big bet

Chapter 39: Crazy Stone Gambling

Chapter 39: Crazy Stone Gambling (6)
He is an expert, and has the ability to kill people with fear, isn't it right?Wu Xiaogou kept nodding his head, and felt uncomfortable being stared at by a pair of wolf-like eyes.

Chen Zhong was pulled out.He tore off the black eye cloth and the smelly gag socks, and when he saw the golden flag, he rushed over and wanted to say something.Jin Qi blinked fiercely at him, and then he stopped talking and stood behind Jin Qi.

The bald head said with a dejected expression: "That's the end of this matter. The mountain will not change. We will meet later. Please, Mr. Jin."

Jin Qi said coldly: "It's not that easy, is it?"

"Mr. Jin means..."

"The 50 that was withdrawn from Mr. Chen's card, the compensation for Mr. Chen's torment for a week, and my car and horse expenses, add up to 100 million. If you take 100 million, we will slap our ass and leave. Otherwise, everyone present don't even think about it." Get out of here."

"You bastard..." The bald head jumped up, and as soon as the cursing was halfway out, he felt the silver light from the other party's eyes, which did not look like human eyes, piercing his heart.He fell back to his seat again, staring blankly in a daze, and said unconsciously, "I have no money, I have no money..."

Wu Xiaogou on the side ran to the bald head and said a few words in a hurry. The bald head showed joy and said, "I have a real thing. Mr. Jin can see if it's worth 500 million."

Jin Qi almost laughed, I lied to him, and he lied to me too.Hey, after all, he is a fan of the rivers and lakes.

His subordinates took out a long cloth bag from the tunnel behind and handed it to Jin Qi, opened it, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Good sword! Then, is it stolen from a thief or a grave robber?"

Looking at Wu Xiaogou's flickering eyes, Jin Qi laughed loudly: "I see, I snatched it from Li, who collects second-hand copper coins, and Wu Xiaogou was able to report it. It was only one hundred yuan, haha, a One hundred yuan is going to defraud me of five million, haha."

The bald head and Wu Xiaogou were completely stunned. How could the other party know about such a secret thing, and it happened half a year ago?It's unbelievable, is this person a god or a ghost, or is there a traitor inside?However, after leaving the airport, all actions of the man surnamed Jin were under surveillance. After two days and one night of observation, there was nothing unusual. So is he really a ghost?So far, Bald Head and Wu Xiaogou are completely convinced. According to the situation on the spot, the strength gap between the two sides is too great, they are not of the same level, and if they lose, they will be bachelors.The bald head sighed and said, "Mr. Jin can figure it out."

Jin Qi handed the sword to Chen Zhong and said: "This sword is indeed an ancient Wuyue sword, you can figure it out."

Chen Zhong is puzzled now, he can't figure out why the scene is dominated by Jin Qi, the bald man who cannibalizes people is actually very polite to Jin Qi, even Wu Xiaogou, who pretends to be a tiger, is full of respect, even a little flattering.He blinked his eyes and stopped thinking about it, looked at the sword carefully, and said to Jin Qi: "It should be the work of a master swordsmith in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the lower part of the sword spine is engraved with the inscription 'Moxie' in seal script. If you receive it, you can get 100 million. "

"Considering that the way of coming is unknown?"

"Should count."

"Do you want to accept it?"

Seeing Chen Zhong nodding in agreement, Jin Qi said with a smile on his face, "I'll teach you a trick. In the future, to test the authenticity of bronze wares, you only need to use your tongue. A slightly sweet taste is true, and all other flavors are false. Do you understand?"

The bald head smirked, and Wu Xiaogou smiled like a woman.

Jin Qi said again: "The price of this sword is 100 million, and Mr. Chen took it. In this way, we will be cleared. In the future, it will be up to you whether it is an enemy or a friend. Goodbye." As he said, he packed up a lot of RMB and was about to leave , was stopped by the bald head, insisting to invite them to dinner in Hongfulou tonight, and said that there are other things that can be traded.Jin Qi agreed, he didn't care if there was a trap or not.Today's battle is a small test, and the strength and speed alone are enough to shock ordinary people, so not only is he not afraid, but he is very eager to fight.

Return the original car.As soon as he entered the hotel room, Chen Zhong fell into a deep sleep with his head covered on the bed, and he may have been tortured terribly for several days.Jin Qi opened another room, and entered into the practice state after taking a bath.Unknowingly waking up at five o'clock in the evening, thinking of the banquet for the bald head, he hurriedly went to the next room to wake up Chen Zhong.When he finished washing and finishing, the car that picked them up just arrived.

Hong Fu Lou is regarded as a first-class hotel in Taiyuan. It used to be a gathering place for Shanxi merchants and has a history of a hundred years.The building has been renovated several times, but stone carvings, brick carvings, and wood carvings that have been deliberately preserved abound.This kind of stone, brick, and wood carving is full of strong Shanxi customs, and entrusts the pursuit and yearning of Shanxi merchants for a better life and career.Those phoenix opera peonies, magpies climbing plums, Yipin cleanliness, Xinglin spring banquet, Xiuzhu Jinsong, magnolia pheasant can be seen everywhere in Hongfu Building, implying the prosperity and wealth of the visitors, happy eyebrows, fairness and integrity, success in one fell swoop, complete five virtues, etc. , no wonder the business of Hongfulou is booming.

Both Chen Zhong and Jin Qi liked this tune, and they were full of praise all the way up the building.

When I entered the box, I saw that the bald head and the puppy were already waiting.There were two other people sitting beside him, one was poured out of the same mold as the bald head.Another black and thin middle-aged man exudes a gloomy and cold aura.As soon as they stepped into the box, the eyes of both sides met immediately. Jin Qi felt that the other party's eyes were like needles, and instinctively resisted. Eye.

The thin black man snorted in pain and couldn't help but lower his head.I just felt a chill on the top of my head, and dozens of black hairs fluttered down.The thin black man was stunned for a moment.The bald head hurriedly got up and greeted: "Mr. Jin, please sit down. Let me introduce. Sitting next to me is my brother Huang Xiaopang. My brother's first hand is a master of Jinxi Eagle Claw, and his master Duan Mu Changying."

Jin Qi thought to himself that it seemed to be a Hongmen banquet, and the master of the Jinxi Eagle Claw Gate was brought out. The first move just now gave him a little trouble, and he wondered if he would behave better next time.He smiled lightly, cupped his fists and said, "I'm flying the golden flag, I met Brother Duan Mu."

Duan Mu Changying returned the salute but did not make a sound.He was full of surprise and didn't calm down. Why did the other party's gaze seem to be real, and he was able to cut off hair? Could it be that he was condensing his energy like a knife?

He was thinking that the banquet had begun.The cups and cups were mixed, and the aroma of wine was overflowing, so it was very lively.After eating two cups, Puppy Wu pulled out an old cloth bag from under the chair, and opened it to reveal a strange thing: a black ball with a hint of green, about the size of a small human head, with several holes on it, with a gloomy atmosphere, the whole The ball is very uncomfortable to watch.

Chen Zhong asked: "What is this?"

Wu Xiaogou said: "I don't know, I have been hiding it since I got it a year ago, and today I took it out and sold it to Zhijia."

Jin Qi knew in his heart that no one wanted him for a year, so he let go of it, and returned the goods to sell his family, which is really better than singing.But he really wanted this ball, even though he didn't know what it was, the true appearance of the ball under God's eyes was shockingly beautiful.It looks black and green on the outside, but it is brilliant inside. The pure gold cover is inlaid with many red sapphires, turquoise, and white chalcedony, and the patterns formed are very strange, like a human face.At first glance, the sphere looks like a round body, but in fact, there are dark lines in the middle that can be unscrewed.The whole structure is ingenious and mysterious, although it is weird and eerie, but in the eyes of Jin Qi, this thing is extraordinary, and it must have a lot of origins.He asked, "How much will it cost?"

Wu Xiaogou looked at the bald head and said hesitantly, "Yes, I want to sell it for 30 yuan."

"Deal. You and I go back to the hotel together, and you will deliver the goods and pay the money." Seeing Baldhead and Wu Xiaogou look happy, he said, "I know you have sold this ball for a year and no one wants it. The lowest asking price was only 30." But people don’t know this jade ball. Why don’t I return the price of [-] now, I want to make you friends, and someone in Taiyuan will invite me to drink in the future. Haha, come, let’s have a drink if you’re a friend!” He raised his neck and went!

There were toasts on the table, but Duan Mu Changying did not move.Jin Qi stared at him and asked angrily, "Brother Duan Mu doesn't want to be a friend?"

Duan Mu Changying said neither humble nor overbearing: "If brother Jin agrees to take a trip to Duan's old house tomorrow, Duan Muben will be your friend and drink three cups in a row."

Jin Qi stared at the other party, he could see that the other party knew that he was short of him but still was not afraid, he was a strong man.He laughed loudly: "Okay, see you tomorrow at Duan's old house!"

As soon as the words were finished, Duan Mu Changying grabbed the wine glass and poured himself a drink. He drank three glasses in a row without leaking a single drop.

That night, Baldhead and Wu Xiaogou personally sent Jin Qi and the others back, and delivered the money and goods.Holding thirty stacks of RMB, Wu Xiaogou smiled and was full of kitsch, making Jin Qi wonder if this person is glass.

As soon as Chen Zhong came back, he opened the mattress to find the Moye sword, and played with it comfortably. Seeing the bald head and the others leave, he said to Jin Qi: "According to legend, the Moye sword has three handles. One lack of tenacity, Mo Xie's life was ruined. Mo Xie couldn't bear to hide it secretly, so she handed down three Mo Xie female swords. I don't know if these are tough or tough? But they are all good swords, master-level good swords. I It can be seen that 300 million is not a problem. Hey, Qizi, how was the trip to Yangzhou?"

Next, Jin Qi narrated for a full hour before he narrated everything that could be said. Chen Zhong was excited and thanked again, with tears in his eyes, so frightened that Jin Qi hurriedly said: "Boss Chen, continue to play with swords." , I'm going to rest." After finishing speaking, he slipped away without waiting for a reply.

The bald younger brother Huang Xiaopang came to pick him up early the next morning. Jin Qi refused to let Chen Zhong go with him.On this trip he made preparations for battle.

The architecture of Ming and Qing Dynasties in Shanxi is very famous throughout the country. The Qiao Family Courtyard, the Qu Family Courtyard, the Taigu Cao Family Courtyard, and the Lingshi Wang Family Courtyard, which is known as the first private house in China, are typical representatives in the southwestern Shanxi region.The Duan family's old house in a mountain village more than 30 kilometers away from the city is also a Ming Dynasty building. In the eyes of Jin Qi, the towering brick gatehouse is also worth several million.All the way into the house, old, dilapidated, and disrepair is the feeling all the way.It can be seen that although the owner is from an aristocratic family, the family background is average. The house has been in disrepair for many years and some doors and windows are rotten.Unknowingly, he was led to the backyard.

There is a row of plum blossom piles nailed on the left side of the large bluestone slab yard of hundreds of square meters. There are as many as 37 piles. Jin Qi was secretly surprised when he saw it. This is a good thing!There is an ancient locust tree on the east side of the yard, with a crown of six to seven meters in diameter, casting shade on the ground.There are a few deck chairs under the tree, and an old man is lying on the chair. He is thin and looks sick. He looks sick.There were three people standing beside the chair, one woman and two men, one of them was Duan Mu Changying.Seeing Jin Qi approaching, Duan Mu Changying stepped forward and cupped his fists and said, "Brother Jin, let me introduce you. My father is on the recliner. I can't get up because of illness. Please forgive me. This is my elder brother, Duan Mu Changhong. Miss It's my niece, Duan Muying."

Duan Muying snorted with her mouth curled up, with a look of disdain.Jin Qi didn't take it seriously. After seeing Li, he sat on the chair and stared at the old man. After watching for a long time, he suddenly said: "The old man guessed right. I want to try to see if I can get through the blocked veins in your back, but I hesitated because I was afraid of danger." ?”

Everyone felt abrupt and strange when they heard him say that, only the old man who didn't speak suddenly burst out laughing: "Extraordinary, indeed extraordinary. Little Jinzi, do you know how to read minds?"

Jin Qi shook his head and said, "It's a guess, so let's say guessing."

"Who is your teacher?"

"No school, no sect, it's just a family study. Compared with the old man's Shanxi Eagle Claw Gate, it can only be regarded as a weed."

"Hehe, Xiao Jinzi's words are interesting. The big tree that pierced the sky fell on the ground and couldn't get up. Do you really want to soothe my old man's veins? You must know that many famous doctors are helpless, saying that it is a stroke or paralysis. You dare?"

"Old man, I will dare if I wish. If it can't be cured, it won't be cured."

"Hey, why do you madman dare to cure my grandpa's paralysis!"

Jin Qi turned his head and saw that it was Miss Duan Muying with her willow eyebrows flying sideways, her almond eyes wide open, a slender finger almost touched his forehead.He pretended to be terrified and said, "That's not the case. You don't have to curse if you don't want to be punished. If you are so fierce, who will dare to want you in the future?"

"You..." Duan Muying stomped her feet angrily, and said fiercely, "I want to compete with you!"

"Bijibi, it's agreed that if you lose, you are not allowed to complain, you are not allowed to cry, you are not allowed..."

Before Jin Qi could finish speaking, Duan Muying shouted: "Shut up, you're the one who is lying, and you're the one who is crying. Are you talking about punching palms or fighting weapons?"

Jin Qi knew that if he entered Duan Mu's house, he would not let him go regardless of whether he was high or low.Look, the young one is jumping forward, and the three old ones are laughing behind, they just want to see me.He deliberately said: "Swords and swords, you like blood and I don't, so it's better than the two cases."

"The two cases?"

"One is power, the other is speed."

Duan Muying was secretly happy, these two schools are all the specialties of the Eagle Claw Sect, if you lose, you will be called my aunt, my surname is not Duan Mu.She pursed her lips, and said steadily: "It's up to you, just compare strength, speed, how do you compare?"

Jin Qi pointed to the 37 plum blossom piles on the left side of the yard and said: "There are 37 piles in total. Whoever pulls out nineteen piles first will be considered the winner. The loser must promise the winner one condition."

Duan Muying's eyes straightened when she heard the plum blossom pile, and she asked: "Your surname is Jin, do you know how heavy and deep this pile is?"

Of course Jin Qi knows that each pile is [-] meters long, [-] meters above the ground, and the diameter of the pile surface is [-] centimeters, which is very smooth.But he said he didn't know, so the game could be successful.

"I don't know, but you dare to speak out? Don't be unable to pull one out for a long time. No, it's too difficult to use another comparison."

"Hey, I get it, you dare not compare, you're afraid. If you're afraid, just say it, brother will let you have three, three will do?"

"You..." Duan Muying was so angry that she wanted to rush up and kick him a few times, shouting: "Compare, I want to see who gives in to whom."

"Shall we start now? Okay. The three of you will be witnesses. If my nephew wins later, don't say that I bullied you."

(End of this chapter)

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