big bet

Chapter 175 Death Trap

Chapter 175 Death Trap (4)
Unfortunately things are completely different.Yan'er glanced at him, and said flatly: "The reason for the closure is a business secret, and we will not announce it. In fact, even if the closure is not closed, you are still unwelcome guests."

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!What, not welcome?A mayor of a big city, your parent officer, and another provincial commissioner, will a high-ranking official be unpopular with a company?How many people dare to declare unwelcome face to face, fearing that they will not be able to please?He Kai almost suspected that he was delusional, but when he turned his head and saw the commissioner's livid face, he realized that this out-of-the-world woman was not only out of the world, but also out of line, out of line!He lowered his face, put down the teacup heavily in his hand, and said, "What do you mean? Tell me clearly! Who are you?"

Yufen was also a little stunned, wondering why Yaner offended them so recklessly?Yan'er didn't seem to feel that the guests turned against each other collectively, and her voice was still flat: "He Wenhao is an out-and-out hooligan. Not only is he not welcome at Yaofeng Villa, but he may be kicked out indiscriminately. Because of this hooligan, you will be implicated Now, I have become persona non grata, the reason is very simple. As for who I am, it seems that I have no obligation to tell you. You can use the power of the mayor to send someone to investigate the little girl who insulted you, and even arrest me , sentencing. Aren’t these methods commonly used by your He family? I’m waiting.”

The hostility was obvious, not only towards He Wenhao, but also the entire He family.He Kai was unprepared for this, a little caught off guard, and didn't know what to say for a while.

He Wenhao couldn't bear it anymore. Seeing that his uncle was silent, he took a few steps forward and yelled angrily: "You damn woman, how dare you scold me!"

"Why, you are not a hooligan? You colluded with gangsters in Hong Kong, murdered people, robbed money, etc. Do you want me to explain them one by one? You are not only a hooligan, but also a professional hooligan. Don't think you are hiding behind Mayor He Kai You can do wrong again and again under the wings of the people. Don’t think that hooliganism will get away with punishment. One day you and anyone who protects you will not escape the punishment you deserve. Today I tell you solemnly, He Wenhao!"

Yan'er's eloquent and eloquent words completely irritated He Wenhao.Usually, no one would let him get three points, his background and billionaire wealth are beyond the reach of the world, but this stinky bitch... He rushed over like crazy, raised his palm and slapped her pink face!

There was a sound of "cracking", and it was not the delicate woman who screamed, but He Wenhao, who was 1.8 meters tall.He fell to the ground with blood on his mouth, struggling to get up, but he couldn't get up after a few supports.One word "miserable"!
Yan'er was standing by the sofa, wiping her right hand vigorously with a handkerchief, muttering, "Why did you hit my hand with your face? It's so dirty, it's so dirty."

The provincial commissioner stood up abruptly and said to the old man: "Let's go, Mr. Weng, don't stain your eyes." After speaking, he turned and left, followed closely by two American guests, one old and one young.

He Kai never expected that things would turn out like this.It is indeed the guest's intention to come to Yaofeng Mountain Villa. One is to show off in front of the boss, and the other is to be instigated by He Wenhao.To deal with the long-planned matter of the Jinqi He clan, the opportunity is at hand, and Wenhao can't wait.It seems that today's trip to Yaofeng Mountain Villa was a complete mistake. Not only did he expose himself prematurely, giving the enemy a chance to be vigilant and defend, but also embarrassing himself in front of the leader will greatly hinder his future future.What's even more frightening is that Ho's retaliatory actions are likely to be suspected because of this, at least the commissioner will be suspicious, and the American guests will be suspicious.Yaofeng Villa is not an ordinary unit. It is an economic complex with international background and strong strength. Once something goes wrong, media intervention is indispensable. Then it is certain that people in the know will link what happened today. He Kai and He Wenhao will be the first. object of suspicion.Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at the woman with sharp teeth, she seemed to have a slight smile on her lips.He Kai was really surprised, this woman did it on purpose, she did this to indirectly prevent us from attacking!Ah, she seems to be out of the world, but in fact the city is very deep, very deep!
When He Kai and Mayor Lin helped He Wenhao out, the first Audi had already left.As soon as the car drove out of Yaofeng Mountain Villa, it heard the big iron gate behind it shut with a "bang bang".He Kai shook his head, this was the first time he was kicked out of the house.

He Wenhao was still humming in embarrassment, it seemed that the slap was really heavy.For some reason, He Kai felt more relaxed, because in this way, he had a reason to drive this idiot back to Changshu, who had failed to accomplish anything and failed.The most important thing is not to gamble the fate of the whole He clan just because the eldest brother dotes on this idiot!
It was very quiet in the reception room.Looking at the bloodstains on the ground, Wang Yufen asked puzzledly, "Sister Yan, why did you do this on purpose?"

"Knock the mountain to shake the tiger." Yan'er said word by word: "The He family must know about the disappearance of the owner, and today we are here to test. We show weakness can only speed up their action, on the contrary, it may make them confused. We need time .”

The family is already in a precarious situation, and the protagonist is still helpless.

Time has lost its meaning to Jin Qi, he practiced in a hazy state, subconsciously forgetting time, otherwise he would die in a hurry.A week, or a month, or even a few months don't what?If you can't get out, everything is meaningless.Almost every part of the huge stone palace has been explored and tried, and it is cold, as cold as my own hope of escape.The huge and unshakable stone gate seemed to be integrated with the whole stone palace. It was not a door for people to enter and exit at all, but a stone wall with dense patterns.My God, is this my living coffin after 9000 years?
He hated the relief on the stone wall, so he smashed it hard, but unfortunately the mountain-shaking force was like hitting a cotton ball.At this point, he suddenly realized that the Stone Palace is also a formation, a formation within a formation.If the Baiwu area of ​​Xianren Bay is a sleepy fairy formation that I can still recognize, then the Stone Palace is a phantom formation that I don't know at all.Those reliefs, stone platforms, those emerald beds, chairs, cabinets, etc. may all be hallucinations, and I am also in a dream at this moment.Thinking of this, he gave up all struggles, instinctively settled down, adjusted his breathing, and spent day after day, week after week, bathed in the cool Taiyin stream.

When he woke up again, there was an abnormality inside his body, and the black gold bead in his lower dantian became active by talking to himself.Streaks of dark golden air gushed out, running automatically in the acupoints, which felt very strange.Maybe living in seclusion is boring and looking for trouble, Jin Qi not only doesn't stop him, but lets it happen naturally, feeling a different kind of cultivation.

Strange to say, the dark ring on Nine Weeks Day Hou's finger was a little hot, and it was getting hotter and hotter.Jin Qi couldn't help releasing his spiritual sense to spy, wow, I was shocked!Facing him was a huge book with a purple cover.Try to turn it with divine sense, but it doesn't work.Taiyin flow?What's more, it didn't reflect at all.I had an idea, why not try the dark gold flow? (This name was created by him.) Jin Qi feels that the dark gold flow can already be mastered after the Nine Weeks has been running.Then the dark gold ring belongs to the spiritual object of the Nine Heavens Demon Lord, and the dark gold flow is his magic power. Is it easy for the family to use it?

Move a stream of dark gold, hi!Sure enough, it is easy to open the purple cover.The moment it was opened, a piece of purple light exploded, all of which were countless purple light spots, rushing towards him densely.The strange thing is that after entering the mind, all the dots of light change into handwriting one by one, connecting them into clear lines of text.Immediately, "Thousand Changes Magic Art", "Nine Palaces Magic Formation", "Magic Treasure Quenching Demon", "Magic Pill Hundred Techniques" and other skills swarmed the brain area, like pouring water into it!All kinds of strange things, mysterious and mysterious, this kind of temptation is irresistible.Jin Qi quickly immersed himself in it...

Waking up in a trance is in a great mood. It really feels like waking up from a big dream, and the day outside the window is late.Why are people under confinement in a good mood?Because the person surnamed Jin is not the same as yesterday, the flow of Taiyin in his body is like silver, graceful and smooth, and the flow of dark gold is like a chain of fire running, it really smells like half sea water, half flame.After reading through and memorizing every detail of the purple tome, he had to admit that he was at least half obsessed.The great supernatural powers of the Nine Heavens Demon Lord naturally melted into the sea of ​​consciousness. Compared with the Nine Heavens Demon Lord who made troubles in the heavens 9000 years ago, what he lacked was only skill, experience and experience.These are not things that can be accomplished overnight and in one step, and require time and practical operation.For Jin Qi, the magic energy and magic skills of the demon king are priceless treasures.For example, if you are familiar with "Nine Palaces Demon Array", you will know that Xianren Bay is a "Hunyuan Heavenly Demon Array", and Shigong is just "Miaoyi Guiyi Array". The name sounds a bit interesting!In the final analysis, "Miao Yi Gui Bian" is like a post station, the middle station from one place to another place, people who don't understand it will enter the death spot, although there is no great danger, but it can slowly trap you to death.

Jin Qi is in a situation that seems to be slowly dying.

However, "the sun is high and the smoke is low, let's see if the sky is clear today", how can a person who has all the magic knowledge of the Nine Heavens Demon Lord be trapped by a mere magic circle?Looking up at the dome of the stone palace, there is indeed a small recess, which is the keyhole, and the matching key is the "magic flame" emerald that I bought at the ghost market at the foot of Xiangshan in the north of the capital!It's strange to say that I received 3 yuan from the "Magic Flame" jadeite at a glance occasionally. I thought it was a leak and made a lot of money. " hub.This is not picking up leaks, it is simply picking up lives.Therefore, if there is a cause, there must be an effect, and the word "fate" is enough.

He doesn't care about the half-immortal and half-demon Jin Qi, he has no views of family members, no distinction between good and evil.What about the devil?It's just an extreme technique, no different from fairy art.As for whether the demon will change his disposition in the future, I don't know now, this is a matter of the future.Honestly, what does it matter if it changes?Just a different kind of experience.Compared with the superficially sanctimonious gentleman who is full of male thieves and female prostitutes, Mozhen is a little cute and a little bit desirable.

Modern people from grass roots like Jin Qi are mostly rebellious, no wonder they, blame hypocrisy...

Looking around, there is nothing to cling to, I have taken everything I need, and I know everything I need to know. As for whether the devil and fairy thousands of years ago are related to me, I can't figure it out, so I don't want to do it.Holding the "Magic Flame" with one hand, he jumped towards the dome, and when he approached the keyhole, the "Magic Flame" in his hand immediately threw it.Just listening to the sound of "click", the "magic flame" was pushed into the concave hole just right.

Suddenly, black flames shot out, the whole stone palace trembled, and countless smoke, dust and debris flew up.Then a dazzling halo erupted from the hollow, spreading outwards layer upon layer, the radiance became more and more blazing, making it impossible to open one's eyes... An unmatched suction force came from the sky, Jin Qi did not resist, and the body Shaped like a light leaf, it was immediately absorbed into emptiness.

At this moment, Jin Qi felt as if he was suddenly ejected from a certain passage, and was engulfed by a strong air current, and was thrown into space involuntarily.Open your eyes and look around, you are in the vast forest, with mountains and green waves under your feet, and it is boundless, and you can't see the edge.A dense white mist rises from the green bushes in the middle, covering an area of ​​more than a hundred square kilometers, making it look hazy and gloomy.Jin Qi only felt a slight chill down his back. He knew that this was the "Hunyuan Heavenly Demon Formation" in Xianren Bay. Even though he had already mastered the magic formula of opening and leaving the formation, he still dared not enter it again.

When the "Vision Realm" is turned on, one can vaguely see a large shadow in the white mist area of ​​Lin Mang slowly sinking into the dark stratum, sinking deeper and deeper until it disappears.This is the stone palace where I was trapped to death for several months, that is, "Miao Yi returns for a while", I don't know why I feel a little sour in my heart.Maybe it's been a long time to develop feelings?Maybe there are stories carved on the stone wall that may be related to their own origin?Maybe huge emerald furniture and the occasional magical power of the demon king?This "Miaoyi Returns for a while" has indeed given me a lot, especially that distant, almost absurd reverie.

People are really weird sometimes. When they are in a certain place or environment, they feel uncomfortable and resentful. Once they leave and are sure that they will never look back, their mood changes, and they become so fragile and vulnerable.The author has come into contact with many educated youths. They think back to their teary-eyed expressions. When they talk about writing family letters under a small oil lamp, they describe all kinds of poetic and picturesque sentiments. A little pesticide.Is it strange?Wanting to explain why this is the case, it seems that it is not a matter of few words, here is just a little bit of emotion.

Anyway, Jin Qi is free and has the right to remember the past. This is probably some spiritual compensation for the suffering people.

It was only when Jin Qi stood above the white mist area that he was convinced that he was out of trouble.With a wave of his right hand, he took out an electronic watch from Tian Shi Jie, and was startled when he saw that it was already the 12th of July, and it had been three and a half months since he entered the Great Forest in Xianren Bay at the end of March.He took a deep breath, the most important thing is to find the right direction and leave.He remembered that the expedition team entered Lin Mang from the east, so he tried to fly west. (actually he remembers exactly the opposite)
After taking off for more than 70 kilometers, he lowered the flying altitude after leaving the foggy area, looking for the path he had entered so as to find the direction.It was noon at the moment, and the sun was shining through the leaf gaps in the forest. It didn't take long to find a path trampled by people.Hey, the road is different from before, it is wider, as if it can pass a car.And the river?A three-meter-wide flowing water is singing all the way through the forest.The woods seem to be sparser, and the low shrubs show signs of being pruned.Could it be that there are people living here?Jin Qi tensed up all of a sudden.

Simply lower your figure and sneak in along the road.First there was a paddy field, and then there were a few barking dogs, and Jin Qi finally realized that he had gone astray when he saw a few rows of log-structured houses in the distance.But the scene in front of him was really alluring. He couldn't figure out how could there be people living in this extremely dangerous environment with extremely inconvenient traffic?There are not fewer people living in the shape of five or six rows of wooden buildings.too weird!He sneaked in slowly, jumped onto a banyan tree about a hundred or so away, and observed carefully from top to bottom.

The wooden house is like a high-footed building of the Miao people. The lower part is built of rough wood to a height of more than three meters, and then the roof is built.Except for a few thick green banyan trees around the wooden building, all other trees were cut down.One is to prevent wild animals, and the other is to ventilate and benefit sunshine.Under the wooden cage, there is a half-ground cage surrounded by a wooden fence, in which small animals such as pheasants are kept.A few dogs were squatting on the wooden cage and sleeping, and some heavy clothes were hanging under the tree, which seemed to have been washed and dried in the sun.Jin Qi couldn't understand the clothes, both the style and texture were beyond his knowledge.What's interesting is that there are several vegetable fields beside the river, where red and green peppers are planted.It seems that life in the mountains and forests is quite interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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