big bet

Chapter 42 Agarwood ancient wood

Chapter 42 Agarwood ancient wood (3)
There were footsteps at the door, Mr. Zhou was in front, and Zhou Mei'er entered the box behind.Jin Qi stared intently, feeling relieved for a moment, and sipped the red wine in his glass leisurely.

Mr. Zhou took his seat, raised his glass to invite a drink, and said, "I think the 850 million gold should be accepted."


"Up to 900 million!" Elder Zhou stared at Jin Qi, his old eyes sparkling.

Jin Qi stood up, cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Zhou, anyway, please think about it slowly if you have time. I'll take a step first and we'll talk about it another day."

Elder Zhou looked at Chen Zhong and said, "Boss Chen, look at this..."

Chen Zhong felt angry when he thought that Mo Xiejian had lost 380 million yuan. He spread his hands and made a helpless gesture, but went out the door first.Jin Qi also left, leaving only the old and the young looking at each other.My father said, "They really set the price right now."

"Actually, the value of 1000 million is just based on rubies. If you clean it up, you can still earn 500 to [-] million. Now Hong Kong is very popular."

"Take it easy, they didn't go far. The one surnamed Jin is getting more and more powerful, and I think Mo Xie's sword is also hanging. Maybe the one surnamed Chen will regret it!"

When Jin Qi returned to Yaofeng Mountain, he didn't go to the farm house, but went directly to the secret cave next to the Tibetan soldier's cave.He needs to check the changes in his body.Reckless 7 is that Song Shi forcibly planted and cultivated Dan. He felt that he was exhausted for a while, and his condition improved after several weeks of interest rate adjustment. Some uneasy.

Everything in the secret grotto is as before. Sitting cross-legged on the stone bed for a moment, he enters the state of breathing adjustment. The Taiyin current flows briskly through the hundreds of veins, and the inner organs are full of silver light. It seems that the inner breath is stronger than before.Jin Qi was a little confused. When the sun flowed through the upper dantian, Jin Qi was even more surprised. The previously closed upper dantian actually formed a purple whirlpool, and a silver light spot at the core of the whirlpool was gradually getting bigger and sprayed out. Thousands of silver lights.What kind of stuff is this?Jin Qi's mind was confused, guessing that maybe it was because he had taken one-fifth of the Azure Dragon Pill?Maybe it's because he tried his best to damage his own Nascent Soul?Jin Qi has encountered too many strange things in the past six months, and he is used to going with the situation, so he doesn't figure it out if he doesn't know it.As soon as he gave up the idea of ​​pursuing it, he immediately immersed himself in a state of ecstasy.

Countless gold and silver spots suddenly ooze from the four walls of the secret cave, pouring into Jin Qi's body one after another as if being drawn.Seemingly endless, the light rain kept pouring down...

After an unknown amount of time, Jin Qi suddenly opened his eyes, and two silver light blades pierced towards the wall of the cave with a "swish" sound.Jin Qi hurriedly closed his eyes, this was too terrifying, how could his gaze be like a knife that could crush stones?Looking inside a little, the Taiyin flow in the meridian has become a very thick silver liquid instead of gas.The place where the silver liquid flows is cool and comfortable, and there is a feeling of floating.Looking close to the upper dantian, Jin Qi was dumbfounded again, and the Taiyin treasure mirror was hanging in the air in a ball of purple air, slowly turning, an ultra-small Jin Qi shining with silver all over, was looking at him with a smile on his face and eyes.Wow, the little guy is amazing, can you walk around?As soon as the thought came to him, Xiao Jinqi smiled and disappeared.

"Hey, this is a natural spiritual place!" Scared by the childish tone, Jin Qi hurriedly searched for it. The little Jin Qi was flying around in the secret cave, and countless light spots leaked from the stone wall, all of which gathered around him, he laughed. As I said, I ate the light spots bit by bit, like tasting a delicious tonic.Jin Qi shouted in fright: "Come back!"

The little golden flag disappeared in a flash, and reappeared in the purple vortex, sitting upright with its back against the treasure mirror of Taiyin.

Jin Qi vaguely understands that the purple vortex may be called Zi Fu, and that the Nascent Soul's eyebrows and eyes are clear, and it is the third stage of becoming a baby, which is the final stage.Are you amazing?I haven't figured out what comprehension is, and I have entered the advanced stage of comprehension.According to Song poetry, it is only one person in the world who ascends the Jindan Dao. With the cultivation state of the out-of-body stage, doesn't he become the No. 1 in the world?Hahaha, it should be said that the richest person in the world is the most comfortable.

It suddenly occurred to me that there was a large green jade hidden in the Tianshi Jie, which was bought from the village chief's house in Yaofeng Village for 10 yuan.I tried many times before but couldn't smash the sapphire, or suck out a conscious thing imprisoned in the sapphire, because the strength was not enough.What kind of frightening power is the Nascent Soul after it comes out of the body? Didn't it just happen to try it?

In a blink of an eye, Daqing Ancient Jade appeared beside him.Square and square, with a silly look, the round eyes in the center are faintly radiating a slight chill. The "Vision Consciousness Realm" unfolded, hey, the previously impenetrable stone skin is now easily penetrated, the realm of cultivation has increased, and the magic power has also improved.

There is an unusual world in the sapphire. At first glance, it is hazy and misty. If you observe carefully, there seem to be many spaces separated by light beams in the vast and boundless space, and each space is different in size.In the central area, there is a huge square sapphire, which is almost the same as the large green jade bought by Jinqihua for 10 yuan. The only difference is that there are more incomprehensible and constantly changing symbols on the surface of the sapphire.Is this the seal of India and China?Jin Qi was very surprised. The "Vision Realm" continued to detect, and there was a stream of golden juice flowing in the Yinzhongzhiyin. The tight jade seemed to have no hindrance to the golden liquid at all. Every time I get to the Yinbi, I can't move forward.After tossing for a long time, the golden liquid shrinks into a ball and bounces back to the center, and then rushes in another direction after a while, but of course it returns without success, just like this.

Jin Qi stretched out his right palm and pressed it on Ji Xinyuan's eyes, and a row of characters flashed on the Taiyin treasure mirror in the upper dantian: Shangguzhen Tianzhiyin.Taiyi seals the magic formation.Then Jin Qi entered a lot of words in his mind, and he couldn't forget them even if he wanted to. After careful consideration, they were all the magic formulas for retracting the Tianzhen Seal and sealing the demon formation.Jin Qi was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, he got the seal of Shangguzhen Tian by accident, and there was also a Taiyi seal magic formation in the seal, and a big devil was imprisoned in the formation.Jin Qi only had a rough understanding of it, and was shocked by the great supernatural powers of printing and capturing gods and demons, and capturing monsters. Thinking about it, who would dare to say "no" in the future?Hey, let him taste what it's like to be imprisoned for a hundred years in Yinzhong!Haha, especially in India and China, there is also the Taiyi Sealing Magic Formation that works automatically, and you can't get out of it no matter how powerful you are.This is an artifact!Jin Qi jumped up and down happily.He has always wanted to have one or two pieces that are good at hand, which can both defend himself and attack the enemy, but he never thought that there would be one.

"What is Zhentianyin, it is a seventh-level artifact. I am an eighth-level artifact, but you turn a blind eye, what an idiot!"

A thought rushed into his mind through his right palm, and Jin Qi knew that it was the gold liquid in Yinzhong that was causing the trouble. Last time, it communicated with itself with its spiritual consciousness.Now that I have the formula to unravel the Taiyi Sealing Demon Formation, I can completely release it, but what the hell is it?Will there be any adverse consequences after coming out?Just as Jin Qi was thinking, Jin Ye came back with consciousness: "If you let me out, I will recognize you as the master. I am an eighth-level artifact, and if you have me, you can pull me from heaven to earth."

Jin Qi wanted to laugh, this ghost thing can still use the word "pull"!He thought for a while, bit his middle finger, dripped a few drops of blood into Yu Xinyuan's eyes, squeezed the formula with his left middle finger and thumb, and said softly: "Shut up!" The blood immediately seeped into the seal.

The golden liquid felt the blood mist falling from the sky, and it ran away in horror. Although the liquid twisted and dodged very quickly and neatly, the blood mist floating all over the sky subdued it.When the red blood melted into the golden liquid, there was a burst of golden light trembling, and a message appeared in Jin Qi's thoughts: "God Slash. Shape as you like. Eighth-level artifact. Fall into the demon realm and be used by the gods and demons. The battle between the gods and the destruction of the sky , Divine Slash was sealed into the Fantian Seal. Wannian will be reborn."

Jin Qi screamed, and a ray of golden light shot up from Yu Shiyuan's eyes, and circled around the four walls of the secret cave for several times before congealing at the place three feet above Jin Qi's head, motionless, swallowing the golden light.The golden flag's "Mind Consciousness Realm" is covered with a cloud of golden liquid, reading the connotation of God's Slash.One after another divine slashing techniques flowed into my mind clearly like water, and slowly a ball of golden liquid transformed into a giant golden axe in my mind, with two circling golden dragons engraved on both sides of the ax blade, and the saw-shaped blade The mouth is the fangs in the giant mouth of the golden dragon.The handle of the ax is a string of hovering dragon scales, reflecting a strong golden light in all directions.According to his own thoughts, the golden liquid above his head is shaping up according to the same pattern, transforming into a majestic and real God's Slash!
Jin Qi chanted the formula lightly, and Shen Zhan became the size of a millstone, as if about to break out of the cave; after a while, it shrank back to the size of a palm, circling and flying around the master's body.Suddenly, there was a "boom" on the stone, and the hard rock split a meter long hole, shaking the whole Yaofeng Mountain.Jin Qi was so frightened that he stuck out his tongue, he just slashed lightly, but there was such a big movement, if he slashed with all his strength...he didn't dare to think about it.

Now I have two artifacts, one for attack and one for defense. The attacker is divinely slashed, and the defender suppresses the sky. Who can resist the attack of the eighth-level artifact and break through the defense of the seventh-level artifact.What's more interesting is that Shenzhan can turn back into a liquid and hide in his right wrist; Zhentianyin can be put into the palm of his left palm.Think about how powerful enemies can be captured by stretching out your left palm. Who can see through this magic?
Get out of the secret cave and restore the cave door to its original state.Lift up your eyes and look at another night, has a day passed in between?When I opened the mobile phone that was turned off when I entered the cave, I realized that three days had passed without knowing it.I don't eat, drink or rest for three days, and I'm so radiant, I'm really a fairy.Seeing that it was about to dawn, he simply went down the mountain to the pond that had just been dug, and found a suitable place to move out the two large pieces of Taihu Lake rocks that he got from the bottom of Taihu Lake.

While there was no one around, he took out another 120 pieces of jade wool.These are all the treasures at the bottom of the hidden dragon pond, and the colorful contents inside will probably frighten Guan Shan.

One large and one small two pieces of Dahu stone are also the best.The large one is about the size of Guanyunfeng in Lingering Garden, which not only meets the conditions of leaky, transparent, and thin ancient beautiful stones, but also meets the three requirements of shape, color, and potential for modern beautiful stones, which can be said to be impeccable.Although the small one is slightly inferior to one shoulder, it is not inferior as a supporting stone for the main peak.These two large-tonnage beautiful garden stones are worth tens of millions in the stone market, and there is no market for them. They are truly unique.It will become a landscape of Yaofeng Mountain Villa in the future, and it will be an eye-catching and excellent landscape.

There might have been some movement in the mess, and he saw Guan Shan rushing over with a wooden stick.Jin Qi felt a fever in his heart, and felt very relieved that this brother was right.

When Guan Shan approached and saw that it was Jin Qi, he smiled and said, "Brother Jin, where have you been these few days? Chen Zhong called you a lot."

Jin Qi pointed at the large and small stones and said, "I've gone to make stones. Brother Guan, look at these."

Before Jin Qi could say anything, Guanshan was overwhelmed by the beautiful and huge Taihu Lake stone.The mouth was opened wide and could not be closed for a moment.Immediately afterwards, he couldn't help exclaiming: "Emerald wool!" A master sculptor naturally understands stone.He rushed over to stroke the rough stones with jet-black skin, yellow sand shells, and gray-black surfaces, with a look of surprise and joy, and kept muttering: "Good news."

Not wanting to disturb the idiotic stone man, Jin Qi stood aside and looked around at Yaofeng Villa, which had not been seen for a few days, and changed again. The ц-shaped arm has been built to the top.The cement road connecting the three small buildings in the back has also been paved.From a distance, the last living building seems to be occupied by people.The wooden fences and walls of the villa are all surrounded, and it already looks like a villa at a rough glance.

Guan Shan came to him and said: "I found two jade polishers in the talent market. They are a pair of brothers. After trying it out, I recruited them. Now I have lived in the living room. Manager Wang also recruited cooks and hygienists." And the four green maintenance staff of the mountain villa are all from the village. The workshop has also been tidied up, and Chen Zhong helped to enter three cutting machines, three sharpening machines, four carving tables, two polishing machines, and three polishing machines. They are all state-of-the-art, costing hundreds of thousands. The warehouse has put in shelves and large safes. Two safes are definitely not enough for these treasures, so I have to buy a few more. Shall I go and have a look?"

Guan Shan's work attitude is impeccable, what makes Jin Qi even more happy is the affection he shows towards himself, this faint brotherly feeling makes people warm and at ease.The two looked around the villa. The living and production parts were complete, and the work could start as soon as the emerald wool arrived.The golden flag means to untie all of them and store them in old pits, glass, ice, bean greens, etc., in preparation for the company's billing.Buy more safes, large ones, because there will be many good Ming materials in the future.

The two brothers talked and talked for three hours before they knew it. At eight o'clock, the construction workers and the staff of the villa all went to work.When Wang Yufang heard that the boss and Guan Shan hadn't had breakfast yet, she hurriedly took care of the kitchen preparations.After a while, hot fried noodles, eggs, and milk were served, which made Jin Qi feel like home.

Leave some money and tell Guan Shan that he has to go out to find wool, and he may not come back for several days.Guan Shan looked at him, and said after a long time: "Brother Jin, take care of your body, don't be too tired. Home, brother will watch over you, don't worry." As he spoke, the eyes of the Shanxi man turned red.The two brothers get together less and leave more, busy.

Call Chen Zhong, only to find out that Zhou Meier has been looking for him for a few days.He asked the other party's phone number, and then called: "Hello, I'm Jin Qi, is Miss Zhou looking for me?"

Zhou Meier's cold voice: "Mr. Jin Qi, come over and sit down when you are free?"

"See you there?"

"It's in my father's store, please bring the real thing."

Wang Yufang drove Jin Qi to the town and stopped at the antique shop, but the door was closed, and Chen Zhong and Mei Ling were not there.Jin Qi had no choice but to come to Guyizhai next door alone.Boss Zhou Qiusheng was waiting, seeing him coming in, hurriedly greeted him into the back hall.

Today Zhou Meier wore light makeup, and her white dress looked even more glamorous.This girl is different from Fengjuan, Yaxian, and Song Shi, she has a kind of coquettishness in her bones, but her face is always sullen, making people feel cold, but she can't help but want to try another kind of beauty.

Seeing that Jin Qi looked her up and down as soon as she entered the door, Zhou Meier couldn't help snorting in her heart.Although the man in front of him was somewhat different from other men, especially his pair of silver-gray eyes and the vague aura that overflowed from his body, it made people feel weird.But the lust is the same, they all have faces that want to swallow women.She felt that she hated him a little and wanted to play tricks on him.Let him also taste the trouble of telling himself to wait for him for three days in vain.

Seeing the two of you looking at me, Zhou Qiusheng saw that you were silent, so he hurriedly said, "Sit down quickly, Young Master Jin, and Meier makes tea. Did Young Master Jin bring anything?"

Jin Qi took out a small leather pouch from his pocket and handed it to Elder Zhou.

Mr. Zhou carefully untied the slipknot and took out the string of beads.A red flame immediately illuminated the room, and Zhou, who has decades of jewelry eyes, knew at a glance that it was a rare pigeon's blood ruby.If you use a magnifying glass to look at the gemstone to form more than 30 facets, under the light, it will be refracted several times to form a charming cross star light.The color is even more stunning, an intense pigeon blood red at its best value.This bright and beautiful deep red renders the face of the gemstone as bright as burning, just like the incarnation of the legendary immortal crow, full of vitality.This gemstone is carefully identified, there is no flaw in the crystal, and the color is uniform. No wonder Jinqi insists on saying 1000 million.

(End of this chapter)

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