big bet

Chapter 123: Big Gamble and Big Win

Chapter 123: Big Gamble and Big Win (6)
On the phone, the poisonous snake was about to deal with those surnamed Wang, or Goryeo Bangzi, but Jin Qi stopped him and said, "Let's say, we are going to invest 70 million yuan to buy the [-]-year ownership of Xiaoyi Mountain, and the funds will be in place within ten days. Let's see what the Koreans do." Say."

"Two hundred million? Really buy it?" The poisonous snake's voice on the phone was a bit puzzled, and he was afraid he had heard it wrong.

Jin Qi laughed and said, "From tomorrow on, you will ask someone to leak to the media, threatening that we are determined to win, and that we have the support of big international funds. Ask the Koreans if they dare to open the auction! Make public opinion preparations first, and we will be back in three days."

Jin Qi doesn't care if the contract is cheap, but with his current strength, he hopes to win the property rights of Xiaoyi Mountain.There is a fighting passion in my heart for the provocation of Gaoli Bangzi!Building a nursing home for educated youth in Xiaoyishan, setting up an educated youth fund, doing something for their parents, and leaving a happy place for some educated youth who are still in a difficult life, is also a comfort to the spirit of my father, and I am willing to work hard for it.

We left Washington on the afternoon of the third day, and the plane arrived at Kennedy Airport at three o'clock.Hawkins personally picked up the plane, and the two extended Lincolns drove towards Long Island like lightning.In the car, Jin Qi told Hawkins about his father's disaster and his plan to acquire Xiaoyi Mountain in Yishan County. Do they have a lot of money? Brother Jin, I will invest [-] million US dollars in the name of Hawkins International Investment. We add up [-] million to see who has more money! How about asking Green to go to China with you and let the county magistrate surnamed Wang see Let’s see if we are attracting investment?”

Jin Qi couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Do you know what it's called? Pull the big flag and pull the tiger's skin! Scare people. But this trick may really calm many people. Brother Huo, you invest [-] million Charity fund, will you regret it if you don’t make a profit?”

"Haha, I never regret anything I do. The [-] million is just in memory of my uncle. I have prepared [-] million in cash, and of course Brother Jin also has [-] million. Why? For tonight's annual heavyweight boxing championship in New York! This time is an open and fair gambling, aren't we too foolish not to make a good fortune?"

It turned out that he had already planned!Jin Qi couldn't laugh or cry, it seemed that Hawkins was addicted to gambling.Before he could answer, Hawkins asked again: "Brother Jin, why can you win in boxing games? Is it because of your supernatural powers?"

Jin Qi smiled and began to fool around: "No, it's just that I'm also a fighter. A layman watches the excitement, and an expert watches the way. I can judge who is strong and who is weak based on the skills, strength, fighting spirit, and even the eyes of both opponents, as long as it is not a fake punch. You can guess the outcome, the correct rate should be 90.00%.”

"Great, I'm going to be rich again!" Hawkins shouted excitedly.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you lose once in ten bets! I am very willing to lose once."

"Don't forget that there is still a [-]% error rate?"

Seeing Hawkins proud, Jin Qi was also secretly happy.The trip to the United States not only made a lot of money, but also made a trustworthy, real friend.Arriving in Long Island, Sang Lan greeted her in the lobby early.Today's Sang Lan is refreshing. She is dressed in a decent light gray tight-waist business suit and high-heeled shoes. She may have done facial maintenance and makeup. The original dazzling freckles have faded a lot, and she looks beautiful. Brilliant, full of looks.It is also a necessary requirement for a qualified private secretary to tidy up oneself in a pleasing way.

All the way into the house, Sang Lan introduced the maids, chefs, flower workers and security guards waiting on both sides of the substation.Sang Lan's work efficiency is very high. In just a few days, not only has the internal configuration been completed, but also the helpers needed for the villa life have been properly arranged.Jin Qi and Hawkins talked about the Double Gold Fund in the study, and the hostess was accompanied by Sang Lan to visit her new house in the United States.Fengjuan was particularly satisfied with the spacious south-facing master bedroom, and also praised the bedding and pillow covers purchased by Sang Landie.Sang Lan is very careful, even all the supplies in the bathroom are not lacking.

Eva and Green came to dinner at dinner, flowers and champagne were indispensable as guests.Jin Qi specially invited Sang Lan to share a meal with him, and the four women and three men ate with each other, which was very lively.Hawkins wasn't paying attention to eating, he raised his wrist to look at his watch from time to time, hurried to finish eating at [-]:[-], and went to the lounge on the second floor to watch the boxing match at [-]:[-].

There are four boxing matches tonight, and the first two are performances.One is the WBC mini-level interim title fight between Juan of Nicaragua and Teruo Misawa of Japan; the other is also the WBC women's middleweight challenge between Park Yanan of South Korea and Adidas of the United States.Tanley duels.There were no bets on these two games.Jin Qi was originally not interested in boxing, so he talked to Feng Juan, and went to the study next door to talk to Viper on the phone.

He told Viper about his decision to discuss with Hawkins, one is to stabilize Uncle Cui and others' emotions, and the other is to let Viper quickly learn more about the true identity and origin of Korean investors and whether there are other investment projects besides buying Xiaoyishan , such as setting up factories and so on.

Two pieces of good news about the establishment of the "Jin Dongqiang Educated Youth Foundation" with more than 12 billion yuan in Yishan County with US funds, and the establishment of the "Jin Dongqiang Educated Youth Nursing Home" funded by "Jin's Treasure" in Heshi City with 7000 million yuan, are by the poisonous snake Uncle Cui sobbed with joy: "Xiaojin, you have done a great deed for the educated youth. Your father will be proud of you if anyone knows. Your uncle's old bones can still be tossed around for a while. Our uncle and nephew Do it well, you will piss Goryeo to death!"

After making an international call, someone knocked on the door, it was Sang Lan.She took out a lot of bills and wanted to report to the chairman the income and expenditure of the past two days.Jin Qi stopped her and asked, "How much is the balance?"

"The income is 480 U.S. dollars, and the balance after deducting all expenses is 970 U.S. dollars. All the staff in the villa, including me, have withdrawn one month's salary and have not paid it."

Jin Qi nodded, and gave her a detailed introduction to the cooperation with Hawkins Investment Company and the investment of Double Gold Fund, and asked her to participate in the investment process, focusing on understanding and learning, and making comprehensive reports to herself on a regular basis. Special event 1 contacted immediately, that is to say, the work and housework in the United States were all handed over to her.Another important point is that in case she is busy with other things and cannot find time, Fengjuan will be able to handle the Double Gold Fund and all affairs in the United States in a favorable manner.I hope Ms. Sang can help Ms. Fengjuan as much as she helps herself.Sang Lan seriously stated that the authorization of Ms. Fengjuan should be authorized by the chairman in writing to be legal.Although Jin Qi felt that she was making a fuss out of a molehill, she still complied.

Just as he was talking, he heard Hawkins yelling outside the door: "Quick, quick, Brother Jin, here we come, here we come!" There is something wrong with this guy!It's the first time for people to enjoy the taste of formal office and make trouble!

The boxers are on the stage. The Polish's burly body, big fists, and fierce face all constitute the image of a violent person.As soon as he came on stage, he roared a few times, and made a "throat lock" movement with the five fingers of his right hand apart, which aroused cheers from the audience.It can be seen from his triumphant face that he is full of ambition.

The Thunderman had a gloomy face, swinging his fists left and right, his momentum was much weaker than the former.Although his "fans" screamed hoarsely, they were obviously weak, and compared with the huge fan base of their opponents, they were like a small boat.The master of ceremonies began to introduce, and he was wearing a floral shirt fluttering on the stage like a butterfly.

Jin Qi said to Hawking Qi: "The Poles win. The odds are 2 to 1. Should we let it go and not gamble?"

"Why?" Hawkins was shocked, just waiting for this moment, can you not gamble?
"Isn't there only [-] million funds?" Jin Qi asked back.

"No, did I say [-] million? Green, how much are you betting?" Hawkins put on an innocent expression.

"Chairman, didn't you order to prepare 20 billion US dollars?" Green replied hesitantly.

Hawkins laughed: "Brother Jin, you must have forgotten, I said [-] million per game. Hehe."

"Then buy [-] million Poles to win, let's make a profit first." Too easy and not interested, Jin Qi lazily ordered.

As a result, Green himself bought 1000 million yuan. He said to Hawkins embarrassingly: "Madam took out all the savings in the family, and even the mother-in-law's family also poured it out. I also want to try it. Please forgive me for not getting your consent." .”

Hawkins waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, just don't blame us if you lose."

Jin Qi suddenly said: "Look, it's a deadly punch!" On the screen, the Polish bad boy's right fist blocked the opponent's fierce straight punch, and at the same time, he swung his left hand horizontally, like a strong wind blowing dead wood, and Jin Qi reminded everyone to pay attention. At that time, the Thunderbolt fell straight down like an amateur boxer, "dongdong" retreated two steps, and his legs softened and he fell to the ground.What was even more frightening was that instead of standing up and fighting for the few who bought him to win, he held his head like a mangy dog ​​and listened to the Butterfly Master of Ceremonies count "10"...

The Butterfly Master of Ceremonies took the Polish bad boy's hand and raised it high, and there was a carnival in the ring.In this victory, at least 60.00% of the audience's wallets were bulging.Hawkins also blushed and drank a full glass with Jin Qi. No one thought that just one meeting would bring a profit of [-] million US dollars into the pocket.Not to mention that the Polish bad boy is too powerful, and the damn "Thunderman" is too soft. Why don't you give it a go when you still have the strength to fight?At least lose better!
Jin Qi disagreed with Hawkins' complaint, shaking his head and said, "He himself feels wronged. Boxing matches are like all other competitions. They are tricky and manipulative. It just proves that a rendezvous wins overwhelmingly. The strength reference data that Fang explained is correct and can be used as a reliable basis for participating in the bet. If the organizer wants to set up a game, then this game is a bait, and the best show will come later.”

As if to prove Jin Qi's inference, the camera scan suddenly stopped in the upper box, and a tall man with an afro, mustache, a big cigar in his mouth, and a patterned and striped suit was turning his back.Green blurted out, "Don Jing!"

Don.Jing, the behind-the-scenes crocodile of the American boxing ring, whether formal or underground, his burly figure is swaying in all important heavyweight boxing matches.

"He's a big gambler, but he can't win against you," Hawkins said with a laugh.

Jin Qi doesn't think so, and always feels that the next boxing match is a bit tricky.The information on the boxers who have played their last match on the electronic reminder board: the first Jere, nicknamed "Epoch-making".Michael, with 39 wins, nine losses, one draw, and 23 knockouts, has won more than a dozen titles. He is a fierce boxer.The second is Morrow, nicknamed "Ice and Snow", a former WBC champion, with 1 wins, 1 losses, and [-] knockouts. His winning percentage far exceeds that of his opponents.From time to time, the majestic appearance of the two fighters appeared alternately on the silver screen. At the same time, the betting windows above the surrounding stands had already started betting, and the current odds remained [-] to [-].

Jin Qi stared at the screen and meditated. His serious look made Hawkins gesture to the others to keep them quiet.Green was even worse, the tip of his nose was covered with beads of sweat. He was more nervous than anyone else. He had just won 500 million and had 200 million left. Pray that the board chosen by Chairman Jin is to fight the big with the small.

Soon the master of ceremonies took the stage, replaced by a fat man, waving his short arms, shouting and jumping, his mouth splattered in a funny way.As he waved his hand back violently, the spotlights at the entrance suddenly exploded, and amidst the roar of applause, Jere.Michel strode towards the boxing ring, his protruding muscles shone with a hard luster like metal.As soon as he came to the stage, he "huhu" punched two fists into the air, obviously with a whistling wind, which caused bursts of crazy screams.

Compared to Michael, "Frozen" Moreau was much less impressive on stage. He had a gloomy face and no exaggerated movements. Once on stage, he took off his tightly wrapped black cloak and sat in a corner without saying a word.However, the iron-like mass of muscles is still daunting.

There are still 5 minutes before the opening, the fat emcee is introducing the boxers respectively, the odds column has already appeared one-sided, a large number of Jere.Michael paid the bill and the odds reached 3 to 1 in an instant.Afterwards, Morrow's bills also poured in, and the odds struggled for a while, returning to 2 to 1 before stopping.The fat master of ceremonies shouted desperately on the stage: "There are still 2 minutes, the last minute and 30 seconds..."

(End of this chapter)

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