big bet

Chapter 124 Gambling Addiction

Chapter 124 Gambling Addiction (1)
Jin Qi waited until the last minute before saying to Green who was waiting by the phone: "Buy all Morrow wins!"

Green reported 16 billion funds, and the odds column instantly became 1 to 1, and boos arose in the boxing ring.Poor Green finished reporting his private money, turned around and wiped off his sweat and reported to the old newspaper: "Our odds are all 1 to 1."

The game of twelve rendezvous begins!Knowing the ending, Jin Qi turned and left the lounge.The reason why he hesitated just now is because the result of the boxing match has been blurred and unclear. In the No.11 round, Morrow fell on his back with his face covered in blood. The scene of round confusion, that is to say, Morrow did not admit defeat.He realized that the final hammer that dictated the outcome had not yet been finalized, the result had not yet been determined, and he had to wait.In the last minute, the scene of Round No. 12 suddenly brightened up. Moreau leaped up like a cheetah, and slammed his straight right fist hard on Jere.Michael's face was covered with beads of sweat, Michael's heavy body staggered two steps, and fell down suddenly... Jin Qi understood that at the same time as buying Mo Kesheng, a large amount of money suddenly rushed in, Only in this way will the odds drop sharply!There is no doubt that this fund belongs to the owner who decides the outcome. 1 to 12 is already very impressive, a full 1 billion US dollars, maybe Don.Is Jing scolding his mother right now?
Because there is a huge sum of money to be remitted to Hong Kong tomorrow, he has to greet Wang Keren in advance.As for the one billion US dollars remitted to Heshi, he plans to wait for a while, and let Sang Lan take charge of the standby. Honestly, how to invest?vote for what?I didn't think about it well, I can't just support the facade.When I dialed Wang Keren's number, I heard the giggling car from the other party, it was lively.Wang Keren hurriedly said: "Yinhe, don't make trouble, it seems to be the boss's call." Then came a pleasant voice: "Boss, hello, I am Keren."

Knowing that it was early morning in Hong Kong, Jin Qi asked with a smile, "I'm not disturbing you, right? Do you want me to call later so you can wake up your guests first?"

"This..." The other party obviously paused, and then said: "Yesterday, Yinhe came to play, and we stayed at Jin's Treasure Treasure when it was late. It doesn't matter to us, the boss, please tell me anything."

Jin Qi asked: "How is the business? How is the investment situation?"

Wang Keren said: "King's Treasures business is indeed very good. You have made 2000 million sales since you left Hong Kong. Yesterday a Russian customer bought three rough diamonds with a total weight of 24 carats. Recently, the diamond Sales are booming. All excess funds have been transferred to investment, and according to your instructions, more than [-] billion yuan in multiple futures contracts have been completed.”

"Very well, have our own investment department licenses and other procedures been completed?"

"It has been completed. However, the previous part of the operation in Galaxy Investment cannot be withdrawn, and the transfer can only be made after the completion of the contract in July 2008."

After hearing this, Jin Qi's heart skipped a beat. What if Galaxy Investment made huge losses this year?It seems that it was a bit rash to agree to borrow a boat to go to sea.He thought for a while and said: "Stop following up, sign a supplementary agreement with Galaxy Investment on borrowing investment, and pay reasonable fees in the name of management fees or service fees. And the newly established Jin's Treasure Investment Company Fax me the account number and a copy of the legal text, and I will use it to sign the cooperation document with the American Double Gold Fund. Note that there will be a billion dollars remitted to the new account tomorrow, and let me know after checking it, and leave it alone for now. Understand. Is it? Well, goodbye."

After hearing Jin Qi's words, Wang Keren was a little dazed for a moment, and even forgot to close the cover of the mobile phone after it kept ringing out.She couldn't figure out why the boss was a little unhappy, and would rather have a billion-dollar capital scale idle than engage in confident and profitable oil futures operations?Is there something I did wrong?Make him angry?He was in a daze, and was woken up by Yinhe, seeing this beautiful face, he suddenly became enlightened, he suspected that his relationship with Yinhe was not normal, was he gay?

On the side, Yinhe saw that Keren's face turned red and pale for a while, and he was stunned, and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter? Sister Keren, can something happen to your boss?"

But people didn't think about the investment of the Galaxy Consortium. In her eyes, such a powerful consortium is a pet, and it is impossible for anything to go wrong.Therefore, she interpreted the bad behaviors such as signing the contract with Yinhe and paying the management fee as the boss being angry. What else could be the reason for the anger besides being dissatisfied with herself?Her heart was full of grievances, her eyes became moist and her throat seemed to be choked.She couldn't help but said: "Yinmei, I will go to the company with you to sign a fund custody contract later, and the boss is willing to pay a reasonable fee for borrowing your company to operate more than 20 billion futures. Boss, can you hurry up and get it done in the morning?"

After listening to the words, Yinhe's face turned pale, and he said to himself: "He doesn't believe me. If you have to distinguish it from me, he doesn't believe me?" The last sentence was so low that he couldn't hear it.

In any case, Jin Qi did not expect that his few words would cause the two beauties in Hong Kong to burst into tears, thinking about their own concerns, and causing him a lot of trouble. This is a later story, and it will be kept secret for the time being.

Cheers came from the lounge, and Hawkins pushed open the door and shouted: "Brother Jin, turn defeat into victory, and Morrow turn defeat into victory! Haha, Brother Jin, you are really like a god, you can predict victory after defeat!" Qingshi earned 8 million dollars per person, plus [-] million dollars from the first game, a total of [-] million U.S. dollars. Even after taxes and fees, it would cost at least [-] million dollars. My God!Can it not be exciting?If it weren't for the many things waiting for tomorrow, Hawkins would rather get drunk.

The signing of all the legal documents was completed in Hawkins office early the next morning, the funds to be transferred were transferred out one after another, and the procedures to be done were completed intensively.After lunch, everything was processed, and Sang Lan sorted it out, keeping a copy for each of China and the United States.It was agreed that Hawkins would have dinner at the New York Hotel, so Jin Qi took Fengjuan and Sang Lan to 47th Street in the Diamond District of New York.

Sancheshi had been looking forward to it for a long time. Seeing Jin Qi and the others was like seeing their relatives. Everyone was so excited that they hugged tightly.This made Jin Qi a little depressed. From the perspective of Chinese culture, this tastes like eating tofu?Sancheshi's studio has a small facade, and the underground studio is quite spacious. There are three or four technicians working on it. When they saw the blood diamond showing their faces, they all surrounded them. No matter how disciplined they were, they couldn't resist the temptation of the blood diamond.Jin Qi had prepared 10 Qingyi Jiangyuan diamonds over 10 carats, and when they were placed together on Sancheshi's workbench, Sancheshi's hands were trembling.Just imagine what is the value of thirty diamonds of more than 200 carats?Generally speaking, the unit price of one carat of cut and ground diamonds is US$[-], and each additional carat is not an increase of US$[-], but a geometric superposition.The unit price of ordinary white diamonds has reached more than [-] million US dollars when it reaches more than [-] carats, let alone colored diamonds cut and polished by famous workers!

Excitement comes from excitement, but the price is unambiguous. The design and processing fee for 18 rough diamonds alone is 500 US dollars, which is really a bit of a big mouth.The blood diamond was agreed to be free, so Jin Qi didn't return the price.Originally, I wanted to buy more polished diamonds, but the price was unreasonable, so I chose more than 47 carats of colored diamonds, many of which were South African fancy-color diamonds, which emphasized another colorful color in the group of diamonds in the Golden Flag.In this way, almost all the colors and gold flags of diamonds are available, maybe they are all together. More than 700 diamonds are already the result of Sancheshi's mobilization of the entire [-] diamond block. Unfortunately, there are no amazing works, so the total sales are only more than [-] million US dollars, which is far short of the needs of the Golden Flag.But Sancheshi was already very excited, not only made a big deal, but also made a big client with great stamina, the future business will be the big one.

Fengjuan didn't understand this very much, because the purchase price was almost the same as the selling price of Fengchang in Heshi, so there was no profit at all, and with the inlay processing fee, she might lose money.When Jin Qi emphasized that Sancheshi should go through the formal formalities for customs declaration and export, especially including those processed products, she seemed to understand the far-reaching implications.

Sancheshi promised to fly to China in person, first to escort over 1000 million diamonds, and second, to discuss further cooperation with Mr. Jin.Now he feels that as long as Mr. Jin can purchase [-] million US dollars of diamonds from him every year, the word "Sangche Shi" can be used completely free in China.At the same time, he also hopes to obtain the exquisite collection of Jinqi (Jinqi boasted that he has many rough diamonds over [-] carats, and Sancheshi has a small hand scratching his heart.) Even if the price is amazing, he must have one. to two.

Old Sang, the man surnamed Jin has bad intentions!As much as you earn him, he will earn back as much as you can, so don't buy it!It's useless to shout out your throat. Diamonds over [-] carats are rare in the world. Those who play with diamonds can't resist the double temptation of a sense of accomplishment and possession!
There was still more than an hour before dinner after leaving 47th Street, Fengjuan suggested to buy some gifts for others.With Sang Lan in his company, Jin Qi became lazy, and he wanted to go to the old shops in Chinatown by himself.He received many top-quality antiques in the "past" shop in Las Vegas. He felt that maybe foreigners did not understand the true value of Chinese antiques, otherwise, how could the "past" temporary store owner be so stupid as to be a little incompetent.However, after walking around Chinatown, he somewhat understood that the so-called cultural relics full of fakes and fakes ruined the real treasures.Of course, the element of luck is not ruled out. Who is to say that I am blessed and destined?There are also bad times, such as this time.The five old stores have been transferred down, and the prices that are worthy of attention are scary, and they basically clap their hands when they go back.It can be seen that the special case of "the past" is really an adventure!
Secretly thinking about the rewards of the trip to the United States, he was really proud.As he was walking, the phone rang in his trouser pocket.Seeing that it was a poisonous snake's phone, Jin Qi immediately had a bad omen.Sure enough, the poisonous snake's first sentence was: "Something went wrong, Uncle Cui has been detained!"

The news of Uncle Cui's accident made Jin Qi not in the mood to go shopping, and directly ordered Sang Lan to change the return ticket originally scheduled for tomorrow afternoon to depart tonight.According to the poisonous snake, Uncle Cui was arrested for prostitution, which is undoubtedly framed, not to mention that there is a fat aunt, and it is impossible to cause trouble with Uncle Cui's experience in the world.Although there is a time, a place, and the testimony of the butcher girl, these are nothing more than an indication that the "game" is very delicate.Among them, the most depressing thing is that the opponent actually used the public security department, and started to act without any scruples, which shows the depth of the background and the great determination!It seems that the dispute over Xiaoyishan is not just a matter of throwing money.

Everything was rushed due to the rush of time.Gathering and seeing off, 43 flew away at 747:[-] p.m. local time.Wenchang had already received them at noon the next day, and after a brief discussion on the way to Heshi, it was decided that Fengjuan would stay in Heshi and continue to prepare for the BJ Spring Festival Top Treasures Exhibition. When it comes to legal issues, senior barristers are not vegetarians.Guanshan, Yufen, Dulong and Yan'er, who came from Yaofeng at Heshibeikou of Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, and two full-time drivers were already waiting, and the three [-]-series BMWs lined up in a row were somewhat ostentatious.Wenchang said to Jin Qi in the car: "Yufen asked me when she was buying a car, and I suggested that I simply buy three black BMWs. There are many 'snobbers' in China, so it is convenient when doing business."

Jin Qi said with a smile: "Yes, according to my opinion, it would be better to buy three original 'Lotus'."

"Yo, you're quite angry, Chairman Jinda has made a fortune in the United States again?" Wen Chang drove carefully close to the convoy.

Feng Juan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, giggled and said, "It's not about getting rich, it's about getting rich. You can interrogate him in the car later, it will definitely scare you."

After the meeting, everyone sighed for a while, and they broke up half an hour later.Feng Juan and Guan Shan went to Fengchang Jewelry in Heshi to introduce the relevant affairs of the exhibition. Yufen and Yan'er returned to Yaofeng. Go in the direction of Subei.

The two people in the car didn't speak for a long time, Wen Chang was so full of words that he didn't know what to say, and he blamed the man for why he didn't start coaxing himself first, so why would a woman always move forward?What about the golden flag?I always feel that the relationship with Wenchang is unnatural, unlike with Fengjuan where I can't help myself.The reason is unclear, maybe Fengjuan was too generous and restrained herself, maybe the love came unnaturally... In short, she admired her but was not impulsive, which is very strange.Maybe each other is not ready?Only the slight hum of the air conditioner echoed in the speeding car.It was only after the car crossed the Jiangyin Bridge that Wenchang remembered the topic, and asked softly, "What are your plans for Yishan?"

"I don't have any specific plans for the time being. I'm sure about dealing with local evil forces and local tyrants. When it comes to government departments and personnel, I'm afraid. I'm afraid I can't help but beat them up and screw things up. I can only see when the time comes." Let’s do it, it’s best if money can help you, I’d rather pay more money.” From the bottom of my heart, I feel resentful towards those who bully others with power and power, but the reality is very helpless, unless I also have the contacts to fight against ?Thinking of this, I couldn't help but my eyes lit up. How did Lin Xuanzhi, the senior official of Heshi City, and Wang Zhiguo, the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, forgot?Although Heshi and Yishan County have nothing to do with each other, how many acquaintances and friends happen to be in Yishan County through official channels?Jin Qi then searched for Wang Zhiguo's number on his mobile phone, and said, "I am acquainted with Director Wang of He City Public Security Bureau. Let's see if he has any acquaintances in the area."

"Wang Zhi Wang Bureau?" Wen Chang asked.Jin Qi nodded.Wenchang added: "It's a pity that he has just been transferred to Changzhou as the bureau chief. I heard it is the result of internal struggles in the province."

Jin Qi was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that he had also told Wang Ju about his transfer, and he hadn't imagined that he hadn't endured it for more than a year.Wang Zhiguo's loud voice came from the other end of the phone: "Is it Xiao Jin?" Jin Qi hurriedly greeted: "It's me, Wang Ju, you didn't even tell me about the transfer from Heshi, so you should let me see you off." ah."

"Haha, what are you giving away? It's a flat tune. Everyone knows the difference between Heshi and Changzhou. Besides, didn't you, a little god, have already guessed about the tune of Changzhou? Well, I won't say much about it. You can't find me Just chatting? If you have something to say, hurry up!"

Wang Ju was still upright and forthright, and he liked Jin Qi very much. He immediately told the story of Yishan County.There was a moment of silence on the phone, and then he said: "This matter can be big or small. It is estimated that Yishan can't let it go because of other people's advantages. If they can see the situation clearly, turn around immediately, and open the auction, this matter will be reduced to a small one." , It’s a trivial matter. If you insist on doing it recklessly, it may cause a major turmoil at the county level, and you will become the fuse of the turmoil. I will send you a text message to tell you the communication method of a comrade-in-arms in the Yishan branch. Don’t openly look for her. Things are easier to handle. The most important thing is that you must go to Lianyun City before you go to Yishan County. Yishan County belongs to Lianyun City. The senior official of Lianyun City is your old acquaintance, Secretary Lin Xuanzhi. Yes, he It’s also a flat transfer. It’s been less than half a month since I took office. Go and listen to Secretary Lin’s opinion before acting. Maybe Secretary Lin will have a meaningful opinion? Do you have Secretary Lin’s phone number? Yes, okay, let’s get in touch first. Yes, yes, we are in constant contact, and I will say hello to my comrades. Hey, Xiaojin, in the end, I would like to say, if the contracting of Xiaoyishan does not have much to do with your interests, would you consider taking a step back? If Lao Lin arrives in a new place, he might start a war with the old forces immediately; secondly, where are the green hills where people will not be buried, and why not come to Changzhou? Guaranteed a green light all the way, who doesn’t like profitable projects? Goodbye.”

(End of this chapter)

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