big bet

Chapter 167

Chapter 167
Long San coughed lightly, and said: "Mr. Jin, please sit down." After Jin Qi sat down beside the monkey, he introduced: "I, Long Er, my elder brother Long cannot participate in this expedition due to urgent drinking water. I will act as his agent." Responsibility, now I will introduce the members of the expedition team to Mr. Jin." Pointing to the man in his early thirties, he said, "Tang Cheng, the representative of the funding party for this expedition. The one wearing sunglasses is Cha Yiren, the Burmese special commissioner. This Xu Shaolan The lady has a master's degree in mineral geology and is a representative invited by the sponsor. There is also Mr. Xu Shi, the full-time bodyguard of the Xu family. There is a lady, A Ying, who is not here yet, and she is Miss Xu's family. The main work of our adventure team is to explore the road For the specific division of labor, Mr. Jin and the monkey are in the front, and Seventh Sister and I are behind. There is only a simple sketch of the route for reference. Anyway, we are not seeking accuracy, but we are only exploring emerald veins within a range of 5 square kilometers. The specific exploration work is naturally Ms. Xu is in charge. Everyone will gather here at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning. There are nine identical backpacks on the table on the east side, which contain all kinds of needs, including clothing and medicine. Don’t forget to take them when you leave. The expedition time is January , the personal reward is [-] yuan. Of course, you can only get it if you live, so safety is the top priority. You are all professional explorers, so I won’t say much, disband!”

Jin Qi secretly sighed and would not have come here if he had known this would be the case. Long drinking water to release his pigeons, and this seemingly self-willed Long Er had a prejudice against him, it must be because of Long San in Yuyuan Bar.Coupled with the cold-faced master Tang and the pampered Xu Shuotu, this trip to the jungle is destined to be a boring trek.He was lazily standing up when he saw Seventh Sister walking with two backpacks, with a bright smile on her face.

Jin Qi was startled, oh, luckily there is her!
"Brother Jin, I've got the backpack for you, my little sister treats you tonight."

Why does this sound so unpleasant?He smiled and said, "Sister Qi, I still don't know your real name. Is it possible that your surname is Qi Mingmei?"

The monkey who came after him said first, "My surname is Fang, and my name is Yuanyuan. It's a very cute name. I come from a famous family. My grandfather is a high-ranking officer in the Military Commission, and my father is the third in command of the Banking Regulatory Commission. He has a prominent status, right?"

"I want you to talk too much, you dead monkey!" Seventh Sister spat hard.

Jin Qi was quite surprised, she is really a daughter of a famous family!He couldn't help but asked again: "What about you, monkey? You are also a rich man, right?"

Seventh Sister retaliated and said: "Brother son who smells like copper. The old man is the boss of Cuiyuan Beverage. He has a lot of money. Brother Jin, are you powerful? Are you scared?"

Sure enough, all of them are extraordinary. If you think about it, if you don't have money, you can join this adventure club with nothing to do, and you are just looking for fun!Feeling relieved, he put it down and said, "Seventh Sister, Monkey, I invite you to be brothers tonight, and we will eat the money from the young year."

Seventh Sister applauded first.Xiaonian Baiqiu always bothered her, hated her, and ate him for nothing to relieve her anger.The monkey was also happy, and was about to say something when a charming voice came from behind: "Can you add me?"

It was Xu Shaolan, standing behind the three of them.There were two other people watching closely in the distance, one was the bodyguard Xu Shi carrying three backpacks.The other was Long Er, the leader of the expedition.The gaze he shot made people feel sinister, fierce, and even a little annoyed.Jin Qi felt very uncomfortable, this Long Er is not usually narrow-minded, just because he unintentionally made his brother Long San embarrass him once at the BJ Yuyuan Bar, he was so angry, and even took his anger to work, what a fucking thing Not a joke.Glancing back fiercely, he deliberately said loudly: "Let's go, the wine and meat have passed through the intestines, and I am happy to stay in my heart. If I want to go, I don't know when I will be able to drink again. Go, I will sleep when I get drunk!"

Long Er gritted his teeth while staring at the back of Jin Qi going away resentfully, he really hoped that a big stone would suddenly fall from the sky and kill this triumphant guy.When the eldest brother was leaving, he repeatedly told himself to have a good relationship with Jin, and told a lot of his fabulous stories, giving himself the feeling that Jin was the leader of the trip, and he was just putting on airs. "Bastard!" Cursed secretly in his heart, it's a donkey or a horse Dalin Mang see!Don't look at you being a woman now, when you cry in Lin Mang!It is imperative to avenge my brother.

For some reason, when he saw Xu Shaolan approaching Jin Qi, he felt even more uncomfortable, and his gaze was full of viciousness and murderous intent!
All this fell into the eyes of Tang Cheng, another investor representative on the trip, who smiled secretly and took out his mobile phone.

It was raining when the team set off early the next morning.

Going up the river, the surface of the river gradually narrowed, the water became more and more turbulent, and there was a low rumbling sound, and sometimes splashing waves shot into the wooden boat like water arrows, making the ten people on the boat look like drowned chickens. Water jackets, cold water droplets may also make a few sick.When I first entered the Wulu River, the blue waves were rippling, and the feeling of looking at the beautiful scenery on both sides of the river disappeared at this moment, replaced by tension and fear.The canoe was thin, narrow and long, and it was fully supported by ten people. It looked so weak in the increasingly fierce waves, as if it was about to be crushed and sunk at any time.

Among the ten people, except for the boatman who stood resolutely at the stern of the boat, poking a bamboo pole from time to time to correct the direction of the canoe, and there was nothing unusual in his expression, the others were all shocked, squatting motionless in the cabin of the canoe.The most nervous one was Ah Ying. This girl's face turned pale with fright, her hands were tightly clutching the back skirt of the bodyguard Xu Shi in front of her, her teeth were clenching loudly.Xu Shaolan was no exception, maybe he drank too much wine last night and vomited as soon as the boat moved.Ignorant and fearless.

At the head of the boat is Long San, he is okay, holding the left and right boat sides tightly with both hands, and looking straight into the distance.Behind him is Seventh Sister, this girl is really an old hand, she is dressed in a red jacket even though the spray from time to time washes her, she squats motionless, she is more stable than Long San.Behind them are Monkey, Tang Cheng, Cha Yiren, and finally Jin Qi.

He hated bumps, so he just sat cross-legged in emptiness.Of course, it is only two inches away from the floor, just like the usual posture of practicing breath adjustment.He thought it was quite amusing. Nine people in bright red jackets marched in a row in the stormy waves, looking a bit aggressive.The Wulu River leads to the sky like an endless stream, but the overlapping greens in front of the "Vision Realm" are approaching and getting closer.

When the canoe rushed to the shallows, everyone was shocked by the magnificence in front of them!

Standing like a tall and thick green wall, the high place is straight into the clouds, and the wide part is vast and boundless. The heavy dark green is suffocating.Abandoning the boat and landing, I approached timidly only to find that the forest is still sparse.The Wulu River turned a corner at its feet and ran towards the depths of the forest sea, and the endless primeval forest in front of you is the destination of this expedition, the "Fairy Bay" marked on the map.

Nestled in the eastern part of Burma and embraced by the Thanonta Mountains, the "Fairy Bay" covers an area of ​​370 square kilometers, and it is completely a large forest that is rarely visited by humans.The Burmese government has deliberately developed it for a long time. It has sent expeditions many times to detect, but the result is that people either disappeared or returned with nothing.There are also many international explorers who have teamed up to go deep into the forest. So far, the number of missing and dead people has reached [-], and the mysterious face of "Fairy Bay" has not yet been revealed.Those who came back alive said that black panthers haunted like ghosts, poisonous ants devoured people, and poisonous fog caused people to suffocate... It was scary, but what was really irresistible was getting lost in the forest, losing direction, and wandering in the maze like ghosts and ghosts. Run until you die of fright, exhaustion, and starvation.Why do experts with many orientation instruments still die from the simplest getting lost?Still can't explain.Some people describe "Fairy Bay" as a big maze at all, a big maze that human beings cannot overcome.

Especially after entering Xianrenwan Dalinmang for [-] kilometers, you will encounter dense fog on the opposite side.The billowing white mist divided Xianren Bay into two, blocking all directions to continue.And for many years, people have only seen people venture into the fog zone, but no one has come out.Fog area is known as the "magic domain"!
For this reason, the Burmese government has a headache.If this piece of primeval forest is developed, it will not only be very helpful for income generation, but also open the door to development from the hundreds of thousands of hectares of primeval forest belt from "Xianren Bay" to the Thanongta Mountains.It's a pity that "Xianren Bay" is like a stumbling block blocking the pace of development.The Burmese government simply announced to the world that it will sell the "Fairy Bay" with an area of ​​[-] square kilometers as a tourist attraction, which of course does not include various mineral products that may exist underground.The previous sentence is very tempting, a thousand square kilometers of primeval forest will definitely attract the yearning of countless people.It's a pity that the second half of the sentence is discouraged. What is really worth investing in is the hidden treasure buried underground.Who else would spend billions of dollars on tourism with slow returns?As a result, the announcement was put on hold, but the exploration never stopped, and many rich and wealthy people were still jealous of it!
No, someone came to break through the maze again today.

The adventure team held a meeting before departure. The expedition route was decided to be an inverted U shape. After entering the forest, it went straight into the so-called labyrinth area, and then moved along the area for 230 kilometers and circled around before returning. The total estimated distance was about 23 kilometers. If you walk ten kilometers a day, you will complete the mission in [-] days.Of course, this includes helping Xu Shaolan to detect the surface rock formations, take samples and other scientific research work.Dragon Three emphasizes that the golden flag and the monkey will lead the way.So after an hour's rest, a team of red jackets plunged into the vast green waves.

Plants, all plants.Looking around, the layers of vegetation have flooded the paths that people have stepped on. Under the feet are dense weeds, wild flowers, and kudzu vines that twist and stretch like snakes.Around the waist are wild branches and flying branches from the bushes from time to time, and on the top of the head are crown-like leaves that block out the sun.The entire plant kingdom is so dense that it is breathless.The average temperature of the tropical rainforest is above 30 degrees, and herbaceous epiphytes, thick-stemmed vines, and uneven and orderly trees generally grow in this unique environment.Among them, there are many trees with high economic value and medicinal flowers and plants, such as Phoebe nanmu, Wuzhi, etc., looking up at the sky in the dense sea of ​​leaves, showing their noble status.

As soon as you step into the jungle, the light dims, and the occasional sunlight that falls through the gaps makes the gloomy jungle even more mysterious and weird.The damp and rotten smell is mixed with the unknown fragrance of grass and trees, which makes people want to smell it but dare not smell it.The air is humid, the leaves around me are covered with water droplets, small animals scurry past from time to time, strange chirps can be heard from overhead, and dangerous light spots flicker in the darkness in the distance. Such an environment is really not ordinary scary.

Trembling with trembling feet, they accelerated, one by one closely following the other for fear of falling behind.We quickly advanced five kilometers, and did not encounter any danger, but some unknown flying insects rushed towards us. Fortunately, everyone's jackets are very breathable, and they are fully enclosed clothes. They even wear silk mesh masks on their heads. hat, so it was not damaged.

The golden flag and the monkey took turns wielding the machete to clear the path. I was a little tired, but who told you to be a trailblazer?There was a scream from behind, it turned out that Ah Ying stepped on a snake.More than three feet long, the green snake as thin as bamboo chopsticks was lazily swimming past Ah Ying's feet, ignoring the presence of everyone, as if it was the real master of the forest.Although it was a false alarm, everyone was still more vigilant.This thick green world makes people feel extremely depressing.

It was getting dark and the light was getting darker and darker. After traveling for an estimated ten kilometers, Long San's order came from behind: "Camp in place." The whole team relaxed as if collapsed, and everyone found a place to sit down and rest. .It's not that you're tired after walking ten kilometers, it's all about being nervous.

The bodyguard Xu Shi carried two large backpacks, and the effect was revealed at this moment.After a while, a lot of objects were taken out, and Ah Ying fiddled with them for a while. After 10 minutes, the aroma of coffee filled the jungle.Each traveler cares about his own daily life, so Xu Shaolan is not polite, and he and Aying enjoy the peace alone, even Xu Shi doesn't have to drink.The others didn't make a fuss, and each took out drinks, compressed food, and nutritional supplements to replenish their strength.

Long San and Hou Zi went to pick up some dead branches and built a fire, and everyone spread their sleeping bags around the fire to get ready to rest.The atmosphere was surprisingly dull, which made Jin Qi feel a little strange, was he so tired that he didn't even say a word?Monkey was on the first night watch, and he leaned over and asked softly, "Monkey, why did everyone go to bed early?"

The monkey made a gesture with its finger on its lips, and the two moved five meters away from the fire, before the monkey said, "Brother, is this your first adventure? The first night was more exciting and you couldn't sleep, right? In fact, the first night is very important. I can adjust my biological clock in the new environment, accumulate energy, and have more energy to deal with accidents tomorrow. Here are all veterans, so I rest early and will never make idle expenses. When I am tired tomorrow, I will naturally adjust the rhythm."

"Quite knowledgeable. Anyway, I can't sleep, so I might as well be on duty for you, so you can go to sleep."

"How can it be? Big brother will get sleepy after sitting for a while,"

"Houzi, I think you like Seventh Sister quite a bit, how sure are you?"

"Brother, you can see it too. Hehe, I'm sorry. I didn't want to come this time because Big Brother Long was not leading the team. If Seventh Sister wants to come, I can only come. I have been looking at her for several years, but Seventh Sister didn't feel it. Cold and hot. She is the only one in my eyes, and others don’t. I don’t know why. I know that Seventh Sister thinks that I am not masculine, not strong enough, and I am not promising if I practice hard. It seems that it is just unrequited love in vain.” Monkey He was very frank, he didn't hide anything, he had to tell the whole story, and he didn't know why he trusted Brother Jin so much.

Jin Qi said softly: "You have nothing to do, you turn your back on me, and let me see how your inner strength is going."

The monkey was very pleasantly surprised. As soon as he turned around, he felt the Mingmen acupoint heat up, and then two streams of breath slowly flowed into his body, his whole body felt like a spring breeze.He is an outer disciple of Shaolin. He mainly practices monkey boxing and also practices qigong, but the effect is very small.It's okay to split a brick, but it's impossible to stack two bricks together.For this reason, I spent a lot of money to hire a master, and it was all in vain.At this moment, I only feel that the meridians in my whole body are tense and loosen at times, at one moment it is extremely comfortable, and at another moment it is unbearably painful.He knew that this was the elder brother dredging the meridians and opening the acupoints for himself, creating a supreme foundation.This kind of behavior that is extraordinary and sacred in my own eyes, my eldest brother did it casually, it is unimaginable.Just as he was thinking wildly, a voice came from his ear: "Don't think blindly, run along the breath for five weeks. Hurry up!"

The monkey naturally followed the instructions and began to adjust its breath.

The Golden Banner's "Vision Consciousness Realm" is open, surrounded by hundreds of feet of grass and trees, and every move is within the control range of spiritual consciousness.He felt that the remaining seven people were all asleep, very professional.Even the little girl Ah Ying was tired of snoring in her sleeping bag. Tired, it's hard for her to come out to take risks at such a young age.Scanning one by one, Xu Shi actually had a gun at his waist, and there were many bullets hidden in his backpack.Ah, what surprised him was that Xu Shaolan also had a nice little pistol loaded.It seems that this woman is not only an expert in mineral geology, but also a dangerous person who is always on guard.What was even more surprising was Tang Cheng, the representative of the funder who had two Taoist symbols hidden in his underwear.Jin Qi understood what this talisman meant. First, Tang was not an ordinary person; second, he had a secret.Wow, I thought it was a bland hike, but it is very interesting and exciting.He stretched his waist, and heard a low growl from a distance, is there a beast a hundred feet away?As long as you don't offend me, let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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