds of pieces of jadeite wool, and also produced four large pieces of deep-sea agate stones.Guan Shan smiled from ear to ear and said, "Brother Jin, all the rare treasures in the world have been scoured for you. Just these four agate stones can become kings. As long as they are cleaned up a little, and they don't need knives and axes, they are good works of art." I will try to sort out a piece for my younger siblings in the past few days, and Wen'er must be overjoyed."

Jin Qi said: "There are quite a few more. Among them is a piece of top-quality red agate that is all blood red. I put it in the exhibition room as a sample. There are plenty of these things in the deep sea. Brother Guan, you take your time to sort it out and I will go first."

Looking at the figure of Jin Qi going away, Guan Shan had to secretly admire that even the treasures in the deep sea can be taken casually, the supernatural power is not ordinary!Looking at the incomparably mysterious Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara, he thought to himself that if he didn't work hard, he would be farther and farther away from Jindi.

Before reaching the No. [-] building, I saw two "Saturns" and two "Hummers" parked under the wisteria trellis. It seemed that the guests were of high status.

The air conditioner in the reception room was warm and sunny, and the quiet fragrance of tea made the stink of copper much duller.Poisonous Snake and Yan'er were accompanied by two groups of guests, one of which was only two people, a young man who looked like a secretary was bending over a fat middle-aged man in his fifties, whispering something, which could be seen This person is a valuable boss.There were eight people in the other group, and five of them were strong and strong, and they were undoubtedly bodyguards.The other three sat on the couch, and in the middle was a seventy-year-old white-haired old man with gold-rimmed glasses and a golden cane. He was a rich man.However, the old man's face was flushed, his breath was uneven, and his body was very weak.Sitting on the left and right of him is a pair of young men and women, the handsome women and the handsome men look as if they are dressed in jade, and they are like young masters and young ladies.As soon as Jin Qi arrived, Viper quickly got up and introduced to both parties.

It's funny to say that the two groups of millionaires who came here are all the top figures in Shanghai's real estate industry. The fat middle-aged man surnamed Zhou is the chairman and executive president of Marriott Real Estate. After all, he is the only one who has the final say on Marriott.President Zhou was originally the director of the Shanghai Cotton Mill. During the restructuring, he took over a state-owned enterprise with a salvage value of hundreds of millions for 500 million yuan. Of course, the procedures were formal and flawless.A year later, he moved the factory to Zhejiang, and the original factory site was handed over to the government for urban renovation, and the compensation alone was hundreds of millions.Then sell the cotton spinning factory in Zhejiang, resettle 2000 million laid-off workers, and leave a few million yuan.In just one year, the first bucket of gold was readily pocketed, and Marriott Real Estate was also on the road.There are frequent derogatory remarks in the industry, but word of mouth does not hinder the rapid development of his real estate, and he is now worth tens of billions. (Of course I only learned about these things later. Let me mention them first. Anyway, personal conduct has nothing to do with business.) When there is a lot of money, there is a hobby of burning money. Dong Chou loves stones, and he built a compound in Pudong to collect all the strange stones in the world. It's less than [-] billion to [-] million yuan.If you go to his crown-shaped "rare in the world" beautiful stone garden, everyone will be amazed by the wide variety of stones with strange shapes.

He came to Heshi this time to talk about an old saying for his colleagues. He said in front of Marriott Jay Chou and Xu Zuren, the former president of Wanjia Real Estate, Xu Zuren, "If you talk about the crown of beautiful stones, Heshi Yaofeng Villa has a piece of four, four, The [-]-ton Taihu Stone deserves it, and it’s even better than the Lingering Garden’s ‘Guanyunfeng’.” At this point, Mr. Xu, the former president of Wanjia Real Estate, immediately called his grandson, granddaughter, and bodyguards to Heshi.Jay Chou, who happened to be present, also had a similar interest, so he squeezed into the Hummer and came together, because his "Rare in the World" was on the same level as Mr. Xu's "Guanshitang". People overwhelmed.

Mr. Xu from Wanjia Real Estate is a native of Hong Kong. He has a big family business and loves rocks alone. He and Jay Chou are usually happy friends. They often get together and quarrel just to fight for the first place.When he saw Yaofeng Mountain Villa standing up like a mountain beside the pond, and the incomparably exquisite water stones from the original place of Taihu Lake, Mr. Xu burst into tears and almost fainted from excitement.Now the two sides are sitting separately, and they have been fighting for a long time as to who is the winner.When the poisonous snakes repeatedly said not to sell, they didn't believe it at all. You said you wouldn't sell a lot of cash?The price has been driven up by both parties to 1000 million, all of which are 500 million plus!

The poisonous snake finished the situation lightly, Jin Qi almost burst away, there are such "stone idiots" in the world!
Both sides were annoyed, the Taihu rockery was nothing to do with a gold flag, and they didn't want to sell it.He intentionally said: "Both of you know that we will never sell this gem if it is less than [-] million RMB, so I don't think you two should fight. Wouldn't it be a tie if everyone didn't buy it?"

"What? Five hundred million? Master Jin, are you going too far! Yaofeng Villa is not worth five hundred million!" Jay Chou immediately jumped up.

"You don't have to buy Jay Chou, so why be angry." Jin Qi said lightly.

"You..." Jay Chou was at a loss for words for a moment, thinking in his heart that he would not be able to earn [-] million by developing a real estate, but he was unwilling to give up, so he stared at Mr. Xu.

Mr. Xu said slowly: "I will offer [-] million, and the master of Jinzhuang will give me the supporting peak."

5 million yuan to buy two Taihu stones, one big and one small!Jin Qi was speechless.He just talked about it, who would have thought that Shi Chi would take over, what should we do?When I thought about how the red mouth and white teeth could go back on their word, I couldn't help feeling frustrated.

Jay Chou's eyes were so wide that he almost fell off, his fat face was flushed, making people worry about hypertension.He was anxious, but Mr. Xu laughed instead, coughing so much that his granddaughter beat her back and stroked her chest repeatedly.Suddenly, Jay Chou roared angrily: "I want [-] million, but don't give me the matching peak!"

Wow!Fight again.In a new round of verbal war, Mr. Xu kept coughing and had to be replaced by his grandson. The young man also yelled and refused to give up: "Uncle Zhou, you have given up, why did you deliberately make trouble when we bought it? This is not kind, okay?" Stone matching is good, like Uncle Zhou’s reneging on his promise, the spirit stone will also be dusty if it falls into your hands. Uncle Zhou, you should withdraw, otherwise the owner of Jinzhuang will raise the price again. My family bought it. Far away, after thinking about it, just come and see, isn’t it good for grandpa to serve you with good wine and tea? It turns out that something at most [-] million has been fried to [-] million, so it’s time to let it go! The money is not picked, it is one square meter, one The square meter is hard-earned, this time Uncle Zhou takes a step back, the next time we meet a good stone, our Xu family will never compete."

Talking about this week, Dong's expression became normal, and he sighed: "Okay, we agreed not to fight next time, don't forget. It's a pity that my old Xu looks at people's faces and I don't know when it will end? From this point of view, money and What is it, so what if I add another [-] million? I can afford it. When I get old, I feel annoyed by money, and I feel refreshed when I look at the beauty. This is something that money can't buy."

I let it go, but it still hurts.In fact, money is just a number to them, and the things they love are treasures!Some people spend their money on gambling, some on women, and some on harming their children and grandchildren.Compared with these people, the two "stone idiots" are still very cute.Jin Shi suddenly had a whim, and said: "Mr. Zhou, don't be sorry, there is still a treasure in the villa worth [-] million, do you want to take a look?"

The visitors all know that Yaofeng Mountain Villa deals in jewelry and jade, but they don't like it.Xu Lao said angrily: "If you don't look at jade and emerald stones, it's fine. These jade materials are regarded as royal family members among stones. Although they have countless lovers, they like it crystal clear, smooth and smooth. They can be made into small ornaments and hung around their necks. How can they be compared with the strange stones in various poses and shapes? These reckless heroes have their own style and are completely indistinguishable. In the eyes of Lao Zhou, jade is just a material, and stone is a breathtaking masterpiece of nature."

Jin Qi was dumbfounded after hearing such a novel statement, and had a new understanding of the two "stone idiots" in his heart.Spending a lot of money is not more money than richer, but a true love stone.The Taihu stone that I like fell into the hands of such stone idiots as a famous stone, and I felt a lot relieved when I thought of this.He smiled and said, "I'm not sure whether this treasure should be regarded as 'material' or 'stone', but I know that you two will regret it if you don't see it."

"Go and have a look." Jay Chou stood up first, followed Jin Qi out, and Xu Lao and others naturally followed behind.

Jin Qi walked around the house on purpose, and when he crossed the corner, he casually removed the largest piece of deep-sea agate stone from Tianshijie and placed it in front of the bamboo forest.

The afternoon sun was warm and warm, and I didn't feel hungry without lunch after being busy for a long time.The cobblestone path is winding and winding, with several stacks of rocks and clumps of pruning bamboo embellished into fun.He led the group for hundreds of meters and stopped, pointing to a big red and black boulder in front of a thin-leaved bamboo, and said: "Everyone, are you a member of the royal family or a reckless hero?"

When the sun shines on the agate stone, the bright red texture that has been brewed for hundreds of millions of years is shining brightly, and the dazzling brilliance is thrilling, and it looks like a giant wearing a red robe from a distance.

Mr. Xu approached tremblingly, stroking the boulder with trembling hands lightly and softly, lest he might be disrespectful.Dong Chou was even more funny, he bowed straight three times from ten steps away, muttering in his mouth, he didn't know what he was muttering, his respect was beyond words.The others didn't even dare to approach, fearing that their random actions would cause dissatisfaction with the two stone idiots.

This agate stone glows amazingly beautiful in the sun. Jinqi didn't expect it at all. He just thought it was the largest piece of deep-sea 12-yuan agate stone, weighing more than 40 tons. Compared with Taihu stone, its weight and shape were indeed comparable. , so give it a try.Unexpectedly, the light produces glow and the glow creates color. The whole piece of agate stone is full of bright red flames, and the rise of glow is extremely shocking.Seriously, this big guy is really different. The black lava is like a rough and hideous heavy net, while the red agate fills the large and small meshes and gaps, except for a few round holes the size of a bathtub. Outside, red and black alternate, one after another, just like a natural color woodcut.If the black lava is the muscles and bones, the red agate is the full muscles.The muscles and bones appear tough and strong, and the muscles appear flexible and strong.A few holes appear from time to time, adding a bit of etherealness to the thick boulder.

(End of this chapter)

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