big bet

Chapter 40 Agarwood ancient wood

Chapter 40 Agarwood ancient wood (1)
"You, bastard!" Duan Muying raised her hand and pulled at Jin Qi, scaring Jin Qi to flee to the left in a hurry.After a while, the two sons carried the old man with the chair over.Jin Qi and Duan Muying stood side by side one meter away from the plum blossom pile, and the fragrance of women's clothes wafted, Jin Qi sniffed his nose.This action immediately met with a few supercilious fruit.Duan Mu Changying, who was standing a foot away, shouted: "Start!"

Duan Muyingyan rushed out, jumped onto the pile, bent her waist, grasped the other plum blossom pile with both palms and pulled it up forcefully.Buried at a depth of [-] meters, and trampled on for many years, how can the pile be pulled up casually?Duan Muying couldn't pull it out, she was shaking desperately, trying to loosen it before pulling it out.The method is correct, but unfortunately, the strength is insufficient. After pulling out half a root for a long time, I am already sweating and panting.He looked up and saw that the person surnamed Jin had folded his arms and stood watching the excitement. He didn't pull out a single root, so he couldn't help being angry: "What are you? If you don't pull it out, you admit defeat?"

"Didn't I ask you to pull out three first?"

"Who wants you to give in? If you don't pull it out, you will lose."

"Do you really want to pull it out?"

"Do you still want to pull it out?"

"Okay, I'll pull out nineteen. You watch the time." After speaking, Duan Muying saw a figure flashing in front of her eyes, and then heard a "boom" sound. A long plum blossom pile flew up and landed heavily on the stone slab .Duan Muying couldn't believe her eyes, she desperately opened her eyes wide, but she could only see people jumping and jumping, and for a while, phantoms flickered in the backyard.

God, is this him?
In a blink of an eye, Jin Qi was standing in front of Duan Muying again, neither panting nor rushing, not even a drop of sweat.A pile of plum blossom piles are neatly stacked on the flagstone floor not far behind, as if they were piled there before.Not only Duan Muying, but also Duan Mu Changying, Duan Mu Changhong, and even old man Duan Mu were deeply shocked and couldn't reflect it for a while.For them, what they can understand is only human ability, at most it is the limit of human beings.As for the facts in front of him, Mr. Duan Mu might be able to pull out one by one in his heyday, but he did it lightly and easily in the blink of an eye.The whole family is in a daze, and Jin Qi wants this effect, otherwise it will be more annoying than going.He deliberately said: "Aying, do you want to order some, isn't it nineteen?"

Duan Muying couldn't bear it anymore, she cried "wow", turned around and ran back, and cursed: "Jin, you bully people."

Jin Qi looked puzzled and said to himself: "Did I bully her? Nope. It's weird, it's weird."

Next, Duan Mu's attitude changed 180 degrees, please enter the inner room, all the tobacco, wine, tea and fruits are served, even the cold and arrogant Duan Mu Changying flattered Jin Xiong and Jin Xie shortly, which made Jin Qi very annoyed.He simply dragged the old man into his bedroom and tried to become a physician.

This seems difficult to explain. In fact, when Jin Qi inspected the inside of the human body for the first time, he could easily find abnormal lesions.There are clusters of cold air hidden in the Dabao acupoint on the spleen meridian. There are dark blue moving air whirlpools in the red acupoints. If you use your own Taiyin current to impact the cold air cluster, you will be able to evacuate these cold air and achieve a therapeutic effect.

He helped old man Duan Mu up, pushed the Dabao acupoint on his back with both palms, and slowly forced the Taiyin flow out of Laogong acupoint and into the opponent's body.He felt that old man Duan Mu was holding back the pain. Of course it was difficult and painful for the fresh air to wash the dry riverbed, but the result was new vitality.

It was almost evening, Jin Qi helped the old man out of the bedroom.Once again, everyone was overwhelmed. Unexpectedly, the old man who had been paralyzed for five years was able to walk. He walked steadily to his relatives waiting at the door step by step, with a long-lost relaxed smile on his face.

Duan Muying was the first to go up to her, and cheered happily: "Grandpa, you can go again!"

Old Man Duan Mu pushed away the golden flag that was supporting him, and said, "Let go of Xiao Jinzi, let me walk a few steps to show them." Trembling could really walk, and walked all the way to the dining table.

Today all the relatives of Duan Mu's family gathered here, on the one hand to celebrate the rebirth of the old man, and on the other hand to be knowledgeable and knowledgeable characters.The meeting was very lively.Duan Muying chose to sit on the golden flag, and while eating, she tugged at the hem of the golden flag's clothes, and said softly, "Can you teach me martial arts?"

Jin Qi was stunned, how could he teach him even if he didn't know how to do every move?He was embarrassed.Grandpa Duan Mu said with a smile: "Ying'er, the Wu family has rules, and if you don't spread your achievements, don't bother Xiao Jinzi. Xiao Jinzi, you saved me, and I have nothing to thank you. I will give you 37 ancient plum blossoms. Pile. Don’t underestimate the wooden pile, it’s made of agarwood, a high-quality wood, it’s useless if left alone, here it is for you.”

Jin Qi thought, I dare to look down on you so much. The 37 pieces of ancient agarwood are priceless. I wanted them at first, but I’m embarrassed to say so. Now the old man gave them to me. I’m really embarrassed.He joked and said, "I'll go back and sort out a piece of basic information on the art of self-cultivation. Brother Duan Mu will bring it back a month later when he sends the stakes. Let's all try to practice together. Of course, don't pass it on."

Duan Mu Changying's eyes lit up, and he asked anxiously: "Brother Jin is talking about the art of cultivation?"

"Brother Duan Mu heard correctly."

"Oh my God, there is really a way to cultivate truth! Brother Jin, please be worshipped by Duan Mu." As Duan Mu Changying left his seat and came to Jin Qi, he was about to kneel down. Duan Mu Changying didn't let go.One insisted on kneeling, and the other insisted on not giving way, which became a stalemate.

The old man said: "Brother Jin, generations of Duan Mu's family have struggled to learn martial arts in order to find a path of cultivation, but generations have dreamed of martial arts, and martial arts has become a bottleneck. Brother Jin's generosity to give Dao today is a miracle of heaven for Duan Mu's family." Fu, you are the great benefactor of Duan Mu's family. Let Changying kowtow on behalf of Duan Mu's family, this is a heart, this is a gift, otherwise the old man will have to kowtow." Said tremblingly and stood up again.

Many people around the table clamored to see the ceremony, which made Jin Qi dizzy, loosened his hands, and Duan Mu Changying knelt down straight, proclaiming his master, and kowtowed three times before giving up.Jin Qi shook his head and said, "There's no need for the formality, it's good for everyone to be like a family from now on."

He drank a lot of wine and told how to get to Taiyuan and how to scare the eagle.Old Man Duan Mu smiled and said, "I would like to thank the Huang family boy, otherwise Brother Jin would not be able to reach Taiyuan, it was just a pain for Brother Chen. Chang Ying will call the Huang family boy tomorrow and bring a gift to make amends to Chen Zhong." A gift. Ying'er will play Taiyuan with the guests tomorrow, and everyone will have fun for a few days before getting drunk."

All of a sudden, everyone was happy, and the wine poured into the throats that screamed like flowing water.

The half-drunk Jin Qi said to the little beauty beside him: "It seems that someone promised to lose, what, what..."

The little beauty leaned close to her ear, breathed like blue and asked: "Who agreed?" As she spoke, her little hands twisted a lump of flesh on the man's waist, and began to exert force, so that someone said in a fright: "I remember wrong, I remembered wrong. "

After playing in Taiyuan for five consecutive days, Duan Muying let Jin Qi go.Because Chen Zhong insisted on taking the train with Mo Xie's bronze sword, Jin Qi couldn't say clearly that he was sure to pass the security check, so he had to buy three sleeper tickets with him, and headed south that night.

Guan Shan has let go of his heart these days and is crazy tired following a group of young people, and snores as soon as he touches the shop.Unexpectedly, snoring could be contagious. Not long after, Chen Zhong, who was drinking beer, also blew a monosyllabic whistle.Jin Qi couldn't bear the attack from the left and right of the small box, and came to the aisle window alone, looking at the mountains, tree shadows, and long-distance villages, and couldn't help but think of the earth-shaking changes in his life in the past month or so. Everything is so Incredible.

From the time when I accidentally received the Taiyin Treasure Book, I seemed to be involuntarily drifting towards an unknown goal.Even after experiencing all kinds of life and death tribulations and all kinds of good luck and fortune, until today I still can't see clearly which door my fate will open in the end.Sometimes he would suddenly imagine that he was a god in trouble, after ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships, he finally became a righteous fruit and returned to the heaven.Then he shook his head and said no, so what about Heaven?Can it compare to the brilliant and colorful life I just started?His mind immediately entered the heavenly precepts, and those beautiful and priceless treasures cheered him up in the blink of an eye.At this time, he understood that possession is his goal!Owning a lot, you must never go back to the poor situation in the past, swallowing tears while pretending to be obedient.This kind of humiliating slavishness is dangerously drowning myself, and I will never allow it!Never tolerate it!If the sky gives the art of swallowing the sky, then swallow the sky!Don't worry about the sudden arrival of wealth, who is born to have everything?The backside of glory and nobility is all cruelty and sinister, they are all like this, the difference is only whether it is well concealed or not.As long as you feel right, go ahead and do it.It's a big deal to go to the mountains to hunt for treasure.When you think of treasure hunting, you think of the next treasure hunting target - Yulong KS River.

"excuse me."

A beautiful but cold voice came from the side, and when I turned my head to look, I was a little startled: a cold beauty with a unique charm.The black satin tight-fitting long skirt outlines a concave-convex figure, and the wavy long hair sets off the thin, white face like jade, showing a sculptural charm. Although the facial features are not beautiful in detail, you have to marvel at the combination. A face seen and never forgotten; this is a face that makes a man feel great and his heart beat.

And this face was walking by so close to her, and there was a faint fragrance for a while.Jin Qi's eyes seemed to be drawn, and followed him.Jinqi's "mind state" is not to be taken for granted.This woman was also thrilled by the chance encounter, hoping to follow her.He couldn't help laughing, and walked into the box very casually, without hearing the ups and downs of snoring on both sides, entering a mysterious realm of cultivation.Thinking of the disappointment of the unattractive beauty, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It was midnight again when we arrived at Heshi, so Chen Zhong went back first.Jin Qi and Guan Shan rushed to the farmhouse at the foot of Yaofeng Mountain, got some eggs and noodles to satisfy their stomachs, and took a hasty rest.Before seven o'clock, I was awakened by a knock on the door. It turned out that Wang Yufang, the accountant, had come.

As soon as they met, they said: "Brother Jin, have you gone up the mountain to see it? The trees have been planted halfway up the slope, and the tea trees have also been planted. Two trails up the mountain have been built, and they will all be completed in a few days. I left the field in the middle of the night yesterday. Rain, when I came here just now, I saw layers of fresh green from a distance, it was really beautiful, very beautiful. Several buildings were also built, with white walls and gray tiles, but the scenery of the garden is incomparable with the original one." Wang Yufang He is straightforward, speaks lightly and neatly, and speaks very fast.

Jin Qi kept saying yes, and dragged Guan Shan out of the backyard.The thin mountain mist hides a piece of verdant greenery, which seems to go up to the sky.A concrete avenue stretches forward, connecting three small two-story buildings that have just been completed.The foundation of the frontmost building has been completed, and it looks like it will be erected in a few days.Tea trees are planted all over the foot of the mountain, and several ancient trees tower into the sky.Looking from a distance, the curved roads are winding, the ancient trees are towering, the tea seedlings are blooming green, and the new buildings are embellished.

"Brother Guan, come closer and see where we will live and work in the future." He said, and he ran first.This is his long-awaited home, can it not excite people who often live in dilapidated houses?
The past few days for Guan Shan have been the most carefree and exciting days in his life.From the moment he received the 60 gold card, he considered himself a man of the golden flag, taking his happiness as his happiness and his pain as his pain.Seeing the big mountains in front of him, new houses, new roads, new trees, and new seedlings, he also called out excitedly and ran.

Standing by the side of a pond with a size of more than [-] mu, Jin Qi introduced to Guan Shan with satisfaction: "It is a good place to build a wooden pavilion with Taihu stones on the side of the pond, and raise some koi. Good place to go. Get some grape trellises in the west and plant Kyoho grapes, hehe, it’s sweet just thinking about it.”

Guan Shan pointed to the three small buildings and asked, "Brother Jin, where is our workshop?"

"Yes. We are not mainly engaged in workpieces, but gemstone raw materials, so the workshop should not be too large. The second-floor building in the middle of the three buildings has an area of ​​more than 400 square meters. The floor is divided into several rooms, and you will see how it will be arranged. The last building is the living area, and the specific arrangement has not been figured out. The first building is the residence of you and me. There are six independent areas, of which Brother Guan chooses one. The unfinished building is a Ц-shaped second floor, one horizontal is the exhibition hall, and the second vertical is the reception room and office. The general distribution is like this.”

"Where's the warehouse?"

Jinqi can’t say that the best warehouse is in my hands, so I can only explain: “The first building, that is, there is an underground warehouse under your and my residence, it is very large, covering more than 300 square meters, and there is a dedicated passage to the second building. "

Speaking of the two having reached the third small building, Jin Qi jokingly said to Wang Yufang who was following behind: "Will Accountant Wang consider working in Jin's Treasure Treasure and become our manager, okay?"

Wang Yufang's village accountant is now a nameless accountant. He usually collects fees and pays payments, and his salary is only [-] yuan.She had a heart for Yaofeng Mountain Villa as soon as it was built, and now the master's invitation is of course accepted.In fact, Jin Qi could understand her mind and state of mind at a glance!

Jin Qi said with a smile: "Now the three of us are full-time employees of Jinshi Treasure Co., Ltd., and I will divide the work. Guan Shan is responsible for purchasing various machinery, installing them in place, and starting the Jade Workshop. Wang Yufang is in charge. The living area, exhibition area, office area, and the purchase of all the needs of the villa. And recruit service, cleaning, greening maintenance and other personnel. These tasks must be completed within one month, so that we can start work and move into the new house. Yufang opened the account first, I paid you 300 million yuan for various expenses, but it was not enough to ask me in time. I am responsible for company registration, recruitment of management personnel, purchase of raw materials, etc. The task is very heavy, and everything is difficult to switch. Do the two founders have confidence?"

Guan Shan nodded seriously.

Wang Yufang said with a smile: "Under the correct leadership of Mr. Jin, we will surely succeed."

Jin Qi also smiled: "Yufang, Guan Shan is a technical expert and an outsider. He is not familiar with Heshi, so you should help him. He will give you one when he makes a work of art. It must be Rare baby."

Wang Yufang extended her hand generously towards Guan Shan and said, "Brother Guan, please take care of us as a family from now on."

Guan Shan shook his soft hand hesitantly, blushing, and said softly, "Thank you."

Jin Qi felt that there was a perfect match between a man and a woman in front of him, both in their early thirties, both widowed, and wondered if they would succeed in the future.He added: "The urgent thing now is to buy a car and have a driver. It will be convenient for you to run around."

"I'll do it when I buy a car. Let's buy a van first. It can carry people and goods. The driver is not in a hurry, I will drive."

"Okay, now Guan Shan is waiting for the construction workers to come here to learn more about the situation. Yufang and I will go to the bank. I may come back late today. Yufang will take care of Guan Shan. Don't wait for me." Then he turned and left.Just before arriving at the farm house, I met Wang Yufang's younger brother Wang Bin.Wang Bin dragged him and talked for a long time, of course the word "money" was inseparable, until Jin Qi agreed to increase from 600 million to 700 million before letting him go with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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