big bet

Chapter 168

Chapter 168
Looking up, unconsciously, the eastern sky turned white. It was dawn, and the first day and night of Dalin Mang passed away without any surprise.A new day is about to start, looking forward to it!

"Why didn't the surname Jin wake me up?"

Suddenly there was a roar from behind, and when he turned his head, he saw that Long Er was staring at him with raised eyebrows.Jin Qi asked puzzledly: "Would it be good to let you rest more?"

"You think you are great and strong, don't you? Everyone else should be taken care of by you, right? Don't be so fucking arrogant, this is not allowed by professionalism! Do you understand?" Long Er roared angrily.

Jin Qi didn't understand how he could understand his kindness so much, let him rest more, and didn't wake him up to be on duty, did he think he lost face?A wave of anger rose in his chest, he looked coldly at Long Er who was still blaming him and said: "Shut up! You disgusting guy. Even if you are not a full-time professional, you are just doing something wrong with good intentions. Next time you correct it , how can you swear at others. I warn you that if there is another time, I will definitely beat you all over the place. Do you think you are better than Xiaonian?"

"You!" Long Er didn't expect Jin Qi to dare to resist, and became even angrier, shouting: "You dare to threaten me! I announce your dismissal and leave this team immediately. I will never allow you to have a leaderless member like you. Go away , go away immediately!" After saying this, he was also taken aback for a moment, not understanding why he said the word expulsion?You must know that there are dangers everywhere in the big forest, and there are traps at every step. One more person will give you more strength and one more chance.

Everyone was also a little surprised, especially Seventh Sister and Monkey.Although Long Er had always had a violent temper in the past, it was not to the point of being unreasonable.Why are you so hostile to Big Brother Jin?

The monkey jumped up first, and persuaded: "Second brother, why bother? Brother Jin is a good friend of Long Da. It's not good to drive people away with such a small matter."

These words undoubtedly added fuel to the flames, and Long Er was even more annoyed. His shout shook the forest and echoed: "Monkey, are you allowed to talk? Can Long Da's friends be free and unrestrained? If I say expulsion, I will be expelled, unless He bowed his head and admitted his mistake!"

Everyone was stunned, and they insisted on driving people away the next day?And leave no room for it.You must know that the expedition itself is only a loose non-governmental organization, who can bear this kind of anger?The monkey looked at the golden flag and didn't know what to say?After practicing last night, he finally felt that he had internal strength, and he could move his strength at will, like an arm.In the excitement, he didn't know how to express his gratitude to Brother Jin, but was awakened by Long Er's thunderbolt scolding.He understood that Big Brother Jin had good intentions, and he also understood that Long Er was looking for trouble on purpose, and he himself persuaded him, but it was obvious that Long Er had made up his mind, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Jin Qi glanced at Long Er with disdain, and said lightly: "A waste, a complete waste. It's not because of Long Da's repeated invitations, you think I rarely explore? Since you fired me, you also lifted my relationship with Long Da. Promise. It's over, take care of yourself. Goodbye, everyone." He picked up the backpack and wanted to leave without opening it...

Long Er shouted again: "The backpack is the property of the club, including your jacket."

It's vicious!Abandoning equipment in a fit of anger, not to mention the dangers caused by lack of necessary protection in the vast forest, just losing your way will be life-threatening.If you don't quit the equipment, you will admit defeat, otherwise you will leave with the equipment, even if you can walk away, you will lose your temper.One word "difficult"!
If the two owners stepped forward to persuade them at this time, or if Jin Qi gave in, the matter would be fine.However, the two owners were silent, and Jin Qi's face became even more ashen.

Clearly, please leave the property of the club when you leave.In this way, without equipment, see how you can survive in the vast forest!Very poisonous move.Jin Qi was stunned for a moment, then the anger burned in his chest, and he tried his best to endure it. With a "sigh" he threw down his backpack, and took off his clothes, pants and hat in twos and threes. Fortunately, the sneakers were his own, otherwise he would have walked barefoot.Naked, just a pair of shorts.The fair skin protruded with obvious combined muscles, and this guy hooked his arms on purpose, and said coldly: "I will pay you back, I hope you will be more arrogant in the days to come. Haha, go!" Lin Mang ran deep.

Everyone watched the golden flag pass away, and it took a long time to come back to their senses.Seventh Sister was the first to criticize Long Er: "You forced Brother Jin to leave with nothing. How can he survive in the forest? Even if he walks out of the forest, there is still a long river to cross? Even if he is not given the communication equipment, this is not forcing him to death. Is it? What are you thinking? Is it dead? Brother Jin has something to do and see how you explain it when you go back?"

Long Er glared angrily: "Shut up, I don't care if you interrupt!"

"Why, do you want to fire me too?"

This Long Er didn't dare, left Seventh Sister, Monkey must leave, how can he be left as a bare-handed commander?He said loudly: "We will be ready to go on the road in 10 minutes. Everyone, pack up quickly."

Xu Shaolan sighed secretly at the side, the expedition had already lost troops just at the beginning, among this group of people only the one named Jin was very powerful, of course this was just a woman's feeling, other than him the others were not very good.Although the team leader Long Er seems to be very experienced and physically strong, his irritable personality makes it hard to believe that he can firmly grasp everything during the long expedition.What is even more worrying is that the preparations seem to be insufficient. For example, once the anti-snake oil entered the Dalin python, everyone applied it, but the snakes and insects did not seem to buy it.

Tang Cheng was quite happy.He has ulterior motives, but how to deal with Jin Qi troubles him, because he subconsciously feels that this person is not easy to deal with.It's all right now, it will die naturally, and 100 million will be in hand.Hehe, I can't wait to hum a few words.

This group of people with different ideas hurried on the road.Long Er opened the way himself, and also carried two bags.He was afraid that he would pick up the golden flag after leaving it there, so he was kind-hearted and vicious.After walking three kilometers, he dug a hole under the bushes on the side of the road to bury all the equipment that Jin Qi left behind. He didn't want to carry it, and he couldn't carry it, but he must not leave it to the surname Jin.Seventh Sister whispered as she walked past him, "You will be punished."

After Jin Qi left the path, he took out his clothes and put them on, and lit a fire to boil a pot of tea to taste slowly.To be honest, the expulsion gave him freedom instead of pretending to be hard.Wouldn't it be fun to find babies alone in a thousand square kilometers and play whatever you want?Drinking small tea on the branch of a tree, I was enjoying myself, the weather was not good, and it was raining, first a few drops of rain, then a few pea-sized raindrops made the leaves "crack", and the whole forest seemed to be frying chestnuts, clattering Make a fuss.He had to turn his wrists and withdraw a closed formation, covering the sky like a glass cover from the rain.A ray of consciousness floated around.Every plant and tree within a range of three kilometers flashed clearly in front of my eyes, and the expedition team was no longer visible.Oh, pretty fast?I thought to myself.This kind of involuntary concern shows that he still cares about these people in his heart.Since I couldn't see it, I let it go, and I gradually entered the state of cultivation while sitting in the sky filled with water.

He was so laid back, and the expedition team couldn't have been worse.

How bad it is, you can see it.

As soon as he set off, he encountered strange things repeatedly. Snakes and insects sprang out from under his feet from time to time, and strange spiders hung from his head from time to time.Not only Ah Ying screamed again and again, even Qimei and Xu Shaolan screamed miserably from time to time.It's really disgusting when you think about it, when you're walking all of a sudden, a lump of black lacquer thing falls from the sky and dangles right in front of your eyes, it's strange if you don't scream in fright.Everyone found it strange that they walked all day yesterday and didn't encounter any scary snakes and insects. Why is it difficult to move an inch today?Could it be that there are more snakes and insects as you go forward? (Actually, Jin Qi was there yesterday, and the snakes and insects with the fairy spirit on his body were naturally afraid, and they couldn't avoid it, so how could they come to harass him. Of course, Jin Qi himself is not clear about this, let alone other people.) Helplessly, everyone repeated Spray insect repellant on your body so you don't have to struggle every step of the way.

Long Er was afraid that others would accuse him of dismissing Jin Qi, so he worked very hard to open the way today.Under his leadership, the action was unexpectedly fast. During the lunch break, he had already advanced six kilometers, and he took back all the time for deworming.It's a pity that the good times don't last long. It's raining, and it's getting heavier and heavier, as if the rainy season in the tropical rainforest has arrived ahead of schedule.The originally faintly discernible path was completely submerged in the white water, and one step deeper and one step shallower was like walking in a swamp.

Suddenly, there was a "boom" sound, and Cha Yiren fell heavily at the back of the team. The Burmese, who usually seldom speaks, turned pale when he got up, and knelt down to the west again and again.Long Er asked in surprise, "What does this mean?"

Cha Yiren ignored it, kowtowed his head for a long time before standing up and said: "We have frightened the evil spirits of the West, and the punishment has already begun, and people will die."

These words made everyone jump in fear, the rain was like a curtain, and they couldn't distinguish anything, could the ominous monster come with the rain?

Xu Shaolan was shouting: "Leader, hide from the rain? It's too much, the rain is so heavy."

Long Er found a banyan tree with a big crown, and called everyone to get together. It was covered by dense leaves, and it felt that the rain was much less.Looking at the heavy rain like a curtain of water one foot away, he said to himself: "Damn it, it seems that it will not stop today. Monkey, can we build a tent on this tree?"

Seventh Sister hurriedly said, "I'll go and see." She quickly climbed up the tree.

This kind of big banyan tree with a well-developed root system is extremely vigorous and can grow into a towering giant umbrella with a diameter of five to six meters in a few decades.Find a suitable fixed point among the branches, let alone set up a tent, or build a tree house.Soon Seventh Sister's voice came from the tree: "There are five suitable places."

Long San twisted his neck and shouted: "There is also a tree on the left, climb over and have a look." Eight people and eight tents had to find three more suitable fixing points.

The distance between the thick branches of the two trees is more than one meter, which is like child's play to the vigorous Qimei.She swung her feet on the branches a few times, kicked hard, and flew straight towards the neighboring tree.

Everyone under the tree was watching, and the applause stopped in the middle of the shout, and the drastic change in the sky made everyone gasp.I saw Seventh Sister grasping the branch of the neighboring tree with both hands, suddenly a multicolored, thigh-thick section of strange thing stretched out from the leaves at the same time, stretching out longer and longer, the front tip caught on Seventh Sister's waist and quickly circled twice, and It continued to stretch and wrap at an extremely fast speed.

"Snake!" Ah Ying was the first to exclaim.

"Fierce!" Cha Yiren blurted out.

At the same time, Seventh Sister, who was already hanging from the tree branch, began to struggle desperately, and Matsushita kept hitting the snake tightly wrapped around her body with one hand.This scene is very tragic. The body that has stretched out to a full seven or eight meters has not yet seen the head of the snake. It can be seen how big the snake is?Seventh Sister's fist made a "thumping" sound when it hit the snake's body, but unfortunately it didn't work like scratching.The snake body didn't seem to be in a hurry, it slowly wrapped itself around Seventh Sister's body, and gradually tightened.Seventh sister no longer had the strength to hang with one arm, she let go of her hand and fell from mid-air, and she fell half a meter.

The people under the tree shouted and yelled to no avail, and Seventh Sister's struggle became weaker and weaker, it seemed that she was almost exhausted.Watching Seventh Sister being swallowed by a giant python?
"No!" The monkey roared angrily, jumped up three feet, and crawled towards the dense leaves with hands and feet together.This is a very dangerous behavior. The giant python is very likely to give up its prey and attack the enemy instead. If it saves people like this, it will risk its life. This is undoubtedly a stupid behavior in the eyes of Long San and others.But no one spoke to dissuade them, they just watched the monkey approaching the snake quickly, waiting for another bloody result.

The picture in front of me is a bit medieval: a beautiful woman is being kissed by a snake, and a warrior in a red helmet (jacket) wields a sharp machete. A snake head the size of a water tank emerges from the thick leaves, opening its wide mouth with crossed teeth. The crimson snake letter is constantly expanding...

The open snake mouth is the size of a human's upper body from the upper jaw to the lower jaw. It is bright red, and a pair of glass ball-like snake eyes are motionless, shining with a cold light. A three-foot-long purple letter with a fork on the head shakes, Flicking, sending out waves of unpleasant stench.It just slowly emerged from the leaves, looking at the tiny opponent in front of it.

At this time, if Xu Shi pulled out his pistol and shot, the situation would be better, but he looked at the master many times without any indication, so he just looked away.In fact, Xu Shaolan was not cold-blooded, but frightened and stupid.

The monkey was one step away from the mouth of the snake, and without hesitation raised the knife and slashed at the head. The scaly snake skin made a "canopy" sound, and the rebound force shook the branches under the monkey's feet.Although the giant python was not seriously injured, the blade was sharp enough, blood was faintly seen on the snake's skin.The half body of the giant python stood upright, and the head of the swooping snake swayed from side to side, looking for an opportunity to attack.The monkey jumped up from the branch like crazy, and slashed fiercely from top to bottom. No matter what the effect was, it was only fiercer and more powerful than the last.

The python's eyes were partly slashed by the blade. It was really enraged, and it made a strange "hissing" sound. It loosened its tail, and regardless of losing its prey, it swung its tail and hit the monkey.

The monkey was unable to hide in the mid-air, roared and the sword was united, and the thunder struck it down.For a moment, his heart felt sweet, because he saw Seventh Sister's body intact, falling like a meteor...Ji Er felt that the power of his whole body hit a certain part of the snake's head fiercely, and then the cold liquid splashed, and finally only Felt a bump on the back, and didn't know anything after that.The whole process is slow, but in fact it only takes the blink of an eye.

Seventh Sister witnessed the whole process of the monkey chopping the snake.Even though she was entangled in the snake body, she did not give up, and tried to maintain the last gap with her palms.When the monkey swung his knife to fight the python, she could no longer feel the increased pressure. (The giant python can't care about her anymore.) Even though he couldn't escape for a while, he didn't suffocate to death.The monkey's mighty jumping and fighting made tears roll down her cheeks. This was no ordinary help, this was a desperate effort to risk one's life.When everyone just looked up and sighed, only the thin monkey in his own eyes resolutely climbed the tree to rescue him, and fought for his new life with his life.

Every leap tugged at her heartstrings, every blow struck her heart.

The last knife slashed by the wind seemed to attract a dazzling lightning in the sky, and the usually thin and wretched figure suddenly grew taller, like a glaring King Kong.Anger struck between the python's eyes, cutting straight down, splashing countless blood beads... Then the monkey was hit by the snake's tail and flew away.With tears all over her face, Seventh Sister heard a miserable voice: "Monkey!" She struggled and ran towards the monkey, regardless of the pain of falling to the ground just now.

Almost at the same time, the giant python frantically swung its snake tail and hit the banyan tree with only four or five hits. sound.

It was not only shocking, but also stunned. The half-dead python was more than ten meters long, and the python's head was as huge as a Chang'an car!It was such a powerful King of Lin Mang who had a big hole between his eyes at this moment, and a small machete was stuck in it, and red and white thick liquid was gushing out from the hole.What a force it is!
(End of this chapter)

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