big bet

Chapter 38: Crazy Stone Gambling

Chapter 38: Crazy Stone Gambling (5)
Excitement flashed in the dim old eyes, and he picked up two black crystals, one large and one small, from the ground and asked, "What's the price of these two?"

"Two punches for a big one count as two thousand, and one punch for a small one counts for seven hundred. By analogy, 14 yuan here is worth [-] yuan."

Huang Xia kept saying, "I sign the contract, I sign the contract."

Jin Qi said: "Forget it this time, and we will sign together when the next batch is delivered. But Lao Huang, we said earlier, you can't buy it for others if you give it to me. Because can this kind of deer spit stone be as precious as gemstones?" , I don’t know? After I go back, I need experts to research, design, and publicize. I don’t want to spend a lot of effort, and someone will compete as soon as the results are produced. Do you understand these principles?”

Huang Xia said with a serious face: "I understand, the early packaging is very costly. Mr. Jin, please believe that I still have the chivalry of Huang Xia. And I will do a good job of keeping it secret, so that no one will know that we are developing deer. Spit stones."

The serious look made Jin Qi laugh. He took out 4 yuan and handed it to Huang Xia, saying: "Here is 3000 stone coins, and the other [-] will be used as tuition fees for your girls. Let them go back to school as soon as possible, don't miss it." I have a child. There are more than [-] left to buy some nutrition for you, and I am still waiting for you to recover soon and develop deer spit together as soon as possible?"

Huang Xia refused to accept it no matter what, and said: "The eldest girl has already started farming, and it is difficult to repeat her studies. I will arrange for the second girl to go to school this time. I already have the money. It's not more than 6000 yuan."

Jin Qi said: "Just treat it as an advance payment, and next time you can pay with deer spit stones."

Huang Xia took the money with red eyes, and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Huang Xia will listen to Mr. Jin from now on!"

After giving Huang Xia's contact address and phone number, and saying goodbye, the two girls sent them far away reluctantly.The parting girl caught up a few steps and asked timidly, "Mr. Jin, I want to work part-time. Can your company accept me?"

Jin Qi thought for a while and said, "Go back with your dad first and arrange life at home, then you can come to me, and I will arrange for you to work." After sending the two girls back, the youngest girl named Huang Xi suddenly rushed forward , kissed Jin Qi on the cheek, turned around and ran away.Touching Yu Liufangze's right cheek, Jin Qi didn't know what it was like.Even the 14 yuan deer spit stone in his hand forgot to put it into the heavenly release ring, and he kept carrying it without feeling heavy.

It was past ten o'clock when I returned to Antique Street, and my phone rang just as I was about to enter an ancient jade shop. The number was very unfamiliar, but after thinking about it, I connected.The other party had a weird voice, as if he was stuck in his throat and said: "Mr. Jin Qijin? Your friend ruined a million antiques, and you have no money to pay. You can take the money to Taiyuan."

Jin Qi asked urgently, "Who are you? Looking for you in Taiyuan?"

"We will find you in Taiyuan." The other party turned off the phone after finishing speaking.Calling again is a long busy tone.

The first thought was that Chen Zhong was kidnapped!Report to the police or not?Finally decided to go to Taiyuan alone.On the flight from Kunming to Taiyuan at [-]:[-] p.m., Jin Qi kept his eyes closed.

There is also an antique street in the ancient city of Taiyuan, which is called "Heaven and Earth", which is a very poetic street name.Because Chen Zhong's accident was related to antiques, Jin Qi found a nearby hotel to stay that night.Sleepless in the middle of the night, and no one contacted me until dawn.He couldn't help but think of the Antique Street to inquire about the news.

Heaven and Earth has been newly renovated, and now as long as the antiques are real, none of them cost tens of thousands, and there is no invoice.Therefore, every city will build an antique street, and the rent of shops is scary.The antique buildings on both sides with double eaves and shingled tiles are very grand, but there are not many people, and it is not a climate in twos and threes, maybe not on Saturdays and Sundays.

Jin Qi walked from the street to the end of the street, only to see a stall under a tree by the side of the road.There were seven or eight stone carvings on a white plastic sheet, some of which were animals and figures. The materials were ordinary, but the carvings were very distinctive. Jin Qi couldn't help but squat down to take a closer look.The knife technique is exquisite and elegant, everyone's demeanor, and the characters are vivid and nuanced. You can tell at a glance that there must be inheritance.It cannot be learned by self-study. This is the crystallization of the experience of several generations.

The stall owner sat bowed on the small stool, with his head down, looking listless.Silky white hair also looks old.Jin Qi asked, "How much is a stone carving?"

Hearing the sound, the stall owner raised his head. His long fair face was considered pretty, and he was in his early thirties at most, but his white hair and tired face looked much older.The stall owner looked at Jin Qi for a long time without opening his mouth. After a while, he said, "Sir, you must be a martial arts practitioner, and you have an aggressive air all over your body."

Jin Qi laughed: "You also practice martial arts?"

"Our swordsmanship is more or less family-inherited, so that we can achieve the heart, the eye, and the hand. However, compared with the martial arts of the master, they are streams and rivers. These are all carved casually. If the master If you like to pick one, you can just give the money.”

"Your stone carving knife technique is unique, with a unique momentum, very similar to the chasing sand into micro knife technique widely spread by the royal family in the Kangxi year of the Qing Dynasty. It is very powerful."

"Sir, you really have good eyesight. It's a great honor for you to be the first person to say the name of the saber technique. It's just that the charm is still there. I'm happy today. Sir, please see if the work I have worked hard for is a little better." Then, the stall owner took out a large wooden box from a worn-out bag behind him, opened the lid, and there was a row of nine statues inside, and two rows totaling ten statues. Eight sitting Arhats.The stone is Qingtian Shoushan stone, which is a middle-grade stone, but the knife technique is at the level of a first-class master.Although the eighteen arhats are all in sitting postures, they have different facial expressions, wrinkled skirts, sitting postures, and character charms. Don't be surprised!Such works are hard to find nowadays.What Jin Qi wonders is why there is such a superb craftsmanship, but also poverty.

"Sell me this set of Arhats? How much?"

"Sorry, let's count it as ten thousand."

He paid [-] yuan and asked, "Why is the stall owner so poor?"

The stall owner frowned and sighed, and said: "My wife has been ill for ten years. She lost all her savings and was heavily in debt, but she still couldn't save her life. After my wife passed away, I was laid off and lost my job. It’s okay to eat without throwing it away. One is that there is no good material, and the other is that the polishing is not in place, so the carvings are not appreciated, and poverty is inevitable.”

Hearing this, Jin Qi had a flash of inspiration and asked, "What is the name of the stall owner, and who else is in the family?"

"My surname is Guan Dan and my name is Shan Zi. I have no seniors, no children, and I am alone."

"Brother Guan Shan, what are your plans for the future?"

"It's not a plan, it's just a dream. If one day I can pay off my debts, I will go to the south to visit Shi, create a few things that can be sold, and I can be regarded as worthy of my father who has high hopes for me."

"Oh, brother Guan's father, what hopes do you have for you?"

"My family is a royal jade craftsman. Our ancestors pioneered the method of chasing sand into the micro knife, which became famous in the jade world. When my father passed it on to me, he said that I have a unique spirituality for jade and knife. …Laugh, just laugh.”

Jin Qi was overjoyed, this kind of talent is hard to come by, and the opportunity must not be missed, he hurriedly said: "Brother Guan, if you believe me, follow me to work in Heshi. I will help Brother Guan pay off his debts, and provide The world's most beautiful jades are for Brother Guan to display his magical skills, Brother Guan, look..."

Guan Shan looked suspiciously at the young man who threatened to provide the world with beautiful jade, thinking that he was at most 27 or [-] years old, could he promise his wild words?He couldn't help but ask, "Mister, do you know how much I owe?"

"How many?"

"52 yuan!"

Jin Qi smiled faintly, urged Guan Shan to clean up the stall, and went to the bank together.I used my Guanshan ID card to apply for a gold card, and transferred 60 yuan to the card.After completing the formalities, he handed the gold card to Guan Shan and said, "Go to the cabinet to check first, and then change the password."

As if in a dream, the 52 yuan that may not be cleared for a lifetime suddenly becomes insignificant.In his hand, he was holding a gold card with Guanshan's name on it, which contained a total of 60 yuan!He mechanically operated the teller machine, and after confirming everything was correct, he said two words: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome. Is three days enough? In three days, you take care of the housework and other things, and on the fourth day, we will meet at the place where you set up a stall early in the morning. We will go to Heshi together."

Guan Shan repeatedly said: "Three days is enough, enough." He has no room, no relatives, and he should be able to pay off his debts immediately, that is, to dispose of some old things and say goodbye to some old friends.

After the two broke up, Jin Qi continued to go shopping, and no one came to contact him for a whole day.I got a call early the next morning, and it was still the strange voice: "Mr. Jin is very polite and cooperative. Now you go downstairs and a car will pick you up. But first go to the bank to get 100 million in cash."

To go, or not to go?

The car stopped at the mouth of an abandoned coal mine tunnel.

Jin Qi was blindfolded and pulled out of the car, pushing and shoving into the dark tunnel.After walking about 30 meters, lights appeared in front of me, and gasoline lamps were lit around a sorted out place.Sitting at the front desk was a bald guy, in his thirties who was tough, with a fleshy face and a murderous look.There were four or five thugs standing on both sides, and it looked like they were eating illicit food.There are several bronze wares piled up on the table, including swords and statues.Sitting at the table was a small man with wicked eyes.Jin Qi has seen this battle before, and there are many scenes between the gang and the Qingyi gang, he doesn't pay attention to these people at all.If he was still taboo in Heshi, he would not have any scruples in Taiyuan and in the secret base of the gangsters. He even yearned to fight in his heart, and his blood was scorched by the fighting spirit.

He was pulled to the center of the arena, forced to sit down, and then removed the black cloth.He sat, looked around in silence.Not a single gun was found, much less he cared.

The bald man laughed loudly and said, "I can't tell that Mr. Jin is still a character. Seeing this situation, I don't panic at all."

Jin Qi drank impatiently: "Let's get down to business!"

Hi!The kid is very aggressive.The bald head waved his hand to suppress the booing noise: "Mr. Jin is a little impatient. Did you bring the money?"

With a bang, the gray plastic bag was torn open, and all 100 million rolled out.Jin Qi stretched out his hand and bent one leg off the bench under his buttocks, and silently cut off the bench by five centimeters, and smashed it into the pit one by one.This process lasted for five or six minutes. None of the seventeen or eight tough guys on the field made a sound. They all stared wide-eyed, watching the five-centimeter-square wooden stakes sink into the hard coal field.Just imagine how strong the wrist is?

"Is there an iron rod?" Jin Qi asked grimly.

Someone really found an iron rod, the kind that is thick enough to pry a thousand catty boulders.With a sneer, Jin Qi grabbed both ends of the crowbar and exerted force. Everyone clearly saw that the forearm-like iron rod was slowly bent, bent into a circle, and twisted into an [-]...

The bald head felt that he had encountered a hard head today, and he might have to pay back.He gave a big man beside him a wink, and the big man roared angrily: "What are you crazy about? Take a punch from me!" The huge figure rushed towards him like a mountain, and the big fist rushed towards him.He is the most powerful one in the field, with a bald head and wants to try the weight of the golden flag.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too fast, Jin Qi did not dodge or dodge, and also hit with a single punch.His hands collided in the air, there was a crisp "snap", followed by a tragic wail, the madman knelt on his knees, his right arm hung limply by his side like a dead snake, his body was still trembling.Jin Qi patted his palms with ease, walked up to the crazy man and kicked his chin, his body of [-] kilograms flew up and fell on the ground ten feet away, his limbs twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

After a few minutes of silence, Jin Qi said contemptuously; "What? Don't you dare to go up when you see your brother being killed?"

It is tolerable or unbearable!Seven or eight men with machetes swarmed forward with a cry.However, the battle ended in just 3 minutes. The eight men huddled together and groaned miserably, and eight machetes were stuck on the original bench of Jin Qi.The others didn't realize how the battle was going on at all, they only saw a phantom passing before their eyes, and then they screamed...

Jin Qi hurriedly pulled out a machete from the bench, walked to the nearest body lying on the ground and wailed, and reprimanded coldly: "If you dare to attack me with a knife, you choose whether to break your hand or your leg!" After saying that, the machete was held high rise.

The knife turned into a cold flame in everyone's eyes, and the people turned into killing gods radiating dazzling silver lights. It was as if the air was suddenly drained, and everyone was like fish out of water, only panting with their mouths open, completely Was stunned!
The bald head finally came to his senses and shouted: "Slow down, Mr. Jin, please slow down."

The machete sprayed with killing intent condensed in the middle, Jin Qi flashed coldly: "You don't accept it!"

"No, it's not dissatisfaction. Everyone is from the rivers and lakes and has something to sit down and talk about. Someone will bring a stool and tea to Mr. Jin."

The bench was delivered again, hot tea was made, and the eight and a half disabled were lifted up. Fortunately, there was no major problem with the injury, and they were flustered for a while before they sat down.Jin Qi said: "If you don't want to be tough, let's talk about it. Let's talk about it first."

Suddenly, the pleasant face and the murderous one just now completely changed, and the bald head didn't know what to say.Just ten minutes ago, he finally saw what a "killer" was in his eyes!Show no mercy, defeat the enemy with one blow, and be surrounded by no one.This kind of realm is not possessed by mortals. They have either been tempered by iron and blood killing fields, or they are demons and demons but not very human.In any case, a regional gang with dozens of people can't afford it.The only way today is to get together and leave, even if it's not easy to get together, let's leave easily, don't provoke this human demon to murder again.He said to the little man next to him, "Puppy Wu, tell me."

Wu Xiaogou is still sweating coldly on his forehead. He said tremblingly: "Boss Chen drank too much wine, his hands softened when he looked at the bronze sword, and the sword broke when it fell on the concrete floor, invite Boss Jin... Come give me some pointers."

"Hehe, you are such a puppy. As Chen Zhong's friend, first trick him to Taiyuan, get him drunk, and then put a bronze sword that was broken in three pieces in his hand, and let him drop to the ground. You This rambunctious dog deserves to be killed!" Speaking of the word "kill", Jin Qi intentionally shot out a stream of Taiyin Qi, stabbing Wu Puppy straight.

Wu Xiaogou fell to the ground with his buttocks, his face turned pale with fright, and he kept shouting: "Hero, spare my life, hero, spare my life!"

"I'm right, did I wrong you?"

"Yes, yes, there is no injustice at all."

Jin Qi turned to the bald head and said, "Did you hear that? Don't call Chen Zhong here yet."

When the bald head ordered Chen Zhong to be taken, Jin Qi grabbed the three broken swords on the table and gave them a lesson: "This kind of imitation is too poor. Bronze swords are sharp weapons used by the ancients in fighting and fighting. They are still swords if they fall off the ground." You probably don’t know that the spine of a real bronze sword contains high lead, and the blade contains high tin. High lead is for toughness, so that the sword is not easy to break; high tin is for sharpness, high lead and high tin are combined together, this is the ancient casting The unique skill of the sword. Just imagine that a sword that breaks as soon as it hits the ground is impossible to be a famous ancient sword worth millions. One hundred yuan, a crudely made imitation will break, but it is worthless. If Chen Zhong breaks it It’s the sword in my hand, honestly, I’ll pay you two hundred at most, you smell a smell of urine, and you’ll be buried in the pit for up to two months. Puppy, am I right?”

(End of this chapter)

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