big bet

Chapter 35: Crazy Stone Gambling

Chapter 35: Crazy Stone Gambling (2)
As soon as he turned to the wall, there was an abnormally cold air blowing against his face.Jin Qi shivered all over, and hurriedly mobilized the Taiyin Qi to feel his body return to normal.I thought to myself: where does the cold air come from?After walking a few steps, I found a deep pool with eerie, cold mist under a purple leaf vine.The pool water has no ripples or patterns like a still mirror, and what is even more surprising is that there is no floating object on the water surface, which is strangely clean.He picked off a few purple leaves and threw them down. There was a ripple on the surface of the water, and the leaves actually sank.Oh my god, the sinking water that does not float!
The cold pool is not big, about [-] square meters, and there are three ancient scribes "Qianlongtan" engraved on the opposite rock.This stack of stone walls was probably built to resist the bone-chilling chill from the "Unfloating Lake".Although they are raw wool stones, there is nothing eye-catching at all.The wall is built with wool for the tightness of the wool.People in the village think that if it is made of wool, there will be treasures, which makes people angry and funny.

After walking a few steps, he found stone benches and tables among the miscellaneous leaves. He approached and pulled a few purple leaves to reveal the tables and stools. After careful inspection, he found that they were also useless brick materials.He was so angry that he was just about to throw away the branches and leaves in his hand, when he caught a glimpse of something white beside the stone bench in front of him, his curiosity prompted him to lift his feet and walk forward... At this time, the cold fog was thicker, and the wind was blowing again.Jin Qi leaned over and grabbed the white object and immediately screamed in fright. He quickly backed away, but in a panic, he stepped on the air by mistake, and fell into the pool on his back... When he was hanging in the air, what Jin Qi thought of was: "Unlucky, I caught a corpse!"

The scream pierced his ears, and in Xu Genbao's eyes, he could only feel a puff of smoke like hands and claws coming out of Qianlongtan, grabbing Mr. Jin and pulling him down the pool.He wailed in fright, turned around and ran out of the temple desperately.The three old men were already trembling with fright, but when they saw Xu Genbao fleeing in a panic, they also turned around and ran wildly, as if a ghost was chasing after them...

The three of them got into the van all the way, huddled in a ball, their teeth chattering, their eyes closed tightly, and they groaned. They saw no movement around them for more than ten minutes before poking their heads out one by one.Lighting up the cigarette, he smoked vigorously, and after smoking one, Xu Genbao said, "He's dead, what should we do?"

"It was Shenlong who did it, not us..."

"Hey, it's not that we cheated him. We always thought that there would be no ghosts after all these years. Who would have thought that there would be dragons eating people! Go back and explain it like this? This is murder! What should I do? You guys talk about what to do manage?"

The four of you looked at me, I looked at you, and drove away after watching for a long time, without even the courage to look back.Night fell and covered everything.

It was very deep and cold, which was the first feeling of Jin Qi falling into the water. It fell for a long time before bottoming out.When his feet were on the ground, his mind was completely normal. The Taiyin Divine Art was quickly opened, and the Taiyin Flow (this is Jin Qi's self-created name for the true energy in his body) seeped out of his body, and a dazzling silver glow overflowed from his body, like a thick The silver light shield isolated all foreign objects.This is a natural reflection of self-protection awareness, and the daily practice and practice will have an immediate effect at a critical moment.

The Taiyin flow slowly stopped after a cycle in the Great Zhou, and he didn't find any discomfort.Breathing is the same as on land, and the bone-chilling water temperature does not feel any discomfort. On the contrary, the Taiyin current flowing in the body seems to welcome the cold air, continuously absorbing the cold air, and flowing back to the Taiyin treasure mirror branded on the left chest .Jin Qi felt that the treasure mirror that had absorbed the icy air not only did not turn into a lump of ice, but became warmer and warmer, drawing out a trace of red hot air and re-merging into the Taiyin stream.Going back and forth, the Taiyin Baojian is like a heater, absorbing the cold and emitting red heat. Gradually, the Taiyin flow in the Baimai becomes more silvery and the air flow is stronger.Jin Qi finally understood that this was a good place for Taiyin Baojian to practice on his own, and all he had to do was wait and adapt.Hey, I never expected to fall into the cold pond and achieve a higher level of cultivation, what a destiny!
I don't know how much time passed, Jin Qi suddenly woke up with a burst of hot burning in the dantian of his lower abdomen.He involuntarily cited the "Vision Realm" and looked at his dantian acupoint: Wow, a small gold flag inch long is sitting cross-legged on a device with circles of silver halos, closing its eyes and adjusting its breath, its appearance is lifelike, Makes people laugh.The glowing thing sitting down is very familiar, and it is only after careful attention that it is the treasure of the fairy family-Taiyin Baojian.The little guy actually sits on it as a chair?Looking at this scene, my Taiyin God Art has surpassed the first level of "Super Realm" and reached the second level of "True Realm", thus stepping into the golden elixir avenue!
"Transcendence" specifically refers to "visual awareness", that is, seeing what others can't see; hearing what others can't hear.These golden flags have already been used proficiently, as if they were used by the arms, and they have achieved great results.

"True Realm" is specifically the "Consciousness Realm", that is, to gain insight into what other people think, think, and hide.Entering the "real world" actually has the taste of a quasi-immortal, you can know what people think, why not immortal?
The sign of the above two levels of cultivation reaching great success is "the dantian becoming a baby", and a little child is born in his lower abdomen that looks exactly like himself. Jin Qi didn't even dare to think about it before, but now it's just a coincidence, and he can do it if he doesn't practice.Everything in the world is like this, haste makes waste, and there is a cure for inaction. This is the way of nature.

Furthermore, it is clearly recorded in the treasure book that the third level of "fairyland" is specifically the "spiritual consciousness realm", that is, to feel the past, the future, and everything in the world.Of course, Jin Qi can only think about these things.Going down to the fourth, fifth, and sixth levels, Jin Qi didn't even think about those "spiritual consciousness realm" penetrating and overwhelming supernatural powers.He knows that his cultivation is just a beautiful empty shelf, and most of them stay on the spiritual level.It might be useful for defense, but what about offense?Anyway, they are not in a hurry to attack now, so fighting with three or four people shouldn't be a problem.Fortunately, the "Vision Realm" is enough to change your life.Thinking of the all-seeing eyes, Jin Qi suddenly remembered that the world at the bottom of the pool hadn't had time to see it yet?

Looking up, the bottom of the dark and silent pool suddenly burst into colorful colors in the eyes of the gods.Distinguish carefully, my God!The entire bottom of the pool is paved with a thick layer of raw jadeite, including dozens of fully unwrapped emerald stones, including full jadeite, half jadeite, and Zeng Zhi.What's the matter?Such a huge treasure is hidden at the bottom of the small Qianlongtan, and the water stains and rust on the woolen material are old.why?Jin Qi was stunned for a long time, then suddenly remembered the story of [-] that Xu Genbao told.

Hundreds of packhorses were filled with priceless jadeite stones excavated from Pagan, Myanmar, and rested in the Dragon Temple.The wind, rain, thunder and lightning, the inexhaustible and inextinguishable burning fire, and the tragedy of the destruction of the temple indicate that a tragic story must have happened in the Shenlong Temple that day, so that a prosperous temple disappeared in an instant and was never rebuilt.The story came from a few monks who escaped with their lives. The apotheosis of the black dragon was the lord of the disaster.Did the treasure hunter and the caravan die together?Or is it that the caravan sinks into the pool, and would rather die than speak?Who is the treasure hunter?A hundred monks from the Dragon Temple?The answer to the mystery has not been revealed for nearly a hundred years, and it seems that it will never be revealed.In fact, so what if the mystery is not revealed?Later people's so-called fair comments on history may be even more absurd, but we are self-righteous.

Jin Qi no longer thinks about the problem or why he hates it, but is amazed by the huge wealth in front of him.The amount just passed by is astonishing, roughly estimated at more than a thousand yuan.Those colorful colors are even more fascinating. Compared with the colorful and dazzling century-old bequest in front of me, the performance that I thought was the best at the public offering site is so inferior.What is an old pit species?The bottom of the rough stone in front of him and the farming land gave specific answers.At least 90.00% of puddle wool in the early thousand years have performance, and the remaining 1000% may be able to be used as tourist products today.Please calculate an average of ten kilograms per piece, [-] yuan, a full ten tons.Calculated on the basis of [-] yuan per kilogram of wool, my God, a total of [-] million!

God gave two hundred million!Jin Qi was a little stunned in astonishment.

It was very difficult to move the body, and one had to use all one's strength to move step by step.He thought that Qianlongtan was not an ordinary water pool, but extremely cold and weak water.Perhaps it is because of the strange properties of the pool that thousands of treasures have been preserved in the past hundred years, otherwise, how could no one enter the water?Try to go up, when the Taiyin current swells the whole body, the figure can easily get rid of the pulling force of the water.Don't worry, he started to pack his eyes full of treasures.Like picking a watermelon, each piece is weighed in the hand, appreciating, appreciating the wonderful inner performance, muttering a few words from time to time, and dividing into two stalls, the best and the best, and storing them in Tianshijie respectively.Looking at the pile of emerald wool in the fairy ring, he thought of the bustling day when Jin's Treasure Co., Ltd. opened its accounts.

Unknowingly, there was an empty area in front of him, and several corpses were scattered in the mud. It seemed that someone had risked their lives to explore the water, but they never returned.Jin Qi didn't want to look more, and just about to go up, he suddenly found a hole the size of a person exposed on the rock wall at the bottom of the pool after the wool was removed.Curiously, I walked over and reached out to touch it, and felt something soft but invisible.Jin Qi is now a Nascent Soul master who has achieved great success in "Visual Consciousness Realm" and "Mind Consciousness Realm", but he can't see through a small hole?I couldn't help being shocked.After pondering for a long time, there is no way out, so I can only give up.He wondered in his heart whether it was the fairy formation or the forbidden curse that sealed the cave, so he couldn't see through it with his own eyesight.So what's hiding in the hole?Giant treasure?Had a good dream for a while, and I laughed too.Floating quickly to the surface of the pool, I realized that Qianlongtan is nearly [-] meters deep. No wonder the secrets at the bottom of the pool can be kept for a hundred years. The water pressure alone can kill people, not to mention the extremely cold water temperature.With a vibration of the Taiyin current, he jumped out of the water and stayed in the air without falling.Haha, this is probably the light work often described in novels.Jin Qi felt that the unknowing practice in the cold pool had crossed a new level in his cultivation. For example, when using the "Vision Consciousness Realm" magical skill, he had to knead the magic formula first, but now he can do whatever he wants and think. to.

All the way back to Yangzhou, all the way to practice light work.At one time, the golden flag jumped up the tree, at another time it moved ten feet across, at another time it stepped on the water surface, and at another time it ran on the roof of the mountain village. It really tasted the freedom and magical speed of a human being like a bird, and it also really mastered the use of the body. Taiyin flow, the trick of Taiyin infuriating energy.The beauty of doing whatever he wanted made him run around the outer city of Yangzhou again. Fortunately, there were no people around in the middle of the night, otherwise people would be regarded as monsters and would have to cause trouble!

It was early in the morning when we returned to Sijihua Hotel, the waiter told Jin Qi with surprised eyes that he must not look like a normal person now.

It was shaving again, and taking a bath again, and it happened to be dawn when I stopped busy.Only when I turned on the TV did I realize that I had been away from Yangzhou for four full days. Today was the second day and the last day of the opening of the open bids.Think about it, anyway, Luo Dawei can't miss anything, if it's urgent, he won't call himself.Thinking of the phone, he hurriedly took it out from the wet clothes he had changed to see that it was already broken.Watches and coins were all soaked.Fortunately, the bank card was received in Tianshijie.

I bought a new mobile phone in a shopping mall, and then went to the telecommunications company to change the card. (Of course, I still used the old number). As soon as it was assembled, the mobile phone rang.It's Zhang Yun.The voice was urgent: "Is it Brother Qi? Where have you been? I haven't found it for several days. Now come to the fair venue as soon as possible. I'll wait for you at the gate. Hurry up!"

After stopping the car for 10 minutes, Zhang Yun waited anxiously at the door.Seeing it, he hurriedly pulled it aside and said: "It's a big piece of wool, weighing one and a half tons, and the asking price is 5000 million. Today is the last day. My dad wants to gamble so much, and he is not sure, please go and have a look."

"Then hurry up!" Jin Qi agreed, and followed Zhang Yun towards the VIP area.While walking, he said to Zhang Yun: "Don't follow me later, stand farther away, and pay attention to my gestures. Touch my head for 1000 million yuan, five touches for 5000 million yuan, and so on. If you don't touch it, it's worthless. Don't bet. Don't ask, there are people all around, which is not good for your father."

Zhang Yun happily agreed.

In the room to the north of the Xipeng area, many people gathered around a huge piece of wool to discuss.This is the last big piece of wool that was reported in the early trial but was delayed due to transportation. It weighs 2530 kilograms. It has a dark and gray appearance, with conspicuous python belts and large pine flowers. And the greenness is strong and has the meaning of divergence.Brilliant green is the second green species of high green (imperial green), gorgeous, beautiful and lovable.So there are many people watching and many people want to gamble.

Zhang Huanzhi was discussing something among a group of acquaintances, and there were several familiar faces, including the little gambler who acted as a trustee.Jin Qi walked to the other side and looked at it, and his heart was half cold: This is a big stink, an extremely stinky stink!The bright green at the window was only extended by one centimeter, and the brakes suddenly stopped, followed by a vast and desolate, desolate and bitter cold.This is a stinking stone that ruins people's fortunes, a murder stone.Jin Qi didn't want to look at it anymore, the sign said: No. 5000, priced at 100 million.There is also a line of small words attached: If the bidder gets rid of the jade on the spot, the company will give 5000 million RMB as a gift.It's just killing people without blood, and they lost 100 million. If you give [-] million, is it money for death or coffin money?This sentence is the business skill of the woolen material company. From the other side, it is sure to bet on this piece of woolen material that it will make a profit without losing money.But it is reflected in this piece of gambling material that it is a reminder.

Zhang Yun on the opposite side had already looked at him several times, but Jin Qi just didn't touch his head.Instead of touching it, he turned around and left.Zhang Yun hurriedly followed, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Jin Qi turned his head and said softly: "Don't bet, don't bet. Didn't I make it clear that I don't touch my head?"

Zhang Yun's face turned pale with fright, just now his father was going to bet 500 million yuan.She ran back without saying hello.

Jin Qi always felt that he owed Zhang Huanzhi, so he went back to the whole gaming area to look at his several bids, and wondered which one he should give to Zhang's father and daughter.But after a while, Zhang Yun came over lazily, and Jin Qi understood everything before she opened her mouth.

Zhang Yun walked up to Jin Qi and said helplessly, "It's too late, Dad still filled out the bidding form and put it in the bidding box."

"Did you bid before you reminded him?" Asked knowingly, feeling unwilling.

"Yes, it will be later."

Unable to listen to the advice at all, Zhang Huanzhi finally believed in his own vision and chose to refuse the advice.Jin Qi let out a long sigh and sat down on the muddy ground.When people want to slide down, they cannot be stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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