big bet

Chapter 36: Crazy Stone Gambling

Chapter 36: Crazy Stone Gambling (3)
Zhang Yun also quietly sat beside him, and asked timidly, "Brother Jin, will this stone really break?"

Jin Qi looked at the crowd in the distance and said, "I hope I'm wrong." After thinking for a while, he asked, "Do you still have funds?"

"No more, all the 500 million yuan has been gambled, and there is nothing left. This is the only fund of the company, and part of it is financing."

Hearing this, Jin Qi shouted angrily: "Then why are you still gambling!"

Zhang Yun looked at Jin Qi who suddenly became angry in surprise, took a step back in fright, and asked softly, "Aren't you the most fond of betting on stones?"

After Jin Qi yelled, he realized that he had lost his composure.He punched hard into the sky, and a gust of wind roared into the sky.As if the anger had finished venting, he returned to normal, walked up to Zhang Yun and said, "Forgive my attitude, I will lend you some money, let's go and gamble for another piece, maybe losing is the beginning of gaining."

Zhang Yun shook her head and said, "No, I don't know and I don't want to bet. Thank you for your kindness. But I don't believe that my dad's 30 years of experience will be a mess this time. Maybe it won't be cut if it doesn't go up." With that, she turned and left.

Jin Qi shouted anxiously: "Zhang Yun."

Zhang Yun didn't look back, but said slowly: "Brother Jin, I'm sorry, I have to go, Dad is still waiting for me. Goodbye."

"See you again." Jin Qi murmured and repeated these two words with complicated meanings, and he suddenly realized that he was wrong.How exciting it is for those around me to play the lucky gambler over and over again, and to play the role of savior when they have a chance to win.Just the opposite effect, making adventurers more adventurous, Zhang Huanzhi went all out to prove himself.Thinking of this, he felt very frustrated, and left the venue dejectedly.

As soon as he got out of the gate, he ran into Luo Dawei head-on, and saw him coming out of the Buick car with his document bag in his hands, sweating all over his head.Jin Qi didn't say hello, just stood up straight and waited for him to bump into him.Luo Dawei was lowering his head and thinking, when suddenly his eyes were dark and he almost bumped into someone, he looked up and shouted excitedly: "Brother, God, I was thinking of you, and you appeared in front of me, now I can be saved. "

"What makes you excited for a while and anxious for a while."

"Brother, first of all, I would like to report the good news to you: one hour ago, all the hidden bids were closed except for the high-end bids. Brother won five of the six bids, and bid No. 110 was sold, which is the 600 one bid. It’s 8909. I learned that there were six competitions in [-], and one of them paid [-] million yuan. Of course, there is no big brother. However, only the big brother can do it. They are all twice or even several times higher than the reserve price. For example, the big brother won the bid at a slightly higher price, and grandpa said it was a stroke of genius. This folder is full of your certificates, receipts, delivery documents, and the bank card will also be returned to you. , A total of [-] million yuan was collected and returned to Zhao.”

Although it is a pity that the No. 2907 bid is not in the center, but there are thousands of fine wool harvested from Qianlongtan to fill the bottom, and the feeling of unhappiness is only fleeting.Jin Qi linked the document bags one after another, thanked him repeatedly, and then asked, "Can I pick up the goods this afternoon?"

"Okay. Brother, do you want me to call a car and ask someone to help you?"

"I'll do it myself. Anyway, I'm free this afternoon. Are the magpies here?"

"I arrived the day before yesterday. Grandpa liked the little girl very much. He said that he would teach her personally and accept her as a closed apprentice. I will wait for you to come back and agree."

"Great, there is an old man who will be sure."

"Feng Dahong has been sent to the warehouse to learn classification, storage, etc. It was also ordered by grandpa, and he said it is useful. Brother, I will treat you tonight, and I have made some new friends. When the time comes, I will call Magpie and Dahong. The three of you will also see it." face."

Jin Qi was very satisfied, nodded repeatedly, and asked again: "Dawei, what were you anxious about just now?"

Speaking of this, Luo Dawei immediately beat the eggplant like frost, sighed and said: "Tomorrow is a life-and-death battle. Grandpa asked me to host it. I feel uneasy and a little cold."

"What exactly is it, tell me clearly, don't hesitate."

"We Luomen bet a total of four bids in this public offering. One bid was opened today and it was lost. You saw the other two bids, so it is probably not a big problem. The most wanted bid is tomorrow morning's Ming bid 300 The base price is [-] million yuan, which is [-] kilograms of yellow jadeite, a yellow jadeite with a dark yellow color. It is estimated that seven or eight companies will grab it, and the price will be raised to more than ten million yuan. The price is too high. One word, difficult."

"Are there very few Huang Fei now?"

"Very few, especially the dark yellow that is commonly known as chicken oil yellow. The color of No. 8 is so good that it takes eight companies to grab it. It's really..."

Jin Qi's heart skipped a beat, thinking that Huang Fei should have dozens of dollars in his Tian Shi Ring.Did he tell Dawei not to grab bids, but he held back after thinking about it.Doing good deeds can sometimes lead to bad results, such as Zhang Huanzhi...

Luo Dawei asked again: "I'm thinking that the five bids won by my brother also have more than 20 pieces of Mao Ke. If there is Huang Fei among them, it will not solve the problem. So I want to ask my brother to take a closer look, and say that it is not because of my luck. .”

Jin Qi nodded in agreement, and said, "I'll go through the formalities to get the wool now, and I'll do my best."

The two broke up, and Dawei was in a hurry to find Luo Zhenyu to discuss tomorrow's matters.Jin Qi rented a five-ton truck and went through the formalities to get all the 24 yuan of wool.By the way, I went to Luofu to take away the remaining five yuan from the 29 bet three deposited a few days ago.When the truck arrived at Jinqi on the outskirts of Yangzhou, he ordered the truck to be unloaded. After paying an extra [-] yuan, the driver helped to throw all the [-] yuan wool on the side of the road.When the car drove away, when there was no one around, Jin Qi collected the stone and left in a cool and unrestrained manner.

Tomorrow morning, Zhang Huanzhi's No. [-] bid will be released. Jin Qi really can't bear to see the tragedy of the site after the stone is resolved. If it is not for tomorrow afternoon, there will be a clear fight for the bid. He really wants to leave Yangzhou tonight. Learn from Xiao Yaxian and travel all the way back.

Before dinner, Jin Qi invites the poisonous snake and magpie to the teahouse.The magpies threw themselves into Jin Qi's arms when they met again, and wept. The tears contained happiness, excitement, sadness, longing, etc. A woman's mind was always unclear.Jin Qi was also very happy, like seeing a long-lost little girl, stroking her soft long hair, and said softly: "Magpie, insist on learning skills for three months, big brother starts the company, and we will work together in the future." gone."

The magpie nodded, leaning into Jin Qi's arms and not getting up.The poisonous snake sitting opposite looked at them with a rare smile.

Jin Qi jokingly said: "Second brother, I just found out that your name is Feng Dahong today. With a powerful name, I will call you Dahong from now on."

The poisonous snake smiled, but said nothing.He has this kind of character, he doesn't talk much and looks very gloomy, but he is actually a hot water bottle, cold on the outside and hot on the inside.He is calm, fierce, and rational in his work.The Three Poison Gangs in the past almost all listened to him.

The three drank tea, and the poisonous snake first talked about the process of disbanding the Three Poison Gang and relocating its brothers.This is Jin Qi's wish, eating social food is never the answer, but he can't say it, now Dulong and Viper take the initiative to disband the gang, which is good news for Jin Qi.He also briefly talked about the investment of 600 million yuan to build a villa at the foot of Yaofeng Mountain and the establishment of Jinshi Treasure Co., Ltd. with 1000 million yuan, and then pointed at the sharp nose of the magpie and said: "Our company mainly sells various gem materials. For example, rough emerald stones. This time I bought a lot of goods, enough to toss for a while. As of today, besides me, the boss, there are only you two founding fathers in Jin’s Treasures. Of course, we still need to recruit many people, but as the backbone In addition to the monthly salary and bonus, I will distribute the shares of your company, so I hope you will master the business knowledge as soon as possible."

Feng Dahong stood up with a bang, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, brother, Dahong will definitely learn and return to the company soon. Brother will create a beautiful home for us, and Dahong will defend her with his life." As he said, his eyes were red.

The magpie was equally excited, and her tears never stopped.Yi murmured in his elder brother's arms: "In the future, my second brother and I will sell, and I will call the elder brother to take care of the security, and sister Yan will be in charge of the warehouse when she recovers. Hey, we all have jobs, and we don't have to do annoying things anymore. Brother Qi, you are so amazing, and within a few days it was the villa and the company. I saw Jadeite for the past two days and even forgot to eat, it was so beautiful. Master Luo praised me for being smart." Laughing with tears, he even smell.

The three looked forward to the future, and the laughter continued.Friendship and enthusiasm are flying at the same time, and the box is full of joy.Jin Qi swept away the accumulated unhappiness and depression, and he felt the most relaxed and comfortable when he was with someone he trusted.Suddenly the phone rang, and it was Luo Dawei who came to urge dinner, and he raised his wrist to see that it was almost seven o'clock in the evening.

Hongyun Building, Chenggong Pavilion.Good luck!When Jin Qi stepped into the Chenggong Pavilion, he saw Fengjuan sitting next to He Wenhao at a glance, and felt a pang in his heart for some reason.Standing up to greet Luo Dawei felt wrong, he asked softly, "Brother, are you feeling well?"

Jin Qi shook his head and smiled lightly, and sat down on the empty seat, with the poisonous snake and the magpie sitting on both sides of him.The viper was so alert, he immediately felt the elder brother's anger towards the handsome young man leaning towards him, his cold eyes like a poisonous snake were directed at him, making He Wenhao feel uncomfortable all over.

Fengjuan's originally smiling and radiant face turned pale under Jin Qi's cold glance, and she lowered herself involuntarily.But after a while, he raised his head up, and the stubborn anger on his face stained his already beautiful face with a blush.She is resisting.I blamed myself for why I felt like I was caught doing something wrong when I saw him.

The big round table was filled with twelve guests, all of them were young people, most of whom were new acquaintances from other places.Luo Dawei laughed, and introduced: "You must have heard the legendary story of three thousand people who cut out spring eyes, and one hundred thousand bets to win 4000 million. It's good to hear about it, do you want to meet the person who is called one eye gold?"

Who doesn't want to see it, this is the pride of the stone gamblers.The series of reports in Yangzhou Daily and TV has already aroused the anxiety of the people in the circle to see it quickly. After hearing what the owner said, all eyes focused on Jin Qi.

Dawei pointed at Jin Qi with a smile and said, "I guessed it, yes, this is Luo Dawei's big brother, known as Mr. Jin Qi with one eye."

Before the words fell, the table was full of applause.A whining voice was particularly crisp: "What beautiful silver eyes!" Jin Qi blushed, and waved his hands again and again, saying, "Don't dare, dare not, Jin Qi borrows flowers to offer a toast to the Buddha, please."

"Mr. Jin, can you tell us the story of cutting out the spring eyes!"

Someone suggested, and everyone supported it. Jin Qi had no choice but to say: "It's actually very simple. On the first day I arrived in Yangzhou, I wandered the streets. When I met an acquaintance who was gambling with stones, I followed. At that time, the stone was solved in the machine, and I Randomly looking around in the workshop, I found an interesting piece of cut-off stone corner in the waste pile in the corner, so I picked it up for a closer look. Stone gamblers know that they can’t bear to give up if they have imagination. It’s worth three thousand, and it’s spring eyes when you untie it. Hey."

Someone asked: "Why don't you keep it yourself and sell it to others."

Someone rushed to ask: "I heard that someone offered 1000 million and you didn't sell it, but did you sell 100 million to others?"

Jin Qi replied: "Because of friends. 1000 million buyers are not familiar with them, but 100 million buyers are good friends. That's all."

To put it simply, everyone knows that there are many articles in it.Someone asked with a smile: "I heard that Sister Xiao from Shanghai Yuemeng is a beautiful woman. Brother Jin won't give up money for beauty, so don't have arms."

Haha, Jin Qi laughed loudly and said, "This old man must be an interesting person. Who doesn't love beauties? Millions of beauties make a smile. Do you think it's worth it?"

"It's worth it!" There was a loud bang.Immediately afterwards, uncoordinated screams followed, it was a man with a girlfriend who was being tortured!
"Then here's a toast to the beauty!" After speaking, she gave Fengjuan a sideways look, and gulped it down with her head raised.

"Do it!" In this kind of occasion, in this kind of atmosphere, all men have done it.There was a long chatter of wine glasses.

Fengjuan clearly felt his scorching gaze, her heart trembled, and she couldn't help but think of the nearly ten million Tian Huang Yuyin seals, which she knew were given away just for her.But then...then there was no more text.Now that it's started, why don't you continue, you annoying guy just pissed me off, showed my face, and even toasted the beauty.Thinking, thinking, want to cry.

The one who resented the most was He Wenhao, who stole all the limelight today.He didn't want to toast with him, but said it was for the beauty, so he could only drink it in one gulp, as if he hated something.Think about it, there are beauties around you, how about you?Yo, the little girl next to her is very white and exquisite... She is rolling her eyes at herself.

Beautiful women have endless topics to talk about. Drinking fine wine with beauties is delicious.

Luo Dawei raised his cup and said to He Wenhao: "Brother Wenhao, what have you gained from this public offering?"

"I'm ashamed, half bet 440 million and won one bid, and I also bet one bid for Miss Feng. I want to win a piece of money tomorrow, that's all."

"It's all a half-gamble, those two labels?" Luo Dawei asked.

"No. 440, three betting materials, 310 million, and No. 200, a single betting material, 310 million. Miss Feng got it. This is a lake green glutinous rice bottom weighing more than [-] kilograms. It is very beautiful. At that time, it was a bit painful to pay [-] million. When I found out later, it was [-] below, so risky!" He Wenhao took a sip of the wine in his glass with a very contented expression on his face.

On the opposite side, Jin Qi was chatting with others, and he heard Fengjuan's 310 million bet on the No. 310 bid. wrong.In this way, Fengjuan must be harmed by the boy surnamed He again!Why follow him, rely on him?He's a self-righteous fool!Couldn't the lessons learned from Boss Zhou's second gamble in the store not make you sober?Poor [-] million!Jin Qi felt as heartbroken as if he had lost a bet, and even the wine tasted sour.

The next morning, Luo Dawei won both bids, and the kid jumped high with joy.At the same time, Zhang Huanzhi's huge gambling stone of one and a half tons also won in one fell swoop, which of course cost 500 million of his entire fortune.Many old friends came forward to congratulate him, Zhang Huanzhi's face was red as if he had swallowed ten old ginseng.

Jin Qi watched from afar, full of sadness in his heart.He found that Zhang Yun beside Zhang Huanzhi was looking at him from a distance, his eyes were very complicated, and he couldn't tell what it meant.He smiled at her and turned to leave. Fortunately, the stone will be released publicly tomorrow. He couldn't bear to see the tragic scene. He has already decided to leave Yangzhou tonight and go to Kunming first.

Luo Dawei and Jin Qi ate lunch in a small hotel.Luo Dawei asked: "Brother, is there any Huang Fei among your betting stones?"

(End of this chapter)

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