big bet

Chapter 176 Death Trap

Chapter 176 Death Trap (5)
While peeping, a man came out with the creaking sound of the door of the first wooden building, with a bunch of long hair hanging down his shoulders and hanging down to his waist.It's actually a woman?If it weren't for the unsuitable dress that looked awkward, based on her facial features alone, this woman could at least be considered beautiful, elegant and charming.

She stood on the wooden porch outside the house and looked north. There was a hilly area. Maybe her husband or father and brother were hunting. The dusk is coming, isn't it?Jin Qi wanted to go to the village to have a chat with this woman, but he was afraid of her and hesitated.At this time, an old man's voice came from another building: "Ah Hua, the sun is about to set, so don't stare at it, it's time to start a fire and cook. Those who hunted today must be tired, and I heard they have to scrape the salt." Fan, come back from picking a few pieces of jade, I don’t know if the damned old pig is still there, may the ancestors show their spirits and bless the men. Prepare some water and wine, and get more dried meat to eat.”

The woman called Ah Hua let out a "hmm", turned around and opened the door to enter.

It's completely Chinese, and with a northern accent.In the uninhabited wild forests of Burma lived a group of northern Chinese people, and when it comes to "hunting, scraping salt, and picking jade", ah!There are treasures here!Jin Qi is really a bit out of his wits, the world is full of wonders!

"Vision Realm" can clearly see that there are about four families living in five houses, and one of them looks like a studio or warehouse.Seven women, old and young, lived in the other four buildings, and the two households that spoke were only one old and one young.In the other two buildings, there are one boy, three girls and four young children, all of whom are vigilant with their doors closed. It seems that there will be many ferocious beasts in the forest.Since the men are not at home, Jin Qi decides not to shock the world for the time being.

I should change my clothes to be a guest even if I am in rotten clothes, retreat into the woods, find a secluded place and wash in the small river before returning to the entrance of the village.At this time, the sun was setting, and a few clouds in the western sky painted a beautiful light band on the treetops.Living in seclusion for a long time and being able to see the sunrise and sunset really makes me feel a little emotional, especially when facing the idyllic deserted forest village and unfamiliar old people, I feel both fresh and frightened. Is it better to visit them or leave them alone?Fortunately, I got a few unexpected antiques to play with during the visit; at least they can maintain their original but peaceful life after leaving.Hesitant!

There were several shouts from a distance, and the voice was very anxious. Four people were seen rushing forward carrying a simple stretcher, followed by two people.Hearing the sound, all the people in the wooden building poured out to welcome the visitors, and there were cries and curses all at once.Somebody was hurt, maybe very badly, and the woman was so panic-stricken that she could only cry.

Both men and women entered the same building, Jin Qi couldn't help frowning from a distance.The abdomen of the wounded was picked apart by a sharp object, leaving a foot-long opening. These people just wiped it repeatedly with hot water, and poured some white powder into the hot water, which may be salt.Salt water can sterilize but not stop bleeding. If such a large wound is not sutured immediately to stop bleeding, one can imagine the degree of life-threatening.Jin Qi couldn't ignore the situation, and Jin Qi knocked on the door without hesitation when he was sure that the villagers could not be treated further.

The knock on the door was enough to shock the people in the house, which was unique in their memory!After looking at each other for a while, an elder got up and walked to the door, and asked softly, "Who is it?"

"A guest passing by occasionally." Someone outside the door answered.

Hearing the sound was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky!The people in the room were shocked, and the old man gasped.In any case, did not expect a stranger to visit?According to the ancestors, for more than 300 years, except for the members of their own family, they have never heard a word from anyone.This is a Jedi, you can't get out, and others can't get in.It seems like a lifetime away from living through the years, and suddenly hearing someone knocking on the door is like encountering an alien visitor. Is it a friend or an enemy?Panic, at a loss, not knowing whether to respond or not?The old man was stunned.Looking back at the clansmen, all of them looked like geese, the old man hesitated and carefully opened the wooden door.

Xin is tall and has a smile on his face.She was dressed in a fancy dress, with a big fiery red bag on her back, eyes?The guest's eyes are very special, shiny and silvery, not like the Central Plains people.

The old man asked cautiously: "Where did you come from? I don't know what to do? If you need a little old man to do it for you, just speak up."

The dialogue in Wen crepe is estimated to be an ancient survivor.When I saw the woman wearing a high bun and her eyebrows with mountain patterns, the Tang women depicted in Bai Juyi's "Beauty Walk" in the Tang Dynasty flashed in my mind. Could it be that they are the survivors of the Tang Dynasty?This is more than 1000 years ago?Regardless of surprise, the patient is important.Jin Qi asked: "Where do I come from, let me talk slowly. I just want to ask why the wounded on the bed didn't receive medical treatment?"

The old man's expression immediately turned dull, and he sighed, "There is a lack of medical treatment and medicine, and the wounds are smaller. We can only survive. Such a huge sore can only be resigned to fate. I am so anxious, but there is nothing I can do."

"Will the old man allow me to try it? I really can't bear to die before my eyes."

"The young master is a medical officer?"

"I studied next time."

"Fortunately, fortunately." The old man hurriedly invited the golden flag into the room with his hands up.

Jin Qi didn't have time to say hello, so he separated from the crowd, took out a lot of first aid supplies from his bag, (of course they all came from Tian Shijie), and first gave two injections to stop the bleeding and reduce inflammation.Then the wound was smeared with alcohol several times, (fortunately, the patient passed out early, otherwise the pain would be unbearable) and stitches were started.He has really learned first aid techniques, and now he can sew a dozen stitches with ease.Finally sprinkle the powder, bandage properly, before and after less than half an hour.He didn't think anything, and the onlookers were dumbfounded. Not only was the method of sewing the stomach, but also everything from the extraterrestrial visitor was full of novelty. The shiny, crystal-clear knives and scissors were like fairy tools.

Seeing that the wounded person's stomach was no longer bleeding and fell into a deep sleep, everyone invited Jin Qi to change rooms to talk.

Of course, everyone first asked the savior to explain where they came from, because it was of great importance to them.Jin Qi said it came from heaven, but no one believed it.Reluctantly, Jin Qi performed a walk in the void indoors, and the men and women who were so frightened all lay on the floor and begged the god to forgive the crime of disrespect.

Jin Qi hastily pulled up this one and then the other, and after working for a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'm not a fairy, but I just learned some flying skills and passed by occasionally. I saw people living in barren mountains and wild forests. Everyone, I don't know why you ended up here?"

The old man sighed deeply at this question, and said in a deep voice: "The story must start from the first year of Shenlong. Emperor Wu Zetian was bedridden, and Prime Minister Zhang Jianzhi and Minister Jing Hui led more than [-] people from the Yulin Army into the palace. , forced Emperor Wu to pass on the crown prince Li Xian, and restored the name of the Tang Dynasty. Since then, all officials, banners, and characters have returned to the old system. Abandoning their family and fleeing for their lives, they came all the way south. Most of the hundreds of people died when they passed through Nanzhao Kingdom, and the Li family still did not let them go.

"Walking into this dead place repeatedly, I began to feel that there were no people and no swords and swords. Unexpectedly, a few years later, the ground shook and the mountain shook. It turned out that the entrance turned into a cliff, which was impossible to cross. The people of the clan have been looking for a way out for generations. There is no return, or you will return disappointed. Especially in the east, the perennial fog is very dangerous. Let alone people, beasts will never look back when they enter. The mountains and mountains in the west are even more difficult to fly, so dozens of generations can only live here. lingering on the last breath, there are only 17 old and young people left in the hundreds of people. If there is no benefactor, the wounded Wu Shanzi’s life may not be safe. Counting from the youngest to the second generation of five people, the third generation is only three people. It is difficult to continue like this It lasted."

Jin Qi couldn't help asking: "On the surface, food and clothing are not a problem. What is the reason for the sharp decline in the population year by year?"

The old man said sadly: "Injuries and illnesses hurt people! Hunting all day, who is the prey? Every year, young adults die from the kisses of beasts. In summer, the mildew rains and the breeding of mosquitoes and flies makes it easy for people to get sick. The most headache is a It is a disease that fluctuates from cold to hot, and it also infects each other, causing more deaths. There is only little salt in the forest. There is a vein in the east jade mine. It has a salty taste when crushed, and can be eaten as salt. However, it tastes different from sea salt. It smells like iron, and if you eat too much, you will have diarrhea. If you eat too little salt, you will lose strength, and it is easy for people to age. Guess how old my benefactor is."

The skin is pale even if it is not dark, the person is thin and thin, the eyes are light and wrinkled.Jin Qi guessed: "Is the old man in his early sixties?"

The old man shook his head and said: "Just fifty-three, middle-aged and old, it's because of this salt."

Looking at the fine comb-like wrinkles on his face, Jin Qi couldn't help but marvel at the tenacity of people.Under the extremely poor living conditions, the life span of one generation to another for more than 300 years is awe-inspiring to think about.

After a while, the dinner was ready, and the woman came to greet her for dinner.There are two tables for more than a dozen people, and there is a complete set of game and seafood, as well as mushrooms and bracken, as well as self-brewed wine.The wine is held in bamboo cups, and the utensils used to hold the vegetables make Jin Qi's eyes shine.The standard Tang Dynasty single-color glazed ceramic utensils, in addition to bowls and plates, actually have pots, pots, statues, cups, goblets, and washers, all of which open the door, full of old-fashioned.It has been displaced for more than 300 years and is still well preserved, which is amazing.These are all treasures!Blue glaze, white glaze, yellow glaze, brown glaze, the typical glaze colors of Changsha kiln can be found all. Such complete and intact monochromatic glaze works of Tang Dynasty are hard to see in provincial museums, let alone private collections.

The old man looked at the gold flag and focused on the utensils, and said: "If the benefactor likes to pick the ones, take it. The little old man also treasures a few three-color toys handed down from his ancestors, and he must give them to the benefactor after dinner. Speaking of it, we have not met each other yet. Tong’s surname, the little old man’s surname is Wu, and his name is Wu Shu. All 17 people in the small village have the surname Wu. Don’t laugh, benefactor, intermarriage between close relatives is really helpless. The little old man wants to hear what’s going on in the world outside?”

The other five men surnamed Wu who were sitting with me were all eager to know, and all of them pricked up their ears.Even the women who sat scattered elsewhere, busy with their needles, stopped their work.

Jin Qi's eyes sparkled when he heard Tang Sancai, but he actually liked many things.The spears leaning against the wall, the Tang knives sticking obliquely by the door, and even the bows and arrows hanging from the wooden pillars are all high-quality antiques. Not to mention the value, just looking at this type of Tang Dynasty weapon is scary enough !There are many living utensils in the precepts of other days, what about bartering things, weapons for weapons?

The idea is to start fooling around. Let them start with the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, let them simply sort out the historical trajectory, and then talk about industrial development, state power, world structure, scientific development, and weapons of war. The class lasted for three full hours, and the sixteen adults and children were all stunned and completely frightened.

When it comes to the eventual replacement of the Tang Dynasty by the Song Dynasty, the old people present sighed and burst into tears.The young one laughed loudly, as if he was relieved of a thousand years of hatred.Generations and 1000 years have nothing to do with each other, but there is still a clear distinction between love and hate.If Wu Zetian woke up and shouted: "Will you take revenge on your behalf?" Would the few strong men here raise their swords and guns?Hehe, it's entirely possible.

Jin Qi took out a handful of candy from his hand and handed it to the child. The sweet smell of chocolate filled the room, causing several gluttonous adults to snatch the child's things, causing a roar of laughter.He also conjured up two bottles of Jiannan Chungong wine and two Nanjing salted water ducks. After tearing up the duck meat, everyone shouted: "Salt! Really salt! Delicious salt!" Before Jin Qi opened the wine The bottle caps, the two ducks have chewed up their bones.As a result, I could only produce two more vacuum-packed Taicang Roast Chicken.

Pour a small amount of white wine into the bamboo cup, and the mellow aroma is tempting to drink.Once tasted, the ice thread entered the throat, the stomach was full of fire, and the mouth was full of sweet taste. All the men stretched out their empty cups towards the golden flag.

Repeatedly persuaded that this wine is no better than self-brewed rice wine, you can drink until you are happy, who cares what it feels like to get drunk!In the end, he just emptied ten wine bottles, and there were people lying on the floor beside the low table.

Before Wu Shu got drunk, he actually thought of calling his daughter, and shouted: "Ah Hua, take good care of Benefactor Jin tonight. Leave a fairy seed for the Wu family, do you hear? Father's order, father's order must not be violated, do you hear me?"

Wu Ahua walked with a swing, approached Jin Qi, and murmured: "This place is so dirty, Brother Jin, come with my slave."

Hand in hand with soft fingers, wow!Where does this go?

I didn't expect that this body would have the honor to be married to the bereaved family 300 years ago, and I was terrified to think about it.Shocking!

When I came to another wooden building, there was indeed a pair of red candles on the table, and a big red silk quilt on the bed. It is a bit outrageous that these things have been handed down from generation to generation. secret.

A Hua's daily clothes are hung on the wooden hanger, and it is unbelievable to feel the roughness and toughness when you get close to it.Jin Qi asked: "Ah Hua, what are these clothes made of?"

Ah Hua whispered: "This is a tree bark garment. We usually wear it. The bride's dress is still left by the ancestors, and it is only worn by women when they get married. I don't know how many sisters have worn this wedding dress, and how many churches have visited. Brother Jin, let's rest, the red candle can only be lighted for a minute, and we have to save it for another."

Living resources are so scarce and difficult, yet they can still abide by the old rules and pass them down from generation to generation. In addition to the amazing vitality of people, the spirit of persistence is even more amazing.

Jin Qi couldn't help but ask: "How many objects brought over thousands of years are still there?"

Ah Hua misunderstood, thinking that the husband wanted to exchange something else.She pondered for a moment and said: "As far as I know, the rest will be dedicated to my husband today. Unless there are some ritual vessels passed down from generation to generation, I dare not disturb them easily. There will be nothing more. Please believe me."

Jin Qi was a little dumbfounded.Obviously, I wanted to know how to preserve items, especially consumable items, but I was mistaken for my ambition to spy on the family's exquisite items, really?Can't explain it, just don't explain it.Then I moved a set of gold ornaments from the Tianshi ring and handed it to Ahua. This is also the collection in the white eyebrow storage ring of Changbai Zenyimen. Today I borrow flowers to present "beauty".

Ah Hua opened the brocade box in surprise, she screamed and then hurriedly covered her mouth.The golden five-piece set of pure gold is exuding luxury.Necklaces, pendants, rings, two earrings, pectorals, and a full set of accessories inlaid with red coral. In Jin Qi's eyes, the style is old, the workmanship is rough, and it is worthless except for the value of gold and red coral. However, in the eyes of A Hua, it is beautiful Breathless, she has seen the gold ornaments handed down by her ancestors, and knows that they are more precious than anything else, such as the golden step rock that is inserted obliquely in her hair at this moment, these are repeatedly told not to touch and not to eat, and to protect them carefully baby.Today, Xianggong gave himself five pieces at once, and each piece exceeded Jin Buyao by a lot.A Huaxiu's eyes watered up, she held the brocade box in both hands, and said softly: "The gift of the husband, I should cherish it as a slave, and I will always think about it."

Ashamed!It's just a joke, don't take it seriously, I thought to myself, but when I said it, it turned into: "It's just a small gift, and you should smile, and I will bring some accessories that Ah Hua likes when I come back next time."

"It's a good husband."

(End of this chapter)

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