big bet

Chapter 34: Crazy Stone Gambling

Chapter 34: Crazy Stone Gambling (1)
The next day, Jin Qi hurried to the public market office. He wanted to gamble wildly for another day, and leave the third day for Zhang Huanzhi and other friends to help as much as possible.As soon as he arrived at the gate, he saw He Wenhao open the rear door of the car, respectfully let Fengjuan into the car, and then walked around to the other side of the car with a wisp of smoke and got in.The car slid out gently and quickly melted into the bustling street traffic.Jin Qi stood silently, his eyes were shining silver, what was he thinking?
When Fengjuan got into the car and sat down, she happened to catch a glimpse of Jin Qi, and her heart jumped for no reason, but seeing his angry face, she felt resentful.Cursing secretly: "What reason do you have to treat him like this? What did he do wrong? He couldn't bear to refuse if he wanted to do this. After all, he didn't do anything. You are unreasonable, you have a dark conscience !” He Wenhao was in a daze with a sullen face all the way from the hotel to the fair.Today they rushed to the Four Seasons Hotel early in the morning according to Fengjuan's intention, to find Zhang Huanzhi's father and daughter, but unexpectedly they had already left early.Is it because of this that the beauty is angry?

After entering the public area, all anger disappeared.Jin Qi turns right, aiming at the half betting wool market area.Today, he changed into a yellow travel cap, big sunglasses, and a light gray Chinese-style cloth shirt and trousers, and he became a completely different person.

The price of semi-gambling wool is obviously higher than that of full-gambling, but there are many people who are willing to gamble, and there are stone watchers on almost every pile of stones.Anyway, Jin Qi was only watching from a distance, and didn't need to get close to the crowds, so the number of people didn't hinder him.Alone, strolling in the courtyard, the old method started to appreciate thousands of various gambling stones.

After walking a few steps, the conversation between the two people in front of the big piece of wool on the left attracted him.A middle-aged man wearing glasses said: "The so-called new pit materials are young and have not been formed in the open air for a long time. Most of them are rough and loose in texture and short in water head. Some people also include mountain jadeite ores. In fact, most jadeite ores are It was pulled out from a pit that was tens of meters deep. The old mine was discovered early and excavated early, but it does not mean that the late discovery and late excavation are new pit materials. These are two concepts that cannot be confused. "

Another middle-aged man with a bald head said: "According to Mr. Zhang, although this piece of wool is new, it doesn't necessarily mean that the texture is thick and the head is poor. Is it a gamble?"

"Wang Chang, you have to make up your mind whether to gamble or not. I'm just talking about it theoretically."

Jin Qi also saw clearly the betting material with the light green window open, there was indeed green inside, and the water head was not bad, but the reserve price was set at 310 million and it was no longer possible to gamble.He was walking forward when he heard a commotion behind him. Looking back, he saw a group of men and women swarming around. A man in his 50s with black mirror and black shirt was walking calmly. Someone held an umbrella for him, someone fanned him, Judging from his airs, he must be someone with background.

The crowd surrounded Jin Qi and stopped beside a pile of gambling stones.The big man brushed the hair hanging on his forehead, and said loudly: "Take this pile of woolen materials as an example: there are seven yuan in total, three yuan for the window, and four yuan for the head. , blocks flashing green, and the greenness fades quickly when illuminated by a light source, which means that the greenery is at most two centimeters, and the plane will not be too large. Look at the purple in this untied window, trying to tell us that the window There are violets in it. But everyone must see this gap, which is a signal of cracking. Such a big gap will not be small, and the consequences of a crack can be imagined. So is the reserve price 120 million worth? I don’t see it Value. Alright, let’s go forward again, please find another pile and let me make a price.” As soon as the voice finished, there was applause, and everyone followed the big man.

Someone behind the crowd said: "Fortunately, I heard the explanation from the little gambler, otherwise I would go bankrupt." The speaker took out a completed bidding form from the document bag, crumpled it up and threw it on the ground.When he walked away, Jin Qi sighed and said to himself: "An unlucky person is an unlucky person."

He walked over and stepped on the ball of paper, crushed it vigorously, but filled out a tender form himself: No. 140, priced at 21 million.Just $8 above reserve price.Jin Qi believes that there is an obligation to promote the small gambling king, and this price tag is enough.Among the seven pieces of woolen material, the four pieces of gambling material that the little gambler used as a top pick are just treasures.Two pieces of emerald green ice seeds, one piece of lavender spring water, and even the worst piece is a field of yellow-green winter melons.The cracked violet that was shot by the little gambling king was cracked to the end, but the 1000 kilograms of clear and clean jade materials on both sides did not hinder anything at all, just avoid it.With these seven gambling stones, [-] million yuan is easy, but someone gambled and then withdrew it!unimaginable.Since there are people doing volunteer work, hurry up and keep up!

But there are not so many good things.Next, the little gambler changed his tone and was full of praise, and he boasted that three piles of wool were worthless, and he felt that the chance of not gambling would be lost.Seeing the crowd filling out the bidding documents one after another, Jin Qi was about to yell, "It must be broken!" Only then did he suddenly realize that the little gambling king must be entrusted by a certain mineral wool company, and he came here for a purpose.Thinking of this, he added 50 yuan to the No. [-] tender.

I no longer followed the crappy fake shows, but searched all the way alone. Unfortunately, there are very few gambling stones with good wool and good value for money, and I found several fake ones in the window that was wiped open.The phone in my pocket rang, and I felt comfortable when I heard the sweet Shanghai accent: "Miss me, where is Sister Xiao?"

"I miss you, I miss your hard work. I am now in Ruili's Zangfang. Zangfang is a temple. There are many temples like this in Ruili. They are beautiful. I had a good time. How are you? Is the stone betting going well?" ? Have you gained anything?"

A series of "does" made Jin Qi dizzy, why is this woman in the mood to travel?He said: "Miss Xiao, you really enjoy the blessings. I'm working hard, and I gambled 20 yuan. I don't know if I can win."

There was a burst of laughter from the receiver: "I have given up everything since you promised to provide me with jade. I set off before dinner yesterday and started a three-day tour. Sister will definitely bring you something good to condolences to the lovely and hard-working brother Jin. Yo, the tour guide is calling, let’s chat when we have time, bye.”

The wind comes and goes like the wind, and being trusted is always warm in my heart, and my vision becomes sharper.

This may be the pile of wool with the largest number of blocks and the highest bottom grid.There are woolen materials of different sizes for 19 yuan, and the reserve price is written on the sign: 200 million.Wow!Should take a good look.Jin Qi didn't stop, walked around to the right side, and watched from a distance through two piles of wool: the first thing that caught my eye was the long-awaited Huang Fei finally appeared!Very bright and sunny yellow jade, the color is a bit like chanterelle yellow, moist and noble!The land is beautiful, a little misty ice species.The whole piece of wool weighs more than 100 kilograms, and Huang Fei weighs more than 30 kilograms. There are a few small cracks in it that are not harmful to the overall situation and can be bypassed.With [-] kilograms of ice-species yellow fei, it might be sold for tens of millions, how could Jin Qi not be happy.

Look again, there is a new discovery: a piece of more than 90 kilograms of wool has a wide ribbon of white ground, and purple jadeite and red jadeite are mixed on the white ground, which are very beautiful three colors of "Fu Lu Shou".

Next to it is a big one, weighing more than a hundred kilograms, all of which are pure and transparent glass-type white jadeites. The material is sufficient, and it can be made into a large piece.

There are also bright purple ice species, dark green land... out of the 19 yuan, there are actually 13 yuan in real goods.This may be all the old goods of a small company. Three small windows have been wiped, and other materials are mixed with half materials, in order to sell them for a good price.After much deliberation, Jin Qi finally filled in the price tag of 110, and the number was 900. The price difference of more than [-] million is a safe bet!

In one morning, 250 million and 900 yuan were spent, and the total amount has reached more than 43 million yuan. Of course, if all bids are won, there will be [-] yuan and nearly three tons of wool.Hi!It should be enough for the company to open the account!Just as he was dreaming, he heard someone behind him shout softly: "Mr. Jin." Turning around, it turned out to be Xu Genbao, the owner of Xu Ji Workshop.He asked suspiciously, "Boss Xu, are you looking for me?"

Xu Genbao, who was sweating profusely, gasped and said, "It was hard to find, so I tried to scream, and it was right. Mr. Jin, my uncle called and said that there are many people in their village who want to invite you to have a look."

"There are still road stones?"

"Not only the road stone, but also a stone wall. Go?

After walking a few steps, Jin Qi stood still. For some reason, his heart throbbed, and he became more and more uneasy as if some disaster was about to happen.There was nothing abnormal about his silver eyes staring at Xu Genbao, so why did he feel restless and irritable?Perhaps great risks lead to great fate, so he decided to go.After taking care of Xu Genbao to wait for half an hour, he turned around and ran towards the Xipeng area.Put the six completed bidding documents into the bidding box, and then called Luo Dawei with his mobile phone, and said in a hurry: "Dawei, there are two things you must do for me. One is that I have submitted six bidding documents, and it is estimated that it will cost more than 3000 yuan. Wan, I give you the 4000 million Agricultural Bank of China Gold Card. You know that I haven’t changed the password. If I don’t come back on the day of the bid opening, you can help me complete the formalities, and all the gambling stones will be transported to your warehouse for temporary storage. Remember that you must I need to pay a security deposit. My code is No. [-]. The second thing is that a man and a woman will come to you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. You must arrange for them to practice and study in the Han Gong Zhuo Yu Tang, so that they can learn how to recognize jade and share prices as soon as possible. , sales, storage and other knowledge. Do you understand these two things?"

Luo Dawei was very puzzled and asked: "I understand, I guarantee it is correct. But brother, you must tell me where you are going? Is there any danger?"

Jin Qi smiled and said, "What's the danger? I went to the countryside with Mr. Xu from the Yangzhou Xuji Jadeite Workshop to look at the jade materials. It will take a few days. I'm afraid we won't be able to catch up with the bid opening. That's it, Dawei remembers what I said. "I stuffed the Agricultural Bank of China gold card with 4000 million yuan in it, and turned away.After leaving the Xipen area, he immediately sent a text message to Viper, telling him that he had to leave Yangzhou for a few days in a hurry, and if he and Magpie arrived in Yangzhou and did not contact him, he would contact Luo Dawei.The contact method and mobile phone number are all listed one by one.In order to ensure that the poisonous snake received it, it was sent twice in a row.

He didn't eat Xu Genbao's bun until the matter was settled.It's funny to think about it, as if I was telling the funeral, could it be that the "state of mind" can predict the danger of this trip?

Half an hour's drive away, Xu Genbao's uncle and two other elderly people were at the entrance of the village earlier.The car picked up the three elders without entering the village, and drove straight forward. About seven or eight kilometers away, the car turned into a mountain road.There are large bamboo forests on both sides, and the layers of bamboo leaves are blown by the wind to make a loud "squeaky" sound, which is very thrilling.

None of the five people in the car spoke.Xu Genbao concentrated on driving, and had to deal with the winding and undulating mountain road with all his energy.The three old people were smoking with their heads down. The smoke was very bad, and the smoke in the car was really choking. Jin Qi opened the window to let in the air. From time to time, slanted bamboo branches and leaves would come in through the window, which might scratch their faces. .Jin Qi was fully on guard, not only to avoid the sudden stabbing bamboo branches, but also to move the Taiyin Liumo all over his body secretly, making preparations for accidents.

After driving for more than three hours on the bumpy mountain road, the car stopped in front of a ruined temple in the valley.The five people got out of the car one after another, and the three old men hurried towards the gate of the ruined temple with picks, ropes and other tools.The golden flag was the last one, and it was only two o'clock in the afternoon on the watch, and the mountains were gloomy and dark like evening.The gate of the temple has already collapsed, the large bluestone on the terrace has been pried to only a few broken pieces, and the wind and fire walls on both sides have been folded to only the foundation of the wall. Except for a few ancient cypresses still standing upright, it is hard to see that this is a temple that was once very popular. The "Dragon Temple".

The three old men continued to walk in a hurry, walking back through the broken walls.Jin Qi couldn't bear it any longer, and asked Xu Genbao, "Boss Xu, what is this place? Where exactly are you taking me?"

Xu Genbao raised a finger and put it in front of his mouth, hissed and said: "Speak softly, don't startle the dragon. This is the Temple of the Dragon. You have seen the plaque lying on the ground just now. It is said that during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, incense was held here. There are also hundreds of monks. Because the Dragon Temple is built on the place where the Jade Road must pass. It is said that the beautiful colored jade is transformed from the dragon's saliva, and it is easy to find high-quality colored jade under the protection of the dragon. People who set off to Muse Port in Myanmar will worship the dragon, and those who return to Yangzhou and Ruili from Taoyu will also come to fulfill their vows, so the Dragon Temple has been prosperous for more than a hundred years. According to legend, in 1912, a group of hundreds of horses returned with a full load, halfway in the Dragon Temple Rest your feet. Actually, there was a thunderstorm and a torrential rain. The Qianlong Lake behind the Dragon Temple set off monstrous black waves, and a black dragon rushed out. The dragon came out of the pool and ignited the house one after another. The fire burned for a whole night. The heavy rain couldn’t stop it. As a result, all the hundreds of caravans were burned to death, and only a few monks escaped. Since then, the Shenlong Temple has become a ghost town and no one is left. After the liberation, there was a new road in Mabang. Wall bricks were also removed to build a pig farm.”

Jin Qiqi asked, "What are you doing here today?"

"It's almost there, you'll know when you see it."

A group of people stepped on knee-high weeds and vines to the back of the temple, and stood in front of a stack of three-meter-high and eight-meter-wide stone walls.The three old men went forward to pull the vines that covered the stone wall, and soon revealed the entire face of the stone wall.

The three elders retreated to the two sides, Xu Genshi said in a low voice: "It is said that this stack of stone screen walls is made of emerald wool, please ask Mr. Jin to take a look at Jin to see if there are any good things."

Lie the golden flag here and it will be a pile of emerald wool walls from a hundred years ago!I really want to get rich and crazy.Jin Qi was angry and funny, he asked, "Why didn't the Murakami take it back and untie it?"

Xu Genbao pointed to the back of the wall: "Who knows if there are any good things in these small woolen materials? They say they are leftovers that no one wants. If the husband hadn't found blue and green emeralds on the stone steps yesterday, he would not have thought of this place. Besides, behind the stone wall It is Qianlong Hantan, which makes people feel cold at a glance, who would dare to see the real gold?"

Looking at Xu Genbao's gloomy face, Jin Qi felt that he hadn't told the truth, and there must be more important reasons for not telling the truth.He turned his head to look at the tall stone wall, thought for a while, then approached, touched, and knocked. After half an hour, he shook his head and said, "I can't do what you wish. Except for three small bricks in the stone wall, all of them are bricks." It’s useless to dismantle the goods. Three bricks are not worth much, so it doesn’t matter if you don’t dismantle them.”

Xu Genbao said anxiously: "No way, 100-year-old waste may be sold for tens of thousands today. Mr. Jin, please look carefully."

"You are also an expert, so you can watch it too."

Uncle Xu Genbao interjected: "There is a stone platform behind the wall, and the four stone benches will be green?"

Jin Qi was startled, and walked back along the stone wall without thinking much.Behind him, the three elders and one young looked at each other, with terrified expressions on their faces.Xu Genbao hesitated for a while before following.Instead of stepping forward, the three old men took a dozen steps back, looking as if they were wolves.Xu Genbao followed to the corner of the wall and didn't move any more. He just poked his head out and watched, the hand holding the stone wall was still trembling.The expressions of these people are strange.

(End of this chapter)

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